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Divine Mother's Assistance Program Level 1

By Amaya

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Blessings to you all,

Offering you now the first level of assistance through the Ashram of The Divine Mother to accelerate you home into the One Heart of Divine Love. Sprinkles and bubbles of Divine Love particles will begin to touch and tickle you now for you to play life with Love. (To let you all know that the ashrams we speak of in our assistance programs are not physical but are anchored into and merged with the earth for the ascension of earth and all upon it. Also all beings referred to are etheric energies who lovingly and gracefully assist all who request assistance and are in divine service to Goddess/God for the Divine Plan on Earth.)

Dispensation from the Divine Mother

Beyond the walls of time lay the jewels of the One Heart for all to receive as gifts of this Golden Age. They await your arrival at my doorstep my children, the doorstep of your own heart for I dwell within thee. Come unto me and receive the blessings that have been so long awaited. The sceptre of the Mother's heart illumination in your centre now sings the sweet words of remembrance for you to remember Love. Encoded within this are the signatures of Love that will call and nurture all parts to return home into love's embrace. Each sleep time, the emissaries will come to you to work with your heart to begin to untangle the etheric knots that bind it. You do not need to do anything for this to occur as the grace of Goddess and God is with you. Each day they will gift you with etheric roses from the gardens of roses from within the heart temples of the Mother. Pink to activate your love bodies, green to soothe the heart wounds, white to restore to purity, peach pink to bathe you with tenderness, yellow to bring joy into your heart, blue to bring you peace and stillness. At sleep time see oneself going to sleep on a bed of roses, sinking into them as you sink into your dreamtime space. When challenges arise in your life, accept that Love has come to you to heal you and surrender it all unto the One Heart, the infinite ocean of Divine Love and see your self floating in this ocean being gently held, being caressed, being supported, being loved by All That Is. Endless rivers and streams of Love to you all now beloveds as you journey into the Golden Age of divine love. You are blessed with the grace of Goddess and God to fulfill this mission to live as ones who feel and live love in all moments, for this is your original state and to this level of consciousness you are now encoded to return. It is that you are on automatic pilot to go Home into the One Heart of All That Is, for all parts of you that feel separate from this heart of Goddess/God, to be welcomed to remember where home is and to find this way home.

Divine Mother

Call to the Emissaries of the Divine Mother's ashram as you do the following first 2 processes each day and know that they will be with you, supporting you and holding you with the love of ALL That Is as you uniquely hold yourself with your Unconditional Love flame. Allow Love to serve you, to be of service to you. Let go and let love, let go and let love in to spaces and places where it hasn't been felt for a long time.

Process 1 - Connecting deeply to the heart flame

This is a good morning activity so you have the opportunity to begin your day as a living, glowing organic bubble of love and interact with yourself and the world from within this sphere of your being. Divine Mother asks you to go within into the heart chakra each day. It is the cathedral of divine love, the temple of the divine you. How do you see this place? Create it or see or know or feel what it is like. Become familiar with this part of yourself, allow yourself to become so at home here and allow this place to be your refuge at your most challenging times. This place will always feel peaceful, it will always be a place where you will not hear your thought patterns that don't remember love. So it is your temple and it can be a sanctuary from the dualistic world and for you to use this place as your haven until you have brought the energy of this place into your outer reality, until you have let love flow out into your whole life. Inside your heart there is a flame, the eternal flame which can never be extinguished. You will all connect to this flame in a unique way. Some will know that this flame is there, just acknowledging this is enough to connect. Some will feel this flame and may feel its warm glow. Some may see the flame in their mind's eye. Once you have connected to it then meditate upon this flame and its true nature. For the next few weeks you are asked to connect with your holy heart flame each day in this way. Become aware of how you feel at this time of focus upon it, notice your state of being, your experience. At times challenges to connection may arise and at times more of the truth of your being will be felt and know that both experiences are manifesting for your spiritual growth. If it is challenge that lovingly comes to you then go to the second process. If it is peace, joy, bliss. that comes to you then offer a prayer of gratitude.

