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Message of Love for All to Read and Manifest


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possible, so may be you can post it to, thanks in love and lightm H.

Here it comes................

Breath of Love...please take time to read this!


Dear Friends,

As we are all aware, the control of our spaceship Earth is in the hands of suicidal madmen , running amok with dangerous weapons and placing all our lives and the future of our children in very grave danger. Over a million people took to the streets to protest against the invasion of Iraq , and they were ignored . We need to take action now but when the old ways fail, it's time for something new.

When I saw the crop circle (attached) made on July 22nd (last Saturday)I felt that the message from the stars was telling us to "use love" ... I think this could be a very powerful way of taking action, replacing hatred with love, both within and without.

I am inviting you to participate in creating a million people (you and me and our friends) to cover the planet with love.

Here's how I envision it:

*Take a minute, each night, with friends or family before dinner, or alone, to take action.

*Begin by dropping the mind and becoming still.....

*Then, taking a deep breath in, focus your attention in the centre of your chest (heart chakra) ....

*Hold your breath for a moment as you visualize our little blue planet,floating like a ball in space....

*As you breathe out, imagine your breath wrapping around the earth like a cloak, sending out from your heart - to everything and everyone all over the globe - the blessing of Love.


Just one breath of Love each night by a million people could change the nature of what's happening in our world! We can continue the action until we see Love actualized everywhere around us!

Please join me,and share this with your friends... We can do it!

from One Heart,