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The Omniversal Energy

By Elora GabrielFrom:

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ers, and also works as an energy healer. Karen is one of my staff members and has very good clairaudience. Deb is a local healer with awesome abilities and is also one of the clearer people I know. Lastly, I myself am certainly not always clear, but am highly sensitive (for example, as soon as I started reading and thinking about Kalki, he showed up, and I also found myself in a large classroom one night where he was teaching.)

I'll also add that we live in Asheville, NC, and that this area is very energetically active with many ley lines, portals, and power points. There are areas which are energetically calmer, and those areas have not experienced as much upheaval or release of negative energies and beings, as we have here.

I came into this life filled with a tremendous drive to evolve, and also programmed for Earth ascension and to be part of that process. I studied Vedanta as a teenager, read the Findhorn channelings in the 70's and many others in the 80's and 90's; and was convinced that the rapid transformation of our planet was imminent.

Somewhere between '96 and '98 I began to lose my faith. It was very clear that, at least on the outer level, Earth was *not* transforming. In fact, because of the increasing environmental devastation, overall things appeared to be getting worse. I tried and tried to understand what was really happening. Had there been a plan, and had it gone awry; derailed (as so many have been) by the unexpectedly recalcitrant behavior of humanity and the density of 3D life here? Had interference from the dark side simply been too great? Or had the whole thing been a grand illusion, and were the channelers simply recycling mass thought forms which bore no resemblance to reality? A number of my lightworker friends felt the same way. There was a sense of weariness, of deep disappointment. So many of us had worked so hard, and it appeared that the transformation of the our planet-if it happened at all-was probably thousands of years down the line.

That's how things stood with me until September of 2003. Despite feeling discouraged about outcomes on Earth, I never ceased to explore inner realms. It was about mid-September that John and I both noticed a great increase of psychic attacks and various types of attachments in people we knew. *Everybody* was picking up dark forces (a term sometimes used for the beings who are the opposite of angels), negative entities, and even discarnates. Even John and I were getting them! I had to continually clear the staff, and at times the "infestations" were so bad that one sensitive employee couldn't get to work until she was cleared. (It was because of this situation that I created a vibrational essence called "Protection" which we found to be strong enough to repel all these types of entities, as well as to actually get rid of attachments if used frequently.)

John and I separately went to guidance and asked what was going on. To our surprise, we were told that the upsurge in "critters" was due to something positive-an increase of light on the planet. The cockroaches were being flushed out of the cracks, so to speak. Of course this interested me greatly, so we did our best to get more details. Some of my sources on the inner said they didn't know where this light was coming from-it was a source so high that even they couldn't comprehend it, but they could perceive it all right. I tuned in to the Omniversal Energy, as I call it, and found that it felt like an intense beam of light energy which was experienced as descending directly through the crown chakra.

John is quite a good channel and has recently been channeling a being who identifies himself as Maitreya (not the current Maitreya, but the first one to hold that office). Maitreya had a lot to say about the Omniversal Energy. He said that it is the highest and most powerful energy we have ever known on this planet. That it is what we have been waiting for-and while its arrival was expected to occur quite a bit earlier, it is indeed here now. As it intensifies, Maitreya told us, the OE would change everything on our world beyond recognition. It will clean up our planet to the very last corner, and as the OE increases in power, absolutely nothing will be able to withstand it. The OE will gradually raise the frequency of Earth as well, so that all matter here will become less and less dense. If you took our dining room table, as it will be some years or decades down the line, and brought it back to our current reality, we would be able to pass our hand through it.

Maitreya said that the OE is affecting not only earth but our entire universe. Our universe, according to my own research and that of others, is a kind of maverick, experimental universe, very different than most of the positive, well-ordered universes out there. It's my belief that what we call the star seeds on Earth not only came here from other planets, but originally came from other universes to help this one. Some consider this universe to be a bold experiment while others feel it's such a mess that the whole thing might have to be scrapped at some point, which would involve a huge salvage operation. In any case, Maitreya stated that the OE will ultimately clean up and transform our entire universe. He said there would be dark corners for a long time, and many highly negative beings would choose to leave Earth as the light increases, to hide out in such places. Even they, eventually, would have to face the music. Earth, however, was in line to receive a high dose of this energy, and is therefore a good place to be right now.

