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The Eclipse Shift

By Allison Rae

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er Solstice on December 21, 2012. Mayan Daykeepers teach that we will enter the World of the Fifth Sun on that date.

The ancient prophecy of various spiritual traditions around the world - including Vedic, Tibetan, Egyptian and Native American - point to these times as the transition period often called the Shift of the Ages. These traditions tell us that grand cycles of time are ending and new ones beginning, roughly all at once. Life as we know it is ending, and existence as we remember it from beyond time and space is beginning to replace it.

We are shifting into higher consciousness, a way of being we remember as "home," a realm of love, peace, humanitarian service and spiritual enlightenment.

At alignments like the Wesak Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 15 and the upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse on May 30-31, we are able to glimpse just what this shift may mean. Thanks to these and other significant planetary alignments, we're also finding out just what within ourselves has not made the shift yet.

The Shift of the Ages

>From a cosmic perspective, we are experiencing the end of grand cycles of time on the order of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years and even more. We're moving from the 2,000- year Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age. Also, a 26,000-year precessional cycle is ending, and a new one is about to begin - sort of a Galactic New Year.

Even larger cycles of time connect us with vast cycles of the universe, as recorded in the Hindu tradition. Three of these - the Kali Yuga (438,000 years), Satya Yuga (1.8 million years) and Mayahuga (4.4 million years ) - are also coming to an end.

There is one more. We are approaching the completion of a major cycle for the planet Earth herself. This 4.4 billion-year cycle is called a Kalpa, or Day of Brahma, the prime creative force of the Godhead. A Kalpa equals 1,000 Mahayugas or divine ages, a major universal cycle. The Earth is now entering a Day of Brahma, when the cycle of human soul evolution makes a quantum leap out of the darkness and into the light.

All of these ages are dovetailing in our lifetime, opening a gateway for peace and a Golden Age unprecedented on Earth. Every one of us incarnated on Earth at this time was completely aware of the dimension shift prior to beginning our journey in this lifetime. Our souls chose to be here in human form, to help facilitate the transition and to make the quantum leap in soul evolution together.

Spiritual Wake-Up Calls

>From a planetary perspective, there is a 25-year window from the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 through the Mayan calendar end date of 2012. For many lightworkers, the Harmonic Convergence was a spiritual alarm, calling us to our soul path and mission for this lifetime.

Within that 25-year window, we have also felt the impact of several more significant alignments that have served as spiritual wake-up calls to many. These include the Grand Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse on August 11, 1999; a Grand Stellium in Taurus (also called the Grand Planetary Alignment) on May 5, 2000; a Solar Eclipse on the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2001; and the three exact Saturn-Pluto oppositions of 2001-2002.

Many people have ended significant relationships, lost jobs, changed careers, relocated, faced major health and financial challenges and lost loved ones. While these changes are part of any human life, there is a concentration of these milestone events - and the degree to which they are experienced - that coincides with the planetary alignments.

For many of us, there is a knowing within our hearts that life is forever changed, and that if we are to achieve maximum soul evolution in this process, we must let go of old forms. The transformation is encoded in our cells to activate during this transition. Flowing with this transformation is challenging, but much more pleasant than resisting it.

Personal and Planetary Transformation

We see the effects of planetary transformation every day in the world around us. Wars are not quite so easy to "sell" to the public these days. The media are exposing corruption in government, business, education and religion. There even seems to be a shake-up within the mainstream media with journalists losing their jobs over matters of integrity.

These external changes mirror the changes within those who are spiritually conscious. We are being called to service in these times. We are expected to walk the talk.

These are also the times of the great Earth Changes, and through extreme weather and seismic events, Nature herself is reflecting back to us our personal healing process.

While the transformation is challenging in the moment, the rewards of higher consciousness far outweigh the short-term discomfort of doing our spiritual work. When we remember that our personal path is part of a larger - not only planetary, but cosmic - picture, we begin to understand the relationship of our individual lives to the whole. It is in this remembrance of our cosmic unity that we move collectively into higher consciousness.

Current Eclipse Series

Later this week, we will complete an eclipse series that is further awakening humanity to its potential for enlightenment. On the Wesak Full Moon on May 15, we experienced a Total Lunar Eclipse viewed by many in North and South America and western Africa.

The "sister eclipse" to the May 15 alignment falls on May 30-31. The path of this eclipse extends from northern Scotland through Iceland and Greenland. The effects will be felt around the world and throughout the cosmos.

May 2003 has been a special month for those on a spiritual path. The Mercury Retrograde period of April 26-May 20 has combined with the energies of Uranus' transit through Pisces, the Wesak Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 15, and the upcoming Solar Eclipse to create a gateway for lightworkers around the world to raise their vibration and engage consciously in planetary service.

The lotus of enlightenment is unfolding in our lives in this very moment. We are truly supported in releasing whatever no longer serves us as we move forward on this path.

On May 30-31, we have the opportunity to participate again in anchoring the light of the divine in our individual lives, uplifting the planetary grid and awakening humanity still further. The May 30- 31 Solar Eclipse brings closure to this period of deep introspection as we align more fully with our soul's purpose and path in this lifetime.

Next will be a time of action, fully supported, and each of us must find our purpose and path of service in this wondrous transition period.

Gateway Alignments

The next series of eclipses this year will occur in November. There is a unique planetary alignment along with a total Lunar Eclipse on November 8, followed by a total Solar Eclipse on November 23. Other gateway alignments are the Summer and Winter Solstices, and the Spring and Fall Equinoxes.

Since ancient times, eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, and new and full moons have been observed by indigenous cultures and earth-based spiritual traditions because of their importance in aligning with higher consciousness and the Universal flow of creation. In these times of accelerated change, observing the alignments supports our understanding and enlightenment, bringing our awareness into sharper focus.

Planetary transformation is our mission. These alignments help to bring clarity about our individual paths within that mission.

As planetary servers, our greatest contribution at this time is to be in prayer and meditation during the alignments of eclipses, solstices and equinoxes, full moons and new maintain our daily spiritual be diligent in setting intentions in alignment with the higher offer our hands in expand our embrace our unity with All That Is...and to celebrate our choice to shift into higher consciousness together at this special time in Earth's history. - May 2003 Crestone, Colorado
