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Aquarius - The Age Of Self-Realization

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ggle of the opposites. The age of Pisces was a conflict between opposing ideologies: dogmatic Christianity struggling against aesthetic materialism, church against state, science battling religion, spirituality vs materialism , etc.

The sign of Aquarius is the waterbearer and its ruler is Uranus. Its symbol represents water, which is a universal image dating back into prehistory. The association in Aquarius is that of the servant of humanity pouring out the water of knowledge to quench the thirst of the world during a time of spiritual drought. The symbolic waves of water share the dual expression of vibrational waves of electricity or parallel lines of force.

Aquarius is the age of self-realization (Kundalini Awakening). Aquarius is the true age of knowledge. In this age, dogmatic types of religion will cease to be taught, and all dogmatic forms will disappear. Science and religion will merge and people will begin to comprehend that spirit and matter are derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal Energy. It is the desire to pool and merge the time, efforts, and resources of the individual with those of the larger society in order to create something new for the benefit of everyone. Enhancement of the polity overwhelms the desire for self-aggrandizement, and the wall of Ego come tumbling down and the individual communes with the totality of the species.

During the Piscean age we concentrated too much on external things. We forgot that we are souls and became totally unconscious to what is inner life. In the Aquarian age we break free of false doctrines, destructive indoctrinations, absurd ideas about God, medicine, education, and love. Proliferation of material greed and political power crumble to make way for spiritual rebirth / self-knowledge. No more looking outside ourselves for satisfaction, pleasure, growth, and enlightenment.

If you haven't already noticed changes within yourself , you might be feeling the urge to change now, or you may be witnessing the changes around you. Either way, you probably are aware that life on Earth seems to be going off the rails in more ways than one. Inflation and recession, environmental deterioration, diminishing resources, apathy, lack of direction, etc. are signs of the transition from the Piscean age into the Aquarian age. You have probably noticed major developments in science and technology which also signify the age of Aquarius has arrived. There have been major breakthroughs in areas of physics, chemistry, astronomy, medicine, aviation etc. Moreover, the age of Aquarius will reveal technologies that were once believed to be only science fiction!

These are all characteristics of the changing of the Ages as people struggle to adapt to the new energies. The concentration on the lower energies during the Piscean Age (greed, ego, ignorance, curiosity, jealousy etc. ) are making way (but are still putting up a fight) for the higher energies (peace, unity, love, truth, knowledge and selfless behavior etc.) of the Aquarian Age. UFO's, alternative medicine, astrology, and other subjects previously looked upon as weird or taboo are growing rapidly in popularity, and are all subjects associated with the sign of Aquarius. These subjects will become more and more commonplace, and astrology and other 'mystical' methods of self-help and understanding will help people to become more in tune with their spiritual selves in preparation for The Age of Aquarius.

People are already looking within for the answers they seek, instead of outward to money, possessions, and other people. The more enlightened members of society will welcome this Age of Awakening with its emphasis on humanity, kindness, truth, spirituality, and enlightenment. The less evolved are struggling and are reacting with negative forms of behavior which is the main reason for all the chaos and negativity circulating the planet.

Expressing an interest in a New Age shows that you are in tune with the subtle astrological energies engulfing our planet, and that you are consciously (or subconsciously) seeking spiritual answers, and therefore have the potential to enter into the Age of Aquarius with ease, and hopefully, help others to do the same.

It is also important to mention that the feminine aspects of God, which have been ignored, neglected and reviled for the eternity of the Age of Pisces, will again be recognized and revered. This is also a return to the early ages of humanity and ancient societies in which the female aspect of God was worshipped and adored. During the patriarchal era of Pisces, the female aspect was suppressed and repressed. Now society will come to terms with divinity of both masculine and feminine aspects, of Mother Earth and Father Sky, of yin and yang, and of the synthesis of energies for a more balanced world view.

Like the air, which is free to move where it will, Aquarius is a freedom-loving sign- "as free as the wind." The new era, the New Millennium, bring with it an era of light and freedom. For too many years people have been "free" in quotes "free" in name only, "free" within certain restrictions, which is not free at all.... True freedom challenges all of our institutions, our laws, our religious edicts, which exist only to mark the limits of our freedom, to tell us what is right and wrong. But in the Age of Aquarius we won't need others to define those limits for us. We each, individually and collectively, will know right from wrong.
