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Today's Message - March 24, 2003

From: The Voluneer

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larly coordinated group of ideas, thought, opinions and desires becomes difficult indeed. It does not require the effort of what is termed concentration, but does require the broader and more easily managed process of focus. Focus allows for what might be termed perimeter awareness of events and information that can be noticed and allowed for short-term inclusion without diluting or taking away from the intended direction of the intent of the overall focus. It allows participation within the currently perceived reality while yet holding in the awareness the intended direction of desire, of intended purpose.

Humanity must first allow itself to accept the possibility that it is their birthright to steward this planet and manage their own evolvement without interference or direction from outsiders. Once that possibility is allowed to take root, the desire for this experience will grow within the awareness, for it is well established within the psyche. It is latent, or buried under the mind control programming that has been layered within the social and religious structures on a worldwide basis for literally thousands of years. This entire program of control literally surrounds mankind's understanding of itself like a tough skin. It is necessary to literally squirm within this skin of deceptive understanding and shed all of it in order to perceive and create a new experience. If this were not possible, then there would be no necessity to place so many layers of false information into the minds and to hold it there through intimidation and fear. This need for control at all cost is the clue that the armor is fragile and that the fear of the controllers is far greater than your own. If mankind discovers its power and its true heritage, there is no answer for them but to destroy all but a few and to begin through intimidation to rebuild the population based on the same deception and fear program. Try as these beings have, it is not possible for them to change the necessary DNA programs to reverse the evolvement and return mankind to a more animal like being.

In reality, mankind's saving grace at this moment is the number of outside influences that are vying for control of this planet. Indeed, there is more than one. Is earth that valuable? It is the competition for supremacy that is the important point insofar as the outside interests are concerned. Each has their influenced faction among the deceived. And deceive you they must with clever and deceptive techniques. For those awake and aware human beings, it is possible to perceive these as factions vie for control. Even within the controlled media and religious dogmas there is confusion. Stories are reported, then either changed or withdrawn. There is conflict and competition between various warring factions so that if discernment is practiced the contention and factions are obvious. Many of the visions and esoteric prophetic experiences being reported are nothing more than another form of mind control. When these prophesies include future Utopian life without responsibility, beware. What is important to these factions is which one can win the prize, regardless of the condition of the prize at the end of another phase of history. Meanwhile, mankind has the opportunity to sleep on amid this virtual reality game or to awaken, stand forth in their own awareness and claim the prize, the planet, right out from under the warring factions noses. They need only to come forth into personal and group awareness of their birthright and collectively stand forth in declaration and ask for help from that point of consciousness and it will be given!

The key is that mankind must evolve to a point of maturity that indicates the ability to accept galactic citizenship. To be a planet of full-fledged citizenship, earth must be self-governed. Otherwise, this planet is considered a colony, available to be owned and ruled by outsiders. Until humanity is ready to be responsible for itself and its planet, it cannot participate in the galactic family. Then it must decide between being a positive or negative expression. Both experiences exist. Difficult as that is to accept, that is how it is. Help is available, but only on a consulting basis. Citizenship hinges on and results in total self-responsibility. It is not a case of aggression versus regression. It is aggression versus progression. Earth has been caught up in the process of rule and control by negative, stuck expressions of the expansive energies of potentiality. If this opportunity to change the situation is taken advantage of, then the decision must be made to simply continue that which has been the victim side of the coin by expressing the other side through aggression and abuse as you have been used, or to indeed create a new paradigm of experience.

As has been mentioned before, when citizenship is a reality through a quorum of humans declaring their independence and self-responsibility, then the opportunity to observe and receive consultation on what the other expressions of positive experience are currently in practice will be available. The space in sequential time to synthesize the new paradigm will be given and protection will be provided. Only a framework need be idealized. The proof of the pudding will be in the individual personal changes demonstrated by those humans that are able to shed the skin of manipulation and deception. These must walk their talk, so to speak and live their conviction of personal and group self-responsibility. It goes beyond a change of mind to living the conviction.

Where does one go when there is no capricious god to direct one's wishes, desires and fears toward? Can that empty place that was once filled by the "God" perceived to give and take, answer or not answer, hear or not hear, depending on whim ever be filled again. Indeed! Now is the time to remember the Laws of the Universe and to read them again and to practice them. Each must become the god in their lives, for the laws are the premise of life expression. The messages are written so that each time they are read a different perception is received, more is understood and the desire to experience real freedom is kindled. There is no freedom without responsibility. As responsibility is relinquished, freedom dissolves into slavery, no matter what clever face is painted over it. The choice between these realities, the fork in the road has been reached. It is indeed decision time.
