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From the Desk of a Friend

PDR Cleint Service

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From the desk of a friend.........

Here's what I am hearing........

"I can't take it anymore........."

"Don't they Know I need the"

"I wonder if they can just send me my money......."

" My kid needs the money for college...and I want that money now...."

"My house is in Foreclosure.....I really need that money now........."

"I don't want to go to work anymore...and I want my money....."

"I need a new car...mine blew up last week..........."

"Another Christmas is coming...and we are still needing our money........."

I am as frustrated at these "delay's" as you all are.

Believe me.

The definition of Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over...expecting a different outcome.

I don't feel that I have been stupid....or that I made a stupid decision when I signed up and paid my fees to become a member of a group of many people...all that were told they would be paid at some point.......based on their monetary 'donation.'

I certainly...wouldn't be CHASING INFO DAILY.....HOURLY....if I even remotely thought I had made a wrong decision years ago.

I made a decision to believe in what I was told...and I spent my money to become a member.

I don't regret that decision.

Not one time.

I KNOW that I based my decision to become a member....just like you did....On what you and I were told....I did some homework...and found out that IS REAL.

The problem is not in "Is it real or Not......."

The problem is in the people that are "Running the Show."

Look at the political figureheads/puppets/spokespeople......

Look at the Zionists. NOT A is a POLITICAL MOVEMENT.

Many walks of faith..are ZIONISTS.

Go Google that...or let me know if you need links...I have thousands.

This struggle is ALL ABOUT MONEY.

WHO is the biggest bully....and who will win.

This is going to be a struggle until the end.

This is ALL about MONEY....OIL...POWER....the New World Order that #41 spoke of....and that plan is still in effect today. Nothing has changed.

#43 just is keeping the plan going...but he is just a puppet.

This fight will have an end....we will come out of this ..funded.

No doubt about it.

It's just a matter of time.

The usa needs a good Fall Cleaning.

All the closets need to be emptied---and the trash thrown away.

The closet doors don't close anymore...there is toooo much trash in the closet.

It ALL needs to come out of the closet.


We, The People.....NEED TO KNOW.

Just keep your mind in the right made a good decision a long time ago to become a member.


When it appears that all is quiet......

There may be sounds...that you aren't aware of.

Listen carefully.


We are all on the razor's edge....

Including "THEM".

It's only a matter of time. Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock. :)