To explore further, I asked Karen to relay information to me from Z, one of my very trusted inner plane contacts. Z said much the same type of thing that I've relayed above. Z felt it was high time that the OE had arrived, and that it would make sweeping changes in our world. As closely as I could get, it had arrived on September 5, and we had started noticing the effects some time after that. We also began to observe that many people around us were experiencing dramatic and intense life changes. For example, Karen had followed a certain Eastern master for 30 years (all of her adult life) as well as for 6 lives prior to this one. On September 6, she found out that he was not a being of integrity and renounced him. Shortly after that her father died and her apartment was flooded, plus she had to deal with ongoing psychic attacks from the astral minions of her former guru. I have 4 staff members, and 3 of them had deaths in their families in the months directly after the entry of the OE. I myself broke a karmic contract of over 3000 years standing, and went through other very intense changes and realizations.

In October, we had dinner with Deb and she told us she had also felt the arrival of the OE, about the same time that we had pinpointed it. Her feelings about it closely echoed the information we had received. Later, a friend sent me one of Ronna Herman's channelings from Archangel Michael which was dated October 2003. The channeling states:

"Before your planet was created it was decreed that it would become the Zero Point or the center of a new creative endeavor whereby the Angelic Realm, the Co-creator Gods, the Great Beings of Light, and the Star Seed from throughout the Omniverse would send emissaries to Earth bringing their Light, their wisdom and their desire to fulfill the Creator's Grand Plan. Humanity and the Earth's soul are reaching up and out to connect with our Father/Mother God, and *the Supreme Creator is opening the pathway from the core of Its Being down through the multi-universes, the Great Central Suns, dimensions, and realms beyond measure* in order to incorporate and harvest the beauty and magnificence of what has been wrought by all of us in the name of our Omnipotent Creator." [emphasis added]

It was because of these words of Archangel Michael that I started to call this new energy the "Omniversal Energy". I was personally told that it comes from a central power source within the Omniverse (that which contains all the universes). That it is stepped down through many gateways before it reaches our planet, probably including what we call the Great Central Sun; but comes from far beyond this universe.

At the time of the Harmonic Concordance, Deb said that the OE changed. It became more balanced, more full. She said that if it had been a single note previously, it was now a chord. I agreed with her assessment. Originally, the OE felt a bit harsh, but now it feels more rounded. And perhaps we are getting more acclimatized to it as well. Initially, back in October for example, I could see that a lot of it was "sheeting off" Earth, and not being well absorbed. That seems to have changed.

Things have continued to be pretty intense in our area. I have seen the earth venting, as it were, huge clouds and plumes of black smoke in its cleansing process. This was in January of 2004. In February, I noticed that the earth in the area where we live (which contains many power points) literally feels scorching hot, energetically. It now looks as if the Earth is on fire as it passes through an intense purification process. (Deb confirmed both of these observations-the "venting" and the burning.) We became very uncomfortable living here (even before realizing why) and a new rental dropped into our laps, which we found to be an area that is much calmer energy-wise. Karen and a couple other staff members and friends live on the other side of Asheville, on a huge ley line that comes down from Mt. Pisgah. Again, without or before realizing why on an inner level, they have all decided to move as well.

I have found that the OE is highly intelligent, responsive, and seems to know everything. I often communicate with it. I don't know what percent of its full intensity we are currently receiving, probably no more than a tenth.

With the advent of the OE, and now with what I've learned about Kalki and his work here, I feel once again that our world is on track for a rapid transformation. Just how rapid I don't know for sure. I hope it will occur by 2012 and there appears to be a good chance of it. Certainly the ecosphere can't take too many more years of abuse without some kind of major collapse. I think the rate of change is going to be speeding up exponentially. And I do hope that those of us who have been doing our work for so long, will ultimately be able to ride the waves of change in a joyful way, as well as being able to help others who may be struggling.

As you wrote in your article The Supramental Awakening, "During this process, there would be a transition period which would be chaotic, extremely chaotic, as the last strongholds of greed, fear, and darkness, came up to the surface to be dispelled." Ever since I read the Kalki material, I've been wondering what it might be like to have a world where true enlightenment was within reach. Many humans, especially those in Eastern cultures, would eagerly reach for it as the concept would be familiar to them. Others, from more fundamentalist belief systems, would be extremely threatened and would see this movement as the work of the devil. There could be some pretty intense polarization occurring. We're in for interesting times.

This was a long story, but I've been wanting to record my observations about the Omniversal Energy for some time. I'm sure others have noticed it, but as I mentioned before, nobody wrote about it with the exception of the AA Michael channeling, and its entry point didn't occur in conjunction with any big known activation or astrological configuration, so it seems to have gone unnoticed by most. If you or your friends and contact have any feedback I'd be most interested.

Thanks for listening.

With love,

