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From Turtle Woman: Violet Light NOW!

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t and asleep during the morning/day to overcome this problem. They find that they do not suffer these attacks when they change their sleeping habits to this schedule.

Many are finding that their body/mind are trying to do this for them by adjusting the bio-rhythms so the body/mind want to be awake at night and asleep during the day. The body, changing its schedule to this alternate bio-rhythm in defense of the Self, is creating many problems for those who have jobs or other inflexible day schedules which do not allow for the freedom of the body to naturally develop this Self protection.

It is now very important to surround yourself, your home, your property, your neighborhood, and your work place with Golden Light often, several times per day, and especially before going to sleep. In addition, bring in and surround yourself with the Violet Light right behind the Golden Light and use it to make yourself, home, etc. "invisible" to those of dark intent. Use the Golden Light in conjunction with the Violet Light when you travel too.

Last but certainly not least, ask the Creator, your guardian angles, and "anyone" else that you feel inclined to call upon to protect you multiple times per day and especially during your sleep. This, apparently, needs to become a daily habit from now on.

If you continue to experience these attacks, ask in Truth who is attacking you, and start zapping them with Golden Light to neutralize their dark intent every time you think about it.... and certainly before you go to sleep, an ideal time while you're calling in your protection.

Please know that the 'gloves' are completely off by those of dark energies. Although we are all protected, we are still responsible for our self, Self, and own well being; therefore we still need to take good care of ourselves and utilize the gifts and tools the Creator has given to us to aid in our protection during these unique times.

In addition, many of the Vanguard have become more and more silent, pulling within themselves as things ratchet up to a more intense level. Many are reporting that they are struggling with internal and external challenges like they have never experienced before. Many are experiencing isolation like they have never known before.

If you have been silent for awhile, reach out now to all your fellow Lightworkers. There is a need to reconnect in a very real and personal way. Outside of the personal benefit of love and support given to our fellow Lightworkers, the direct reconnection of our personal spiritual power in combination as one whole will give an energy boost in the right direction that is important at this time... so ET, call home. ;oD

Blessings to you all. Stay in the Golden Light Love and Light, Turtle Woman, Oma.

In the Name of ONE, Sandy
