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Mikiah - March 3 2004

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hey cannot be called back. (Remember the power of our thoughts, words and actions at time, and be sure to align your heart and your mind before speaking.)

She told us that everyone has a Light Being assigned to them at this time. We may perceive them as colors...Light will come through them and reflect to us, the color will vary with our vibration at the time. So, if you were to see ‘red’ you may want to look within and see where you are operating there anger that needs to be released? You will ‘see’ them at night, and during the daytime as things progress.

She said that we will be seeing more ‘crafts’ as well. May appear as ‘shooting stars’ in the night shy or as cloud formations...the way to know, is the cloud will retain its shape and stay relatively stable rather than changing shape and moving with the wind.

These Beings will offer great sharing with us, they will follow us wherever we go, and stays connected to us. It will begin to let us ‘know’ it is there, you may hear a strange hum or tone on your radio, for example. Your computer may ‘stop thinking’ for a moment. One gal has had her computer turn itself on and off....her Light Being attempting to get her attention!

Mikiah said that the energy of the Light Beings is similar in nature to our electronics, it is a frequency they use in various ways. We may encounter a warm or cold spot in our environment, she said that usually their temperature is cooler that ours, so there may be a cold spot that you will walk through for example.

Some physical manifestations we may be having with the DNA changes within our Being, is an increased desire for water. She suggests keeping a glass of water near where you sleep, to drink during the night if you get up, or in the morning when you awaken. There will be energies added to the water that will assist your particular needs in adjusting to the DNA changes. You may no longer be able to tolerate foods you have eaten for years, or begin to eat things you didn’t tolerate before. Or you may crave a food, for me it was chocolate~ I ate a bag of Hershey’s Kisses and hot chocolate and baked a chocolate cake in one week~something I normally do not do! These cravings address a need within your body due to the changes taking place.

She said that many are gaining weight, even when you are not eating more than usual, or even if you are dieting in an attempt to lose weight. Hang in there, she said this effect will not last longer than 3 mos., so by June things should balance out. Remember to drink LOTS of water, it will assist!

Mikiah said that as things ‘settle’ it appears that Shadows are around us, attracted to us, want to attach themselves to us. That there are more ‘shadow’ emotions coming up, fear, anger, darkness, heaviness around us. Don’t succumb to it, don’t get caught up in it, recognize there is a need for clarity and understanding of our individual Spiritual Path. STAY FOCUSED on it. Some are inadvertently allowing them selves to become part of the Shadows, they see themselves as one thing, but they are acting in another manner, perhaps by becoming ‘wrapped up in others situations, etc.

She reminds us that there is a Universal Law, always in effect The Law of Consent, which means that the Light Beings or any in All of Creation cannot help us, offer assistance, give guidance etc. unless we ASK. The Energy will flow to us, and perhaps through us, but cannot be received because we did not ask for assistance. We must give consent for assistance!

Another caution, if we perceive things around us in judgement, if we feel things are too much to carry, then we are asked to look within to see the truth of it so we can move through it more quickly. If we allow other’s choosings to impede us on our Path, then we choose not to expand. If we allow ourselves to become wrapped upon others shadows, fears, doubts, so that we don’t move forward, the we are choosing to stay put! We need to choose to expand and grow!

Mikiah said that a physical way to address the flow of DNA and genetic Memory changes is to visualize thinking and actions. Each time we find hesitation/fear within to a Truth from Spirit/God, then that’s an aspect we need to address clearly, and understand that it (that particular doubt, fear) is being moved our of our Being.

She said that some cling to sorrow, and shadows, in order to utilize them to receive something from another~to create guilt, doubt, shadows within themselves, to draw others, to keep you where they are, to strengthen where they are. They must create Shadows in order to stay where they are, and she said we will observe that they lack energy, seem empty, and lack the ability to manifest.

Empty words, deeds are strong indicators that the strength is not within them. She gave an example. If Mikiah were to say to one of us, "I will come tomorrow at 1:30." then she does not show up, they are empty words, without deeds. It is not for us to ‘call them’ on it, to react, but to understand where they are, and move forward, don’t add to it, or become part of it!

Pay attention to your dreams, much will be revealed in them, things to come, things attempting to release such as anger~ releasing in dreamtime is a safe and easy and effective way to do so without affecting us in the physical. Dreams may reveal promises, potential, but these require our participation for them to come into being! We cannot think, oh, this is what’s coming and sit back and wait for it to happen, we have to put our energy into bringing it to fruition.

At this time, we are in the Physical Phase of the Energy, until April 11th at least, then comes the Emotional. So being in the Physical, it requires participation and action, if we do not participate, it will manifest for another and not you. (It is like a river flowing with a gift floating on the water, if you don’t reach out and grab it, it will go downstream to someone who will reach out and grab it.) This is a time to strongly pursue, request a Path/Commitment of Spirit/Soul and act upon it and participate in its coming forth.

It is a time of action, a time of wise action. It is not a time to leap without looking. Be aware, open your Self, bring into the Soul, ask where does this fit in my Path? There is not One Path, but there is One Direction. We will each experience our Path differently, but we must have a willingness to participate.

Easter, it is a time we may feel that we’re required to sacrifice in order to achieve. But it is not truly a sacrifice, it is steps taking toward Ascension. Ascension, does not mean ‘poof’ we’re gone, but means ascending our awareness and entering into Higher States of Being, into what Mikiah calls Bigger ‘Big T’ Truths. This will bring our awareness away from the Shadows, and Illusion, to an awareness of our Spiritual commitment/Path. An awareness of how to bring Spirituality into the physical Being. We can’t unless we shift our focus into our Spiritual aspect of Being. It is our choice, we can remain attached to the physical/illusion and remain there, or focus on the Spiritual aspect.

