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Message From The Guardians -- Stand Tall

Through Laura

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essing affect on many. Now the window has opened and a fresh spring breeze flows gently into your hearts and minds.

Many will say spring is still not arrived ... we tell you Dear Ones, it is already here! Stand still and fill your hearts and minds with the sweet scent of the fresh spring air, a special sweetness that is truly new and different than anything you have experienced before. You have now pasted through one of the toughest winters in your memory and now it is time to put those tired and depressing thoughts to rest and embrace the new and improved YOU!

See your world with new eyes. See it through the eyes of a child just born fresh onto this world. It is a glorious time Angels of Earth. A time that will live on in the tapestry of All That Is and usher in a new era for all those on Planet Earth and beyond. You have now taken the next great step to the approaching great leap in human consciousness on 999. As the time line moves ever closer to this wonderful event, you will feel time speeding up and lightening even more than before. The changing of the seasons on your planet will truly be a "change of seasons". As The Mother shrugs and shifts herself into her next phase, you will see many changes occurring on your Planet Earth. Some will be subtle and some more dramatic.

Do not let yourselves fall into the pit of fear that may develop in mass consciousness. Re-member the fear is created by a lack of knowledge. Dear Ones, you know what is happening! Even if you can not put it in to words, you know on a heart level that there is nothing to fear and everything to celebrate!

Angels of Earth you are the pillars, you are the supports that hold everything together, for you chose to be so. While others scurry around in fear and apprehension, you stand calmly and securely in the knowingness that everything is happening in divine alignment and will usher in Heaven of Earth. It is so important that you remain centred and balanced at this time. You know how to do this, you have worked and trained yourselves to this end for many lifetimes.

You are the torch bearers, the forerunners, the planners and the engineers of this great shift in human consciousness!

Hold your light high and watch what an amazing effect it has on all those around you. There will be those who make there light shine in many different ways, some may seem small and insignificant on the surface. We tell you there is no such thing, every light shines as bright as the next even if it helps only one soul find its' way to the next level. Do not judge these things by your restricted, limited, dualistic human standards. They can not begin to encompass all that is happening on all the many levels of All That Is. Do not judge yourself so harshly, you are making an incredible contribution just by being here on Planet Earth at this time. You have no idea how much you are doing by just standing there holding your light for all those who have not yet discovered their own. Take heart Dear Ones, revel in your own magnificence!

Trust that you will always be in the right place at the right time, what ever that may be!

Re-member that there are literally thousand of us standing by your side supporting and blending our energies with yours. You are never alone, even in what you perceive as your darkest moments. This is a team effort and no one has to go it alone regardless of the physical circumstances. Re-member to just breathe and go to the center of your Heart of Hearts and there you will find all the love and support you will ever need to get you through even your darkest hour!

Angels of Earth "stand tall" and re-member you are loved beyond measure and you are never alone.

We hold you in our Heart of Hearts and ask you to do the same for each other.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians