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Bellringer Article 1-16-04>>SOL>> Reply

Roscoe Boyd

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ill ask this also, what does it mean when Esu said, " Do not hoard nor lay up your treasures in a storehouse?"

When Esu spoke of this I believe he was referring to the habit today (as well as 2000 years ago) that people have of taking more than they need; exceedingly more! Hoarding was a problem then as it is now, and we see it in situations such as the Enron scandal and the allegations of Martha Stewart's insider trading. Esu's message is one that redirects our focus to the hidden reality that there is an overabundance of all that we need to survive, and--more importantly--to thrive! Therefore, there is no need to "lay up" or store up wealth in a bank or "storehouse."

In our present world it seems that there is not an abundance, rather a shortage; that there is not enough to go around. Yet, the reality is that there is MORE THAN ENOUGH for everyone to live joyously and in peace. The creation of this scarcity paradigm is what has allowed the illuminati to take and maintain control of this world.

Esu speaks about letting go of a reality that binds us to material gain, and faithfully walking into the reality that awaits us! