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A Call To The Creator [Healing Circle Of Light]

[Healing Circle Of Light]

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[Healing Circle of Light] A call to the Creator.

Beloved friends,

I ask you now to expand your minds and touch the field of infinite possibilities.

Above timelines, planetary structures, world events, all probabilities for our ascension process is the sea of the creator, where we can change the script in an instant.

All that we know, all that has been forecast in channelings, everything can be altered for the highest good of all at anytime. We live in the realm of the infinite and each of us are a part of that sea of infinite possibility.

I ask you now to clear your mind, tune into your infinite self and to ask the creator which is you to alter the face of everything; Ask for acceleration of our Ascension process beyond what has ever been experienced.

Ask for the structures of all we know which is pure energy to be altered forever . . . Ask for the potential outcome of all world events to be fully overlighted and taken in hand by the creator. . . and dont stop asking. When you are complete do it again. Ask again, heaven has an attentive ear, it knows what we are experiencing at all levels . . .

Nothing that has been predicted or forecast has to happen, it is only energy possibility that can be changed in an instant through intent. Even our Ascension process can be fully altered and brought forward in an instant. Things are changing now so quickly on the planet. The dimensions are opening, the field of infinite possibility is expanding . . .

We can actually prepare for our full ascension into the fifth dimension and higher now . . .

We can ask for the structures to be put in place that begin facilitating this shift. . . We can ask for a bridge to be built between the full vibration of the creator and the central core of the earth, to make everthing the purest essence of energy that has ever been experienced . . .

Simply open, activate and expand your heart and mind as you read my words .

. .


Mark. . .

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