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What Makes You Happy?

Chief Joseph

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t physical bodies because you, at the soul level, thought you might have some fun here.

But often we see so many of you, having not quite manifested your dreams, losing heart, getting stressed out, plunging into depression. You've lost the joy of life you carried within you as an infant, as a little child. As you grew into adulthood, you forgot life is supposed to be fun.

The infants, the young children don't need money, friends, homes, toys, etc. to be happy. They are happy just because they are. Being who they are is their only requirement for happiness.

And that is also your only requirement.

Happiness is an inside job. You won't find it in dollars, in lovers, in drugs. In fact, you won't find it in anything or anyone outside yourselves.

Just be who you are -- those glorious gods and goddesses in human bodies. And then when you are truly happy just being yourselves, magic begins to happen. The Universe begins to deliver to you all you've asked for -- money, lovers, friends, houses, jobs. Whatever you want starts flowing to you easily and effortlessly.

Most of you have this process of manifestation backwards. You get happy first, even if you don't have anything you want. And then all you want will come to you. It must come to you.
