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The White Wizard's Corner

By Jeff Flesher

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tred and the world is feeding on its effects as the Dark side feeds on this type of email or message of any kind and CNN lives off of this and feeds it to the masses. What happened to the Good News Channel? Does anything good ever happen on this planet? The Planet is getting sick; it’s throwing up (Tsunamis), and people are not getting it; it’s crying (Floods of rain) and still people continue on this destructive path. I look out my window and the snow has melted and the earth is at peace and I wonder if the people here are at peace as well. The weather doesn’t need to cool us down anymore here at least, not this day; but how long will this last?

This is a Holy War; not necessarily our holy war unless you are a Jew living in Israel and want to clear the territory for growth and expansion that will one day encompass the whole world; make no mistake this war is over the Jews in Israel. Question: Where were the Iraqi missiles landing during GWI and what country did they have the capacity to wage war against thus bring US GWII?

I don’t know how many people can connect the dots so I’ll do it for you, no Jesus no Peace, know Jesus Know Peace and no Jew believes in Jesus or Peace. I’m not anti-semetic, the Jews made their collective beds and now they have to sleep in it; they are their own worst enemy and history shows this to be true.

The Gulf War? Been there done that, got the Tee Shirt to prove it and I know first hand what and why, and not the lies that media spinmeisters extol from their sanitized newsrooms. History is written by those who hang heroes; the rape and plunder that is going on in GWII is nothing short of WWII and the Jewish NAZI party (that made Israel a state), who my Grandfather fought against. We don’t learn from history because the enemy is writing it. What are we fighting for and who are we dying for? Still think this has anything to do with 911? The message below has nothing to do with this; it’s just me throwing up.

You can’t be mad at the dead solider or the people he kills; he knows not what he is doing as he only takes orders from the powers to be, the ones you have mentioned below; so do we get mad at them? What is the point when we allow them to be in power over us? Anger serves one Master; that is the Dark Side. You are better off not practicing or preaching the Dark Side lest you are it’s servant. Instead let this mans brothers and sisters and children and all his friends know the truth because only the truth can set us free. . . not anger which serves it’s Master, leading to hate and who are we going to hate?

I hate myself for being a part of this Government, for thinking I could stop war or change the machine from the inside ¾ an overhaul is long overdue, not coming from anger or hate but from wanting the very best for all mankind and not for the profit of blood or population control. Words and pictures can hurt your soul, years of fighting can hurt your sole, so pick your fight and know your enemy and put on your armor suit and mount for battle and know this is the day that you tell your enemies that they can take your lives but they can never take your freedom. Do this in the name of love and love your enemy to their death; because it is this day that we walk like men and carry a sword and not a pen; we draw blood and not words on some paper to vent our hatred; we look at this picture and remember that he died a good death because all deaths are good if the person is willing to die for it. This is a red day; and many shields will be splintered, so hold your sword high and your armor will protect you all the days you fight as long as you do it for the Light Side and not the Dark; and remember that even the Light can die in all of us because that is the cycle of the universe; and the universe doesn’t care who this person who died is or what they died for; it took his soul back as fast as it gave it and into the light it went, not the light that can die but the ever lasting light, the light that all the darkness in the universe can not put out; not the mightiest of Black Holes can bend this light let alone swallow it because there are things that we can not swallow either… these lie’s? This Anger? This Government and its selfish people? The Media? No these too will pass into the Black Hole because they are not made of the ever lasting light. A war? A holy war? A dark day a sad day but a day none the same. Don’t morn his death in vain unless you plan to pick up his sword and throw down his enemies. Talk $1.85 one mans death priceless; you do the math.

I had a dream… the Light was all round me and I could see it and feel it… I could see many souls much like that of this man below… I was not dead… I don’t believe in an after life or in reincarnation so what was this place and how could I visit it I wondered when I woke… yes I thought to myself this is a place I can go any time I want to… in this place there is no hatred, no anger or angry souls, no living and no dead, this is the ever lasting Light, it’s not thought or imagination it is as real as anything and I know its there… now I ask myself what are we fighting for? Freedom or Boredom? Ground to stand on or to stand our ground? In this place none of that matters and that’s why I seek this place that’s why it's there that’s why it will always be there. Now take a moment out of your busy life's and travel to this place and see if I’m telling the truth, know what is the lie, know what it is to die for that lie, live the lie and die for that lie, then come to this place and stop wondering why, know that all of this is gone and none of it matters to the universe, live in this place for a while; seek its energy and become one with it; only in this light will you start to understand that we killed this man, no one else did it.

