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Too Soon Old

Ken Coons

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Seems to be a problem we face.

Where lies the faulf for this sad disrespect?

Not kids who've been put in this place.

TV sitcoms, writers, producers,

All share in the fault and the blame,

Warped minds and greed are part of this scene,

A mind set that knows of no shame.

The script has a child being sassy.

Signs go up and viewers all laugh.

Parents just shrug and allow kids their way.

The kid now is a golden calf.

In real life now kids see this happen,

And they start to smart mouth and sass.

They only mimic what they have been taught,

He now is a punk, and so krass.

Parents are the real ones at fault.

If they took charge right from the start,

They would decide what TV their kids saw,

The example they then would impart.

I ask you parents, are you in charge

Of the way your children are taught?

If not, you are part of the problem at hand,

And you'll suffer for what you have wrought.