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The Journey Into Meditation

By Mary Mageau White

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meditation however spring from one premise: that the entire universe is made of one all-encompassing energy, intelligent, peaceful, loving and existing forever as the source of everything. As it is complete and there is nothing outside of itself, this one energy continually spins itself out as the entire, infinite universe. The mystics tell us that the totality of this energy is who we really are, and yet our predominant experience is one of separateness. We so often ask, "If I am really one with love itself, then why do I experience so many problems and difficulties? Why don’t I sense the true reality of my nature?" And the mystic would most probably answer, "It is your mind that keeps you from the experience of what truly is."

Mystical explanations of the origin of the universe shed more light on this problem. These state that the one energy at the moment of creation, polarized itself into seeming duality, - good and evil, male and female and all other pairs of opposites. Like two sides of the same coin, cold is meaningless without hot, good makes no sense without bad. This tension between opposites is also reflected in the human brain. The dual structure of our right and left brain hemispheres tells us that we are part of the world of separation, or that we are somehow in opposition to ourselves and the rest of the world. The more lateralization in the brain (or the more tension between polar opposites in a dependence on only one hemisphere) the more separation, fear, isolation and anxiety we will feel. Often accompanying these lateralized brain states are addictive and dysfunctional behaviors, which include extreme mood swings and substance abuse.

Modern scientific brain study and research indicates that long-term meditation balances the brain, creating a synchronicity between the two hemispheres. It has been tested and proven that when meditators reach alpha, theta and delta brain wave states, their two hemispheres adopt a single, coherent electromagnetic wave firing pattern. This indicates that both sides of the brain are working together in a balanced and synchronous manner. Whole brain functioning also produces neurochemicals called endorphins, which create feelings of well being and produce anti-ageing hormones. Through whole brain functioning and over time, a meditator will experience the following: improved memory, stronger intuition, enhanced creativity and concentration, as well as lower stress levels.

The knowledge and practice of classical meditation aids us in the purification, not of who we are, but of the filter through which we see and experience who we are. If the filter is purified everything in the universe is purified with it and our lives become filled with peace and happiness. Thus we evolve, as our view of who we are and how we relate to our world, embraces more of our connectedness to the rest of the universe. Our world is now entering a new era of personal and spiritual growth. In every area: (family, sexuality, race, religion, government, economics, education, technology and the environment) we have reached a point where the old systems are collapsing. To assure that we make a quantum leap into the next evolutionary level, we need the advantage of all the tools available. If you feel the truth of this resonate within you, seek out and find a qualified teacher who can guide you into the practice of meditation. Any time and effort you spend in meditation will offer you great benefits and rewards