We gave the power to the Government and the Media because we are too weak to take our own power back, our own internal governor. We killed this man so be angry with yourself and don’t blame anyone else, take this responsibility for once in your life and stop being selfish, the light knows and teaches none of this so where did you learn it? Unlearn these things and the truth will come to you. We are the Government, we the people; take back the power and live again or die for it… it doesn’t matter; because after all it’s just you and me, so let me introduce myself. I’m a man and this is how man reacts, this is what man does and has done for millions of years, this is what man is, hate, anger, lust and greed, every dark thing he despises, he is the beast, what is my name… MAN… Mad Angry Nightmare…. Never seeing the Day that he can put the Mad and Angry self to sleep long enough to see and feel the light. Now look at this man and pour all your hatred and anger into this picture and remember who killed him and why, take the Blue pill or the Red pill and think what ever you want… eat Blue Apples and see the light would be my reply. In this Matrix only Man can Trick himself into delusions of grandeur; thinking he can make a difference in this world, in this place and that his death will be mourned; only the light can heal this wound, this man died for a lie that we allowed to live, take the Yellow pill and keep allowing this lie to grow will all the angry and hatred it deserves.

I’ve fought beside men like this and watched them die and helped them die, I buried their broken bodies in unmarked graves so no one would know what their names were. This man doesn’t have a name nor does he deserve one if all we can do for him is hate what he stands for… a man that is his NAME; EMAN backwards to tell the truth, not this lie. I’m tired of fighting this invisible war; once all the hatred and anger left my soul the war was over and the guilt set in, the despair, depression, anxiety, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disease), Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), and the shame is what is killing me. Look at this picture and see the shame in it, feel the shame and let it eat at you in the Night, swim in the anger and revel at the hate, cry out load and howl at the moon; let all your animal instincts go; pick up your arms and lock and load, draw your swords and draw blood, do this in the name of Heaven so you can justify it in the end, be the Tin Solider or become the light the choice is yours. Now go out and do the right thing… look into the sun and find your path and follow it, let it flow the river, don’t look for others to pave the way, walk the path that nobody knows… but you, be your own man, know your name…eman… be that man the Energizer not the Copper Top, see the Light, feel the Light, be the Light, take the Light pill (pretend that its colored white so you can’t see it, white on white because black on black is back if you don’t) .

In conclusion Focus your energy is what I’m trying to say; send out thoughts that you want in return; send out negative energy and that’s what you’ll get in return; send out positive energy and you will feel the power and not the drain.

I’m sick of reading negative thoughts, I know they are out there and I choose not to become them, not to feed into that energy, anger and hatred only leads to the dark side. Look at all the email you send out and ask yourself, will this make a difference, will this give out a positive energy, will this help feed the soul, will this bring the reader closer to the Light? If the answer is no then this will not matter to the universe, this will send out negative energy and drain the reader of all the positive energy they have, this will starve the soul, this will bring darkness; then think about a better place to send it ¾ maybe to a Jew that lives on this hatred and enjoys the anger he gets from reading it; make two email categories; one for positive email and one for negative email; now put me in your positive category and delete me from the negative list and see how the positive energy will return to you; see how much better you feel inside knowing you made someone feel better, bringing them closer to the light; giving them energy; EMAIL or LIAME backwards is a tool that is like a double edge sword that can cut you in both direction if made to be a weapon; make it into a tool of Light and bring the reader into a universe of harmony and Spirit of Light (SOL not Shit out Luck if you don’t). Be the Jedi, pull your Light Saber and fight for the Force; let go all your anger, hatred and shame.

Join me in my fight to bring in a new era of LIGHT EMIAL not LIAME; when I send out the message !LIAME (! Meaning Not) you will know what I mean and please pass this one; this is a fight that I can not do alone; it takes a Force mightier than US; if we can bring the message to the world all of this will stop, mark my words; pass on anger and hatred and that’s what you put out there that’s what you’ll get back; put out Love and Light and that’s what you’ll get back 10 fold. Light isn’t the beginning; it’s everything the universe is made of and the darkness is everything its void of. I want to Boycott LIAME and need your help; join the Force now, be all that you can be; make the best of each day; live for the day don’t die for it; death will come soon enough to all of us but few of us really live.

Freedom is in the Light not the Ground; stand your ground and be grounded but don’t look for a Government that is for Freedom you can’t put a Governor on Freedom, it has to be Un-Governed and running at full speed. Image all the people living in harmony; you may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. Freedom fighters for Light is a cause you don’t have to die for; it’s a right; it’s a way of life; it can’t be Governed by anyone; it can’t be taken away; even if you lock me in a room for the rest of my life I can still be Free in the light; you can’t turn off this light; you can kill me and I’ll only become stronger than you can imagine. Help me OB-One; Oh Be the one of light.

By the way I don’t want anymore LIAME; forward it to the White House or Dark House but not to me; I’m a MAN of wealth and taste (Rich in the light and taste of positive food for thought.)

The White Wizard is my new name; I’m dress to fight and this is what I’m fighting for… Light………..

Jeffrey Scott Flesher Medically Retired U.S. Air Force: Disabled Gulf War Veteran


Dead because of a lie.

Dead because selfish people in government wanted a war and lied to get one, aided by selfish people in the media.

The government and the media traded the blood of these young Americans for their personal gain.

Look at their faces.

How can you not be angry?
