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Thoughts on Being an Empath


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igure out whose emotion you are feeling. Then you have to learn how to run that energy through your body and release it into the light. This can be a challenging process at times.

How can you keep from picking up other people's feelings? How do you set up emotional boundaries? What is the process? I've always surrounded myself with the golden light and that helps, but I still tend to pick up people's feelings and accept them as my own, so maybe it's time to add the electric blue light of protection from Archangel Michael. I think the blue light will protect you from other people's thoughts.

I think that many empaths are on a high frequency which causes them to attract other people's stuff. The earth has been a very rough place to live for such gentle people. Now that the frequency of earth is rising, I think it will be easier for empaths to operate here on earth. The cry of the empath has been - I want to go home, let me out of this mad house. Let me live in a peaceful environment.

How do you create what you choose to experience if you are picking up someone else's energy and creating from that basis? I think we need to set up emotional boundaries and declare our own power. We also need to take control of our emotional body and let it know who is in charge. Is it love or fear? Love is a soft gentle energy.

We came here to help the earth and the people on it ascend to a higher vibration and now it's time to stand in our own power. Empaths came to walk softly on this beautiful earth and to spread love wherever they go. Do you have any idea how much that energy has been needed on earth?

The Indigo children came to earth first to break down old belief systems. Now the Crystal children are here and it's time for them to start their process of healing the earth. The Crystals are called the children of love.

The older Crystal empaths have held the energy for these beautiful Crystal children. These children are the ones who will bring peace to this earth plane. It may take awhile, but it will happen.

I've been thinking about how we create what we choose to experience. It appears to me that creation is three fold in manifestation. The triple circle feminine magnetic energy is the basis for creation. This three fold manifestation is thought (male), feelings (female) and emotion (creation.)

I am (male), I feel (female), happy (creation.)

I feel abundant.

I feel sad.

I feel healthy.

I feel sick.

E – motion is energy in motion.

We create through our feelings, which are feminine. It's best to create when you are feeling happy or who knows what you will create. It's also best to create with your conscious mind, not your subconscious mind. Who knows what thoughts your subconscious mind might hold?

We have three minds - our conscious mind, our subconscious mind, and our higher conscious mind. One is in our head (thought-conscious), one in our heart (feelings-higher consciousness) and one in our gut (emotions-subconscious.) When we learn to blend these three minds together and think with our heart, we will be able to create what we choose to experience.

There are many realities occurring simultaneously, which can be very confusing. Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are the deciding factor in which reality you manifest in your life. Which reality do you choose to experience - one of love or one of chaos? It's your choice! So Be It!

I send you my love.