Process 2 - Connecting to your feelings

Every time a challenging feeling arrives at the doorstep of your awareness, it comes as an opportunity in that moment and address yourself, your God Goddess nature within, and lovingly ask, What are you showing me God? What is this feeling telling me about myself? ( Please recognize that all inner work of this nature is to be from within the meditative space of your inner world. Please know that the mind, analytical reasoning is useful but that ultimately all energies on their way Home to Source must pass through the open heart and be touched by Love.) You can answer this by going inside your heart and feeling all the feelings that you are experiencing in that moment. If in that moment circumstances prevent this opportunity, you may wish to find a time when you can revisit this moment. There may be many moments each day that offer themselves to you and you are asked to create your own commitment level with this that is harmonious and in balance with your existing responsibilities.

1. Recognise what these feelings are with blatant honesty, with truthfulness, allowing vulnerability from within. Sometimes writing brings more to the awareness.

2. Accept them lovingly now .that these energies are you, these feelings are parts of you and fully accept them just as they are. Tell these feelings that it's okay to feel like this, it is just all okay. Accept them as a part of yourself, that they live with you, they are you, with no judgement, no criticism, no blame towards self or another. Full acceptance is the key here. Know that God within is the prime mover of energies, and right now, of these particular feelings for you to do something with them, to acknowledge them and to take care of them. This is your responsibility with God to do this so you are asked to lovingly accept these feelings and to lovingly accept your responsibility with God inside you and surrender to this. In this way you are in divine service to the divine plan on earth as an aware being. Know that awareness and unconditional acceptance of what is, is what then creates change.

3. Love and Hold now, so tenderly, so gently these parts of you. Connect to the deep love within your heart, the heart flame and expand this out large enough to hold these parts you have recognized, with your infinite Goddess/God arms of love, arms of sacred nurturance. Just hold, that is all hold until the feelings just melt in the arms of Goddess/God you are. These energies, these parts of you just want to be touched by love, they just want to be held by love, they just want to be accepted by you, they just haven't felt love's presence for such a long time. It's like FRAGILE, HANDLE with CARE parts of you. Use the feeling part of you and see your heart wide open and bring them all home into the tender warmth of love's embrace. Just be with this feeling of being the loving mother/ parent to all parts of you for at the very core of all that is in pain, is this cry for love. So give this mighty power to them with all your might.

4. Honour and Forgive. Once these parts of you begin to feel the support of your love, you may need to ask them to forgive all times, all events, all experiences, themselves and others that have created them to feel the way they do. Ask them to forgive and let go of these feelings, forgive and let love in. Honour these parts of you, honour them for the journey that has been for them, for the path they have traveled, for the lessons learnt, for the truth, the realisations that will now flow through you.

Process 3 - Receive the following Teachings on Divine Love

Many parts of you have forgotten love, have forgotten the experience of love, have forgotten its power. Now Divine Mother, your original mother, sings whisperings of remembrance so tenderly to every part of you that is lost in forgetfulness . remember love, remember love, remember love, she mantras to you.

Divine Mother is the Love temple of All That Is and this energy is the feeling matrix of Source. Divine Love is the feminine aspect of all and is what God feels like. It is experienced through our feeling body, our sentience. It feels so warm, so safe, so nurturing, so tender, so gentle, so sustaining Divine Love is pure energy and always remains Source energy as unsullied, as pure. Divine Love energy pervades all, for nothing is birthed without its presence and so it is the essence of all that is created anywhere in any form or formless realms, in any time space continuum. Divine Love may be described as the feeling of unconditional open acceptance of all just as it is, together with the feeling of oneness with it all as part of oneself. It is the Source force that holds the power of restoring to its own vibrational frequency all that feels separate from it, all that feels denied, abandoned, rejected, lost, afraid, abused. It does this alchemically, without being affected, without taking on board any of these energies, without changing its original and infinitely permanent qualities. It maintains its original nature. As it does this, it changes the vibration of the energy into which it has flowed, penetrated, touched or tickled. At times the change may be subtle and at times the change creates a full restoration back to divine love frequency. When the change is immediate and we as humans witness this, we may label it a miracle. When the change is subtle, know that there is sacred resistance to Love and that this is okay, it is all just okay as it happens and there is divine timing with all. Every one of us has this energy inside us as a flame within the heart and in this assistance program we are being asked to set this energy free from within us. This flame has been with you since your original birth from the creative womb of the Divine Mother. To walk the path of love is to explore, awaken, activate and utilize this power you have within. It is not an exploration of love with another but is an inner journey of finding this within oneself for oneself. This is the first step. The search for love from outside ourselves is an indication of a lack of activation of our own love flame and love bodies. We search outside because we haven't enough of it flowing for ourselves from within. When we become an activated love being we don't need anyone to love us because we are love, a living embodiment of love. So this program is an activation of what already lies within so that it is utilized to create change within one's lightbody, one's energies, to raise one's vibrational frequencies, to restore to love all one's woundedness. In this program you are being asked to be the kind mother or parent of all that doesn't feel comfortable inside you. This is what loving yourself means. Feed, nurture, refill and support yourself regularly, ever so gently and tenderly with potent doses of divine love to create transformation. You have the right to do this with the power of the flame invested in you and which lay within your glorious heart, and in this program you are asked to modulate your own frequencies in this way. You then become the master of your own energy bodies.

