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Turtle Woman's Automatic Writings: July 19, 2003

Through Turtle Woman, Oma.

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shift all around to wake up the donkeys in their stubborn sleep. You can count on it... it will be major. Surprises are the soup de jour. What you have both long awaited and long feared are in the express delivery to your door.

There is no need for fear. It matters not what is going on in the world. The stage of the play has to keep the story interesting to keep the players wanting to play. The story line is not your business. Your business is to work the Light. That is your true role in the play. So pay no attention to how active the play is becoming. Work with the ascended Masters and let the rest take care of itself. If you do the work, the results will manifest. We are in the time of manifestation. Have you not noticed? A passing thought, and then there it is.

Work with the Masters. They send their blessings down daily at 3 am. Work with the Masters. They teach that 3 am in your part of the world is the best time to meditate, for it is bonus time for receiving their blessings. Work with the Masters, balancing the blessings on one side of the world by implanting the Golden Light at the same time, 3 pm, on your side of the world. Be the Pillar of Golden Light. The grid activation is not complete. Work in conjunction with the Masters, balancing the blessings and implanting the Light at the same time. Work with the Masters both during the night and the day, 3 am. and 3 pm.

Gently talk to those around you who are sleep, for some are finally beginning to notice and question what is going on. Many are in fear for their sanity. Many are lashing out in fear. Some quiet help on your part will help them through. Let them guide you for what they need or want to know. Help them. Many are starting to see, hear, feel, and experience what they do not understand or know. They fear. Help them. You will know who and where and how much to share. You have been coming to this moment for a long time. Your work has begun.

You are the teachers; you are the leaders of the time of change. You hear the constant ring of Creation or song of the cicadas in your ears. Listen to it. You see the Light Ones flit by in their flash of Light as the veils thin. Watch the veils shimmer as they dissolve. You feel the vibrations of the quickening in your body. Do not fear it. Everything is sharper, clearer, brighter. You struggle yourselves with the changes and rapid rev-ing up of energies. You're all over the place with your feelings, up and down. Just think dear Light Ones - you know what's going on... the other's don't. Help them. It's time to start stepping forward, out of the comfortable cocoon of your spiritual family and start answering the call of those around you. There are silent cries for help ringing from the Mother and all her relations. Those calls are for you. Answer them.

Call upon Archangel Michael and his legions of angels of the Golden Light for help. You must ask before they can help. Mass implantation of Light is needed Now before explosions come. Now is the time to stand in full force of the Golden Light. Have you forgotten to be that great Pillar of Golden Light at 3 pm each day? Bring it down, send it through you, and radiate it out. It is time to fearlessly step forward. It is time to arise. It is time to shine your Radiance into all of Creation. You have turned the tide before. It is time to do it again. Come forth gentle warriors of Divine Blessing. Your time has come. Your work is Now. Your time is Now. Sing your song. The All is listening. All of Creation has gathered and holds it's breath. Bring forth your beauty from the Beginning of All. You are the chosen ones because you chose. Stand up and let the "Ah" anthems ring. Sing your world of beauty into being! Bring in the Light! Time to stand and be counted Now. The Creator awaits the co-creators. All of Creation waits for you. The Call has come. Your time is Now.

You may be tired. You may be weary. You may wonder when it will all end. You may think it has been for not, but that is not true. You have held together in higher vibration that which would have been destroyed long ago without you. So many times you have staved off the destructive blow. The Mother blesses you, for you have given her the time she needed to raise her vibrations in a less destructive way for all her relations. Each time of crisis you have risen to the occasion and brought greater Light to counter balance the negative. You have been successful where you thought you had failed. The longer you are here, the better sign it is of your success. The destruction and off-lifting have been scheduled and rescheduled as the power of your work continues to counter balance the destruction that was planned. You have changed the course of what was manifesting by the whole. You have brought the darkness into the Light many times and given the Mother and all who reside here the chance to do this in a gentler way. You see the wars unfold and feel you have failed, but you have prevented greater ones. You are praised on High for the power of what you have done. Just when all seems lost, you find the strength to surge forward again, sacrificing for the healing of All. Yes, you do sacrifice, for you are here. You are great Beings of Creation, many whom have forgotten their heritage, as that was the condition of entering into this realm. You did not have to be here, experiencing the hardships of living in this dimension in this world. It is out of great Love and Compassion that you have made this journey and joined this play. You have literally given your All to be here Now and do this work. Know that you have not only the Will but the power and backing of all of Creation behind you to fully succeed.

It is time. Have no doubts, for doubt is the manifestation of lesser fear and doubt it the only tool the dark ones have to use to lessen you. You have made the choice. You would not be here if you were not capable. The time is Now. Bring in the Golden Light as the Christ empowered Being that you are. You are the Masters of the Golden Light of Christ. Step up. Be known. It is time. Time to fly... and sing your song. Ah umm! Let it ring. Ah umm! Fly high. Ah umm!

Blessings to All!

Stand in the Golden Light of the power of Christ.

All My Relations in Love and Light,

Turtle Woman, Oma.