This process is moving us swiftly, at the Time of Resurrection/Easter, that is our opportunity for Ascension, our opportunity to ascend into the Higher Awareness. It is the PRIME opportunity, the Time is Now! Another opportunity for Ascension will not come around for a very long time, take advantage of it, Mikiah said those who choose not to, will wait and have many lessons to experience, it would be the wisest choice to do so now! Mikiah said again that we each have a Light Being with us at this time, after the Ascension Opportunity, those who choose not to ascend, the Light Being and some assistance will be withdrawn form them.

We will become even more aware of information, even more aware of things that we are being told that are not in Truth. Not so much on an individual basis, one on one, but things relating to what the Government is telling us, or organized religions for example. We will also realize when someone is not telling us the truth, just notice it and move on. Don’t allow yourself to get ‘wrapped up’ in their shadows, don’t allow yourself to be deterred.

She said Sin, true Sin is allowing oneself to become part of the Shadow existence when you are not pursuing the Light and the Love. There is a Greater reason this is occurring, if incarnates do not pull themselves from the Shadows, and illumine them with Light, the Earth is in great peril. She said she is not saying this to bring fear, but to give us the perspective of how important it is for us to remain focused!

She reminded us that we had been told that our choice for President would become limited. She said there is an increase in energy for those operating in the Shadows to continue. So it is important for Ascension to being to occur! Many who don’t choose Light, will find themselves more deeply mired in Shadow, like walking in mud, with each step, more weight is added. This is not were most choose to be...look not to the things of the Earth to lift you up, you won’t find it there. Physical is temporary. Remain strong within your Being until Easter/Ascension, look within the Soul and Spirit of yourself and others, recognize actions show the choosings but don’t allow them to deter you. Choose Ascension and on Easter, we will be hurled/launched into a whirlwind!

Mikiah gave an example to us of sitting around the fire, there is a lot of smoke, and it is causing difficulty breathing, so we take our hands and move them in front of our face to clear away the smoke. That is what will happen, the ‘smoke’ will clear, the shadows will be moved swiftly from us, things will be easier for us.

She told us to watch the night skies, we will see more ships/shooting stars. Many, many more coming.

Very interesting, there is an ‘ILLUSION’ that we are at another place ~Mars~ read that one more time...there is an Illusion that has been created that we are in outer space! We are not. Mikiah said that this illusion was created to perpetuate the need for money to be used in different manners. Some of which would be used to create other illusions and the rest would go into pockets. There will be propaganda given that there is a need to go to other planets to establish ______ I lost that word. But know that this all is UNTRUTH!

Mikiah said there are easier ways to get there, that have already been established. The pictures from Mars...they are coming from a movie studio deep under a desert out West! And this is just one of the things we are being asked to believe.

Our money will become increasing less in value. Be wise where you put it, and know how it is managed. (Watch the stock market, those of you who have money there.) She suggested putting it where you can retrieve it quickly, and to keep more actual money on hand rather than using checks. She cautioned about using the ‘plastics’ credit cards, that there will be an event that will cause difficulties.

The elections in November will bring changes in manners that we will not be pleased with. (We are powerful Beings, use that power to call forth Love and Light for change. Be aware of what is happening behind the scenes...go beyond the smoke screen being put before you, such as the uproar about gay marriages that are put out there take your focus off what is happening Iraq)

Mikiah reminded us that we’ve been told that we would see ‘backward’ movement in the Country, back to prejudice for example, and it will continue. She said we would see something like in the past happen with our monetary system. Those who control the flow of gasoline and oil are becoming more in control and will charge more for it. They are coming into control of the Source.

Bring your awareness to the Ascension Process, pursue the Spiritual Aspect, we will find that the Spiritual aspect of healing physical illness with be stronger in the Physical Illusion. We will have to return to this, there will be an increase in alternatives/natural ways of healing.

I asked about a friend who is an herbalist and has had to stop selling her formulas because of government regulations prohibiting it. Mikiah said that ways will open up, so long as the Spiritual is focused upon. It may appear that the way is not open, but we will be able to make it available.

There is a chance that we will re-experience a Depression because of the choices of many that have set forth energies towards more shadows. The positive aspect of this is that it will force many to seek more natural means of healing, as the cost of medicine will continue to rise beyond the means of normal people.

Grow a garden, even if it is a small one, the Earth will add her energy to the plants, and they will contain a higher level of nutrients, so it will be worth the effort. Mikiah said that the vegetables purchased in the grocery will have less and less of nutrients within them, as well as the processed foods that are being consumed. This is all a part of the same energy...lack of nutrients, leads to lowered immune systems, which leads to disease, and that leads to need for medicines.

Mikiah shared with us on Sunday about staying focused, using the example of a tender young shoot from a seed. It could choose to stay where it was, in the warmth of the soil, and not grow, but it chooses to follow the Light, and push upwards towards it. The hardest part of the journey is breaking through the hard crust of the Earth. That, dear ones, is where we are, we are pushing through the hard crust of the Earth. We are almost there! Keep focused on the Spiritual, keep moving forward on your Path, and know that the end is in sight. Namaste.

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

Some momentary awareness comes

As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,

Who violently sweep your house

Empty of its furniture,

Still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out

For some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

Meet them at the door laughing,

And invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,

Because each has been sent

As a guide from beyond.

~ Rumi


~ Maya for "I am you and you are me"

In the Name of ONE . Sandy ~