As human beings we are continuously changing our frequencies sometimes we are on a vibrational high, sometimes we are down in the dumps and our frequency is lowered because we change in accordance with what is occurring in our lives both on the inner and the outer realities. So this is why it is important to be able to modulate our own frequencies. To create a permanent increase in our stabilized frequency, it is our responsibility with God within to activate Source Love frequency within us and use it to restore all our excess baggage that creates us to feel heavy and uncomfortable back into this wondrous Love frequency which is our original pure nature. This is Love's power to heal and this is what occurs on an energy level when something is touched by the harmonic of Love frequency. What is Divine Love, you may say. I love my family. I love my cat. I love the earth. I would do anything for the ones I love. But do you love yourself? Do you really, really love yourself? Do you love the rapists, murderers, arsonists serving prison sentences? Do you really, really love them? Are they and YOU so tenderly precious to you?

Do you love yourself when you have just shouted at your child or friend or mother and in that moment do you really feel love for them? So divine love is unconditional love. Unconditional love has no agendas and loves all without any conditions attached. It loves whether or not it is loved back, it loves regardless of what energy is being directed at it verbally, mentally, physically. It is the active intelligence of the heart that recognizes all as the mirror of itself as love. It's Love that just goes on loving regardless of what is happening inside yourself or in your outer world. This is what we are being asked to return to in this Golden Age. It may seem idealistic, impossible, too difficult, only a dream. But one day when you have held your consciousness in the state of love at the same time that something is happening that normally would throw you out of balance, you will recognize love's power. And you will be amazed with yourself and it will be incredible. You will experience 2 realities simultaneously. You will be holding yourself in love frequency and your mind will be amazed that it is not reacting to a situation and it's all okay. Or with a person you will find that you just love this person, you just love them so much and what they are doing just doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter and it is all okay, it is all just okay. One beautiful moment when you have experienced this once, you will know its truth. Then you can build on it and build on it and go as far as you wish to go with this journey, and, it can take you to your original Home.

For each of us left the comfort of Home with our Divine Mother and Father as all children do, to see what it was like, check out other realities, dimensions to experience and to create something different. We created much joy and much trauma because being away from Home, from the Oneness, often took us into dualities of good, bad, highs and lows. And this journey is magnificent that we all travel, grandly magnificent. So now to return Home with God consciousness inside ourselves, much trauma we accumulated must change and become love, to connect us back to Home as the Oneness. Oneness is the state of the unification of all polarities and this is achieved through embodying love, utilizing divine love within as a unifying power. So accept all in your life as Love coming to you and recognize that it comes in many forms that may even be challenging to recognize. This is the key to mastery of Love. Every moment of challenge is Love, lovingly coming to you to show you its absence so you can do something about it. So every moment of challenge is the most precious moment that is gifted to you for your soul growth, for your evolution. You may feel to say that you are already love, that you are already Goddess/God and so you are, but the reality is that not all parts of you believe this, experience this and know it as Divine Truth. It is these parts of us that love can nurture, hold and serve.

Blessings of Divine Love on all our journeys Home,

Amaya ( 1 of 12 at ASCEND)
