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Mighty I Am Presence - The Time Has Come

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The following is the most wonderful gift that I can give. I received it from Esclarmonde in a time of personal need. I have given it to friends, and it has worked for each of them - immediately! And, of course, it has worked for me.

It only works if you use it. Those of you who try it out, feel free to email me and I will post the success stories. So, with love and gratitude, here are Esclarmonde's words:

It is REALLY simple; AND, REALLY difficult.

It is simple because all you have to do is LET GO. It is difficult, because the Programmed part of the brain (ego) just won't have it without a lot of convincing, understanding and most of all HEALING.

Okay...instead of trying to explain this, we just need you to start with a simple exercise (you'll learn all about yourself if you pay attention as you go along):

First, you need to get in contact with your OWN Shoulder Wizard. Have you, yet? Example: Did I already give you this? Well, no matter. It is really, really powerful. I learned it from St. Germain. He did not create it. He said it was known by the ancients and given to him. It has become a mantra for me. I used it first to get rid of fear (unbelievably effective!). Now I've almost 'become' my SW, so ...well, you'll see:

"Mighty I Am Presence, blaze through me thy consuming flame of divine love; remove this (fear/lack/doubt/you fill in blank) from me; remove its cause and effect, past, present and future. Replace it with yourself and hold your dominion here forever!"

Memorize it! Say it everytime you recognize you are thinking about 'lacking something'; 'fearing anything', etc. Don't be afraid to get creative with it. And remember this: Your I Am Presence is your 'greater/Source self/SW'.

Second, you need to tell this YOU what it is you want. Say it with some energy behind it. Outloud is best. But the desire needs to be felt by you.

This is the alchemical magic that Mind can create. Oh, there is one other thing you should know: Your Greater Self CANNOT deny your request. So be careful. I usually add in, 'if this is in my best interest.'
