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What A Difference A Perception Makes

By Beca Lewis

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a beautiful, practical and constantly changing garden. She does it one step at a time - literally. She never complains that she moves so slowly or that she has to lean on her walker to bend down to work in the garden, she just does it. One day we came home to find her sitting on the porch with a paintbrush in hand leaning from her chair to paint one section of the porch at a time.

One stroke at a time made a difference.

I was trying to put ice cubes in my glass that had melted slightly and then frozen together in lumps. I picked up a lump and tried smashing it into the sink to break it apart which was loud, messy and probably dangerous. It didn't work anyway. Pausing I wondered if there was an easier way. Still standing at the sink I ran water over the lump, which easily broke it apart.

Asking if there was a better way made a difference.

Sometimes we forget that it is the little things that make a difference. Three problems: too little time and too many weeds, a house to keep up and hard to walk, a lump of ice too big for a glass. The solution for all three was the same, a shift of perception.

Problems are not fixed outside ourselves, because they exist within our perception. Therefore, the only way to "fix" them is to shift perception. Perception doesn't create a problem. The perception IS the problem.

My perception was that I didn't have enough time to weed, so I didn't. Our landlady could have the perception that she is too old and too slow to make a difference in her house, she doesn't.

When we identify with a limited perception of what is possible we block or color the view of what is possible. This is neither good nor bad, it is just perception. Whichever perception or point of view we choose to begin with "creates" what we experience. Not because we are creators, but because we see what we believe. When we shift to an expanded perception then our view is expanded and problems can dissolve as easily as running water over a lump of ice.

There is only one choice to make. What perception to choose. Since it is perception that makes the difference why not choose the "best" one you can imagine? Why not choose the perception that there is an infinite, loving, intelligent All? Since "what you perceive and believe to be reality magnifies," why not choose a Reality that is abundant, loving, and effortless?

If we look at the "human" world it is mostly effort. If we look at the spiritual world we discover that it is effortless. But they are the same world. There is nowhere to go, just a perception to shift. Every shift of perception, no matter how small, makes a difference.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." William Blake

Sometimes it feels as if the doors of perception are closed and we cannot see, let alone experience, the Infinite All. There is a simple key that will unlock the door. It is gratitude.

I was grateful I had a yard, our landlady is grateful for her garden and her home. Gratitude is like the water on the ice cubes. It flows over and around problems and melts them effortlessly. Gratitude reveals the infinite supply that is yours to use.

It takes no effort to be grateful. Perhaps that's why we forget. Why not try it and feel the result. After all, gratitude is what we are celebrating isn't it? Discover for yourself what a difference a perception makes.

Shifting With You,

