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America: Why The Nation Is Weak No Values, No Character,No Faith In God

No Values, No Character,No Faith In God

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The more one contemplates this nation and the things that made it great, the more it becomes evident that our globalism and denial of our Christian foundations (albeit we were created a secular state) have cut away the underpinnings of our greatness. We have transgressed both the law of God and the sage advice of our founders who warned us against the very things this generation has done, and the result is evident.

This is no longer a nation to be feared because its own media will undermine any attempt to carry out a war, and war is a matter of who emerges victorious over the other. If victory is not the object, then whatever conflict there is, is not war. That is what we have had since 1945, a series of killing skirmishes for which we have had to offer apology to both the opponents and our own people for the senseless killings. As to a war on terror, that is not going to be fought on any battlefield under any rules of engagement. War now means killing at random and taking out the perceived enemy any which way it is possible, and for the opponents of a nation that still attempts to operate under rules of engagement, it means horror and barbarism from the opponents.

Useless killing is not war. War has an objective and a victory that is conceded by the enemy. Scattered terrorists operating like street gangs with warlord leaders are not subject to rules of engagement, they can scarcely be differentiated from the general population. It will be interesting to see how Russia deals with the Chechnyan Muslim rebels who inflicted such horror on the children across its border. To give any quarter to the insane murderers of children as making some sort of statement to the world has but one statement: no mercy to the perpetrators of hideous crimes. Kill them all and let their god sort it out.

Meanwhile back in the United States, elected representatives are considering whether to consider certain parts of the Bible as "hate speech." Such cyborgs have no place in Congress, they best be placed in a special section of Area 51 with whatever aliens might be stashed there. To insult God in the laws of the land by dictating what preachers may and may not teach in the Christian faith that has been the underpinning of this nation's morals even prior to its Declaration of Independence from the Crown is to slap at God in the worst way possible. These are the arrogant nitwits who are spending the tax dollars of American Christian taxpayers to choke off religious freedom, and when challenged, bring up "separation of church and state." Yes, and that separation is to keep government out of religion, never to keep religion out of government. Ignorance of our founding documents has been found among scores of people elected to legislative office in this land, and such are unfit for the task.

This nation is daring God to bring His judgment on it, and they may get their bluff called, and in spades.

The twaddle heads who spend their generous allowances on caviar and are driven around in taxpayer-provided limousines are some of the biggest cowards this nation has ever seen. Most of our recent presidents never fought in a war or even served their time in the military to which they were called, other than enough to say they were in prior to getting out as quickly as possible. Issues are never as important as gossip and mudslinging in a political campaign, but viciousness has never been as vile as it is today. Perhaps that is all the tabloid mentality of Americans raised on puppet television programs can digest. Tabloid papers and magazines make millions while magazines for thinking people go begging for subscribers.

American intelligence is an oxymoron -- militarily and civilian applications included.

The once great churches are still fighting, but they are fighting an uphill battle against a witless Congress that is going to follow the Global Governance agenda in spite of what the million or so thinking people in this nation want. There are nearly three hundred million who cannot read adequately, think clearly or understand what is happening, so they do as they are told.

That is precisely what will bring judgment on this land. America is nowhere in Bible prophecy, largely because it will not be distinguishable as America, it will be a smorgasbord of ethnicities who will make it a battleground of ideals against which there will be no recourse to anything, anywhere, and with the blessing of a traitorous Supreme Court that blesses the evil and curses the good.

When we had character we were a strong people who would not allow so-called leaders to push through "thought crime" bills. Now that we are weak, most people don't know what a thought crime is or what thought crime laws will do to constitutional, civil and human rights. When you do not have the right to think or act in accordance with your conscience, under the constitutional law of the land, you have no liberty. You are a serf in a kingdom of elitists whose only objective is to see who gets the title this round of purported elections.

The greatest thing that could strike this land is judgment severe enough to bring people back to reality and reveal the leaders for the cowardly scoundrels they are.

The more I withdraw from politics and retreat into the study of the Christian Scriptures, the more I see why there is no peace on earth and why there cannot be without a just and perfect Ruler, who has promised to return. But is this not a political article? To some extent it involves politics because it involves people, and people are the raw material of politics. But more than that, it is a statement of why America is weak and growing weaker in the absence of a thinking electorate that will rise up and demand justice, freedom and liberty for all, not just for the select few.

Our trees have produced rotten fruit that is poisoning the land. Our own leaders have sold out the nation for gain for the enormously wealthy, and then toss mud at each other as to who is worse -- those who have done the evil deeds or those who are waiting their turn.

Movies, media and music do not lead the nation's moral values, they reflect them. What is acceptable today would have called for jail sentences forty to fifty years ago. And while we cannot go back, there is a forward that can change paths, there's a fork in the road every few feet, a decision to be made for good or for evil.

Look at what Congress is doing ... running bulldozers over the forks and spitting in the eye of Americans who want our nation back to something we can respect, calling us enemies of the state and other epithets.

Well woe be to those whose feet run to Hell to gather more coals to heap on the heads of those who retain their righteousness.

No one has yet repealed the law of retribution. No one ever will.

Dorothy's new The Pirates of Liberty book can be purchased by clicking here!

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