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Celebrate Our Oneness In Heart and Peace (MOVIE)

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our brother or sister and not feel the vibratory affects upon ourselves.

To watch the movie, copy and paste this link to your Internet browser, turn on your sound - there is nothing to download, it is free online at:

Imagine what can happen if as many people focused on A Season of Peaceful Intentions by Celebrating Our Oneness as the number of people who watch YouTube? Did you know that YouTube has already grown to serve more than 100 million video views per day?

I M A G I N E what heartfelt thoughts of Oneness can do to create World Peace & Plenty now!

To spread the Heart of World Peace in our Lifetimes copy FWD a copy of this message on to your friends, your family and your co-workers.

May the Peace that Passes All Understanding Embrace us all now,


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PPS ...We internalize peace when we make time each day to relax into the oneness of it all. It is easy to bring spiritually connecting music along with us in our car or tote it along with use every where we go in our CD or mp3 player. Donna Michael, the creator of the music for WeAreOneMovie, has a large variety of audio CDs that are soothing, uplifting piano and vocal compositions. Her spiritual songs and chants in world-beat and adult contemporary rhythmic styles also contains instrumental tracks and background vocals - perfect for individuals or groups to celebrate oneness and love. The songbook/sheet music is also available at: