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The Need Of The Hour

By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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Harmonic Concordance was a tremendous success, and the Light of Divine Consciousness is now flowing through the hearts and minds of awakening Humanity in ways never before experienced. This victory was accomplished through the unified efforts of hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers all over the world and the entire Company of Heaven. Now the year 2004 is providing each of us with opportunities beyond our greatest imagination.

From outer appearances, it may look as though nothing much has changed, but that is an illusion. Everything has changed, and nothing on Earth will ever be the same again. We are moving forward in the Light, and there is no turning back. As I have mentioned many times, these changes occur first in the Realms of Cause and then filter into the world of effects. The physical plane of Earth is the very last dimension to reflect the changes. Once something has occurred in the Realms of Cause, however, nothing can prevent it from manifesting in the physical plane. The only question is how long it will take, and that is up to you and me.

In order to realize the full magnitude of the opportunities 2004 is providing, we need to shift our awareness slightly. Instead of looking at the outer world and accepting the chaos and confusion existing there as our reality, we need to remember that the physical plane is just a reflection of Humanity's consciousness. Now that the limitless flow of Divine Consciousness is available to every person evolving on Earth, we have the ability to easily create a new reality. The sooner Humanity accepts that Truth the sooner we will manifest the perfection of Heaven on Earth, which is our purpose and reason for being on the planet at this time.

During Harmonic Concordance, the archetypes of Humanity's miscreations back to the initial impulse of the fall were shattered and transmuted into Light. Those archetypes included the distorted patterns of all of the maladies that are now existing on Earth. Our thoughts and feelings are creative, so we still have the free will to hold on to those old thoughtforms and to recreate those gross mutations, but if we choose to create something wonderful and positive instead, it will now be infinitely easier.

What this means very practically is that even though we may have tried and failed in the past to change negative situations in our lives, those same situations are now going to seem much less daunting. Without the miscreated archetypes from aeons ago empowering and sustaining our negative thoughts and feelings, we will experience much less resistance. From now on, every effort we make to improve the quality of our lives will be much more effective, and this time we will succeed.

With the influx of Divine Consciousness from Harmonic Concordance now flowing through our newly-opened 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras, our 12 Solar Strands of DNA are being recalibrated into 5th Dimensional circuits of communication. This healing activity is reestablishing Humanity's ability to commune with the Realms of Illumined Truth through open-heart and open-mind telepathic communication.

Once Humanity reconnects with the Realms of Truth, we will remember that we are ALL sons and daughters of God, and we will realize that all life is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. In that Realm of Divine Consciousness, we KNOW that every thought, word, action or feeling we express affects every facet of life in the whole of Creation. We clearly understand that our peaceful, loving thoughts and feelings bless and enhance all life while our discordant, hateful thoughts and feelings create havoc and cause problems for all life.

Once the Divine Wisdom and Knowledge from the Realms of Illumined Truth registers in Humanity's conscious minds, it is impossible for us to justify harming ANY other facet of life for our own personal gain. It becomes blatantly obvious that only by working for the highest good of all concerned will we experience true and lasting joy, happiness, abundance, peace, fulfillment and every other attribute of God in our lives. Only by creating win-win situations in every human endeavor will harmony and balance be restored on Earth.

The major life-transforming advantage of Earth's shift into Divine Consciousness will be Humanity's realization of the Oneness of ALL Life. This one revelation is the KEY to Eternal Peace and Earth's Transfiguration in the Light. When every soul remembers this Divine Truth, Heaven on Earth will be the order of the new day.

The NEED OF THE HOUR is for awakened Lightworkers to join hearts and minds, as we cocreate a living, ever-expanding Forcefield of Light that will assist even the most asleep, resistant people to easily experience the new frequencies of Divine Consciousness that are now flooding the planet.
