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The False Holistic Theory

By Dr Joshua David Stone

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Many of you might be nodding your heads saying, "This sounds all right. I think we are supposed to do that." Well, I am here to say that you are not here to do that. Yes, you are here to balance the feminine and masculine parts of yourself. Yes, are here to balance the Heavenly and Earthly aspects of yourself. You are also here to balance your chakras and four bodies as well as all other aspects of yourself. It is certainly true that you need to balance and integrate the ego and the spirit.

But there is one thing that you are not here to balance, and this is a key point that few people in this world understand: You are not here to balance negative ego consciousness and the Christ consciousness. You are here to get rid of and die to the negative ego. That is why Sai Baba says "God equals man minus [the negative] ego." This is also the essence of A Course in Miracles, Buddha's teachings, and, in truth, all the teachings of all the self-realized masters.

People who are caught in the False Holistic theory think that they have to balance everything and that if they disown anything, it will come back and bite them on some level. This is not true. Remember, it is your thoughts that create your reality, and the negative ego is, in essence, fear, selfishness, and separation.

You are not here to balance fear and love. Does not the Bible say, "Perfect love casts out fear." You are not here to balance separation and oneness. You are here to live in the oneness. You are not here to balance feelings of inferiority with high self-esteem. It is the negative ego that creates hatred, revenge, jealousy, lack of self-worth, false pride, depression, and low self-esteem. God created you, and your true identity is the monad, the Eternal Self, the I Am Presence. Does not the Bible say, "Ye are gods and know it not."

Does God experience hatred, revenge, jealousy, lack of self-worth, false pride or depression? Of course not. Where do these qualities come from if God created you? They come from misthinking on humanity's part. They come from thinking with the separative, fear-based mind instead of with the love-based Christ mind. Does not the Bible say, "Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus."

To realize the Christ consciousness, you have to get rid of the negative ego consciousness. As A Course in Miracles says, "There are no neutral thoughts." You are either egotistical in your thinking or spiritual in your thinking, or a mixture of both. The ideal is, obviously, to be spiritual.

When you achieve this state of thinking you are loving, joyous, happy, even-minded, and peaceful all the time. Did not Buddha say, "All suffering comes from your attachments." God does not suffer so why should you if you are made in His image and likeness? You are here to become the Light, to become the love, to realize God.

As Sai Baba says, you will not achieve God-realization unless you die to the negative ego, which is fearful, separative, and selfish. When you die to the lower self's way of thinking and are reborn to your higher self's way of thinking, then you will realize God.

This is the main curriculum of the spiritual path, regardless of which particular route or teacher you choose to follow. Contrary to what other people might say, you do not need negative emotions. They are created by the mind. They do not come from outside of yourself or from your instincts. They come from your interpretations, perceptions, and beliefs about reality.

Each of you is seeing your own movie. Did not Buddha say, in the four noble truths, that all suffering comes from "wrong points of view." You are to think with your God mind which is Light. That is why it is called enlightenment. It is not called en-dark-enment. We are not here to balance happiness and suffering. We are here to live in happiness and the Light all the time. This is the mastery over what Djwhal Kbul has called "the dweller on the threshold," which is the embodiment of glamour, illusion, maya and the negative ego.


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