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My Review of “The Secret”

Charlie Phillips

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e critic. As a matter of fact I seldom watch movies. I’ll bet it has been at least five years since I even went to a movie theater. I seldom rent movies, actually about the only time I watch them is when someone loans me a video. I don’t have my TV hooked up to anything but a VCR so I don’t watch made for TV movies either.

So what qualifications do I have for writing a review, only that I’ve been on this place we call earth for almost seven decades. I am neither rich nor famous and have gone from one venture to another in a haphazard way most of my life. While some may say I haven’t accomplished much, I say I have had experiences that money couldn’t buy. Lets just say I have come to terms with my life and try to live and enjoy life to it’s fullest.

Let me begin by saying this is not some action film, actually it’s mostly people talking about what “the secret” is. I have come to the conclusion that when you watch it you will “get it” or you will be like the reviewer mentioned above and debunk the whole thing.

I, like most of mankind have been taught that in order to succeed someone must lose. This is something that is implied rather than admitted or directly taught. That has always been a hang-up for me. I always was making excuses, mostly for myself, as to why I might have something someone else didn’t. Well after watching the movie I discovered I was right. Now if you have seen the movie, you are saying what the bleep is he talking about. You see for us to have what we want, we really have to lose our ego. If you look up the word to describe the devil in the bible you will discover one of the definitions is adversary. I believe our biggest adversary is our own ego.

Would I recommend this movie to an individual? The thought crossed my mind that to answer that I would have to ask you, are you spiritual or religious? I say that somewhat tongue in cheek, because Jesus tells us “the secret” in the bible. The only thing I can tell you is that it changed the way I look at life. So rent it, and see for yourself, the worst thing that can happen is you spent two bucks you could have bought a beer with. And who knows, maybe it will change how you feel about life.
