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A World Puja Global Meditation In Honor Of The Venus Transit

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at the end of the Mayan Calendar, in what some are calling the end of time as we know it, the operative phrase being, as we know it. It is a six-to-seven hour process in which the planet Venus cuts a swath across the face of the Sun, transiting between the Sun and the Earth.

In the past it seems to have signaled a tremendous breakthrough in communication or an advancement that altered worldviews. Magellan planned his around the world passage during a Venus Transit, which ultimately proved the world was not flat. Postal systems were first inaugurated during Venus Transits, advancing mass communication. The first astronomical worldwide scientific experiment, based on viewing the eclipse of Venus from many vantage points around the world occurred during the Transit itself. The Suffragette Movement emerged as a force during the last Venus Transit.

Some are saying this Venus Transit, upcoming on June 8, 2004, will herald another shift in the Return of the Sacred Feminine and the characteristics implied, integrity, truth, balance, harmony, love, intuition. Some observers also speculate that the Transit will bring an increase in collective telepathy. They say that such a massive increase in human telepathy could bring governmental and corporate institutions to their knees since lying to the public would not be possible. No one really knows, yet, what the effects of the Transit will be, but it is being viewed by many, as highly significant at this time in our collective history.

To a world dancing ever closer to mass destruction, this Transit is being viewed with increasing interest by many around the world. Interestingly, some commentators on this Transit see associations with the feminine-based goddesses of ancient timesincluding Isis, Hator, Mary Magdalen, Kuan Yin, and Tara, as well as White Buffalo Calf Woman. Indeed, at a mythic level, we could speculate that this Venus Transit is a portal, or an opening, for those who feel a calling to honor the feminine and to engage in her restoration in balance to the male principle, which is so over-dominating the world. Returning to the mythic for a moment, the disenfranchisement of the feminine principle has left the male principle bereft and impoverished, though he does not suspect this. Without the balancing effect of the feminine in relation to the male principle, our culture has become divorced from wisdom and an interconnectedness with life. And thus, at this level of collective myth, the upcoming Transit can be viewed as an opportunity to reconnect collectively with the inherent creative potency of the feminine principle (as the Creatrix or goddess/creative power) to re-create our collective destiny.

We have entered a most critical time in our history. And it is time for humanity to create a new world vision and attitude, a vision and an attitude that benefits life, rather than destroys it. Join Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion, authors of The Magdalen Manuscript (ORB Communications) as they discuss the current Transit in relation to world events and the emerging of the mythic feminine. The Global Meditation will begin with An Offering To Venus, a sound-healing composition Tom created just for this special broadcast. This will be followed by a discussion by Tom and Judi and end with a direct live sound transmission by Mary Magdalen through Tom to open, for those who have ears to hear, a doorway into the Creatrix of All Time and Space.

What impact might this Venus Transit have? Perhaps nothing if we don't intend it. In metaphysical terms, thought creates. This Global Meditation, then, is a calling for those who feel aligned with this vision to re-create our world, to call down the restorative powers of the feminine to heal and re-balance the Earth. How this will express itself will depend upon the choices each of us makes now and in the near future.
