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Holiday Emotional Survival Tips for Light Workers and Other Spiritual-Type People

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harmful to oneself, personally, than they will ever be to any recipient. Holding on to grudges and past hurts, no matter how serious the real or imagined damage, will only slow your vibration, cause

energy blockages, and make you feel miserable. There is no better time than now to forgive, yourself as well as others. There is no better time to realize that there are two sides to every coin, that each person is really acting the

best they know how at any given moment. There is no better time to realize that you came here to have certain experiences, and that, good or bad, they have made you who you are today. There is no better time to allow yourself

to love that person you have become, and to release the past.

It is much more important to be true to yourself than to please everyone else. If you are stressing to find the perfect gift, plan the most elegant dinner, be the greatest host…..stop for a moment, and ask yourself if this is all

bringing you joy. Or is it about “what will everyone think?” Anyone that truly cares about you will love you anyway, regardless of the gift, dinner, party, etc. These are the people that you really want in your space. In the grand scheme of things, do you think it really matters what anybody thinks? More importantly, how do you feel? Always seek a balance in giving and

receiving. The person who gives too much is in the same place as the person who receives too much. Be willing to give and receive in equal amounts.

It is possible to avoid the argument, the power struggle, at a family gathering. I pass on to you a most valuable tool - the acknowledgement. If someone starts pushing your buttons, simply acknowledge that they have

been heard. Do not carry the conversation any further. Simply say something like “Ok, I got that,” or “Thank you for telling me that.” Then either change the subject or perhaps walk away. If you do not feed into the argument by

countering the other person’s comments, it cannot continue and grow larger. Also, in the spirit of good will, avoid making inflammatory comments yourself. Stay out of the arguments of others, leaving the space if necessary.

More anger fuels the fire. If you are the host or head of the household, then you have every right to ask whomever is arguing to stop. Do so in a manner as to not judge either party. Simply say that this behavior is not appropriate

for the occasion.

Communication, though, is a powerful force of energy. Be honest with yourself and others. Don’t guess or expect that people know your preferences, or how you feel. Neither judge another without really knowing what it‘s like to walk in those shoes. Don’t compromise your reality, say what you mean. Speak up, speak out in a non-judgmental way. Many old

emotional wounds can be healed instantly by the universal solvent, communication, and many misunderstandings cleared up.

Count your blessings. Realize that no matter how bad it is, you have much to be thankful for. There is always someone worse off than you. There is always that other side to the coin. If you are alone on a holiday, rather than

feel sorry for yourself, go find someone else who is lonely, someone who has no place to go, someone who has less, and share with them. You will not be lonely for long. Be cause rather than effect.

Above all, love yourself. As you are loving others by giving them gifts, be kind and gentle with yourself. The season does not have to be one of meeting others’ expectations. Get adequate rest, drink water, don’t overindulge,

realize that you do not have to impress everyone else. The emotion of joy is the greatest gift of Spirit, don’t turn it away. It is Joy that makes all things beautiful. Allow yourself to experience it, to be Who You Are. You do not

have anything to justify to anyone, including and especially, Spirit. As you give this greatest gift of Joy to yourself, then you will be able to share it in abundance with others.Back to ContentsCopyright © 2004, The Love and Empowerment Foundation. All rights reserved.

In the Name of ONE, Sandy

Embrace The Journey...
