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Electromagnetic Transmutation Crystalline Light Energy Field (E.T.C.L.E.F) Invocation

Matt Rollison

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hey were visions of the past , present or a future I was unaware, but this was not important, what I felt was important is solving these problems now. I am already aware of activities of the world governments in experimenting in electromagnetic weather changing systems know as E.L.F and H.A.A.R.P, and of the damage they had already produced and are still producing on Mother Earth's natural weather systems, her ionosphere and atmosphere, thus causing great damage to her and all of her inhabitants, including mankind itself. These problems which Mother Earth faces are unfortunately not the only ones, frequencies from H.A.A.R.P and E.L.F also effect our way of thinking, our physical health and are also used in electromagnetic warfare.

If any of you are unaware of this there is an excellent documentary on E.L.F and H.A.A.R.P antennas on Google video called 'Holes in Heaven'. The solution to this is the one presented to you all this day which is an invocation to place an energy field around these antennas, and for the transmutation of these frequencies into pure Divine Light.

The reason behind the name of the invocation is as follows:

Electromagnetic: This is because we are working with electromagnetic transmitters so the energy field itself must have this property, remember like cures like.

Transmutation: One of the energy field's purpose's is to change this energy into Love and Light energy, at first I felt that all was needed was just a protection shield to simply trap and encage the energy, however I quickly reminded myself that all negative energy can be so easily turned into positive energy, so I felt why not use this energy for Love and so that is why it uses transmutation.

Crystalline: The reason behind this is that through ascension we are all becoming crystalline based life forms, so what we manifest and use should also be crystalline, so that the integration levels of energy work more efficiently with each other and ourselves.

Light: Everything in the whole existence of the cosmos is Light and so is this energy field.

Energy: All existence is also energy, this is what we are primarily dealing with here with the antennas, energy. Field, because we are manifesting a shield in a way, a surrounding presence.

All of this information including the invocation is not channeled, although I do receive much influence from my higher self, one of the main reasons of this is that it's time for mankind to solve these problems for themselves and more importantly take responsibility for ourselves and our beloved Mother Earth, yes we may ask, and have assistance, but the intent and final process must be done by us, out of divine Love for ourselves, Mother Earth and the All. After completing the invocation and actualizing its divine power I was instructed to give it to Mother Earth's people so that we may all deal with this solution and finally putting a stop to the effects of E.L.F and H.A.A.R.P, and thus putting an end to these man made weather patterns. As with every Light worker's Divine purpose I did this out of Unconditional Love for the All and myself. The invocation can be said out loud, any time throughout the day and within meditation and visualization, the most important thing is that as many people as possible do this, the more intent we all show, the more strength the energy field will have, the power of intent is as strong as anything. I have written the visualizations by the invocation of all those whom wish to do so, if any of you have the need to first see what the antennas look like to help with your visualizations then put a search in on Google image.

I have put the invocation into three parts to help with the visualization. If there is anything about the invocation you wish to know or ask please feel free to contact myself I would personally like to thank all those Loving Light beings I worked with on this invocation and send Love from my heart to theirs, and to all Light workers on Mother Earth who are assisting in this task, I Love you All, with unconditional Light. I am all that

I am Anubis.

E.T.C.L.E.F Invocation

Part One

(Visualize a golden sphere of the highest of all Lights forming above all E.L.F and H.A.A.R.P antennas across Mother Earth)

Descend, Light of the origin

Positioned forth, toward a source All of everything

One of Always, placed in All of time, forever come into being

I call in service to you, to manifest, create, co-create, realize and respond

For Love and Freedom in All aspects of Divine order

I' am a divine presence, to harm none, from my heart to All hearts to heal.

Part Two

(Visualize the golden Light sphere forming into a crystalline shaped energy field completely surrounding all E.L.F and H.A.A.R.P antennas on Mother Earth)

Through North, South, East, West combined by Earth, Wind, Fire, Water

I call forth to the highest of All Light in manifesting Light

I call forth to the highest of All Love in manifesting Love

I call forth to the highest of All Transmutation in manifesting Transmutation

I call forth to the highest of All Protection in manifesting Protection

I call forth to the highest of All Freedom in manifesting Freedom

I call forth to the highest of All Peace in manifesting Peace

I call forth to the highest of All Harmony in manifesting Harmony

I call forth to the highest of All Balance in manifesting Balance

I call forth to the highest of All Realization in manifesting Realization

I call forth to the highest of All Understanding in manifesting Understanding

I call forth to the highest of All Wisdom in manifesting Wisdom

I call forth to the highest of All Enlightenment in manifesting Enlightenment

I call forth to the highest of All Ascension in manifesting Ascension

Part Three

(Visualize the energy field completed and shining pure divine Golden Light around all E.L.F and H.A.A.R.P antennas on mother Earth)

May the Electromagnetic Transmutation Crystalline Light Energy Field be actualised

May it completely surround All E.L.F and H.A.A.R.P antennas on Mother Earth

May All energies transmitted from these antennas be neutralized and go through transmutation by the E.T.C.L.E.F into Pure Divine Love and Light for Mother Earth and All her inhabitants own Divine Will.

I here by bring into finalization the complete manifestation and the constant being of the E.T.C.L.E.F

Let Pure be Pure as I choose it to be.