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A Direct Route To The New Earth

By Mark Stearn

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our goal. I have been doing the earthwork intensively for five years now and in all this time it has all been about utilising my ability to create energy to change the face of all. I began small but soon began really shifting the energy of the universe.

This is what the Creator wants. Creator wants us to utilise our wondrous abilities as creators in oneness with our extended family in the higher dimensions to merge this experience with the higher vibrations. You could spend an eternity reading channelings and reading into them. The fastest and most effective way forward is to tune into your own IAM presence, your own guidance and ascertain the most effective way forward. This we do as master creators. This is the theme and the truth of my work. Knowing more of the one through manifesting it's energy.

If all of us band together and begin utilising our abilities to manifest the new planet, I assure you our process will accelerate in a multifold way. Its easy thing to think 'Well ok, I'll just keep going my own way and everything will work out rosy.' This is not how things happen. We are here on this planet with a purpose and that is in creating, raising the vibration of all and spreading the love of the one to one and all. This is what we are primarily here for. Within us lies the key to the way forward. There is a huge lack of sharing of experience on all the email lists I am on. This has gone this way for sometime now.

I am one of very few that actually share their direct experience. What is stopping everyone else I don't know. There is an abundance of experience in each now moment to report on all the time. We are in the middle of one of the most exciting shifts we will ever experience and the email lists are set up primarily for the purpose of sharing our stories. They are set up with the intent of bringing people together and uniting one and all. All that is passed through the lists is channelings and announcements that people read, absorb and then there is a period of silence until the next channelling is sent out. Channels themselves are interpreting energy into words. This we can all do. There is so much that can be shared.

The process of creating energy is inherent in us all. It is a process of connecting with the higher dimensions and bringing energy from there into this experience. It's actually a very simple process.

You don't need to learn how to do this, the ability is inherent. There is a mighty crystal city of energy that is manifesting on an ongoing basis in the mountains where I live. This experience has been manifesting ever since I arrived in as Mark. The energy is known as 'Shayla' after one of the cities of gold and it is to be a majestic and mighty city from the new earth. I awoke to this two years ago but because I was still awakening I was unable to accept the truth of this energy. Its only in the past day I have reawakened and can now see that this is the divine plan that lays ahead and that it is all in the creation process.

The creator wants us to know more of who and what we are as master creators. We are all capable of moving heaven and earth. Why don't we start doing this and change the face of the planet. I assure you it is well within our ability.

Blessings, Mark. Email: Creating the New Earth: Ishtar: Join Heaven's Legions:
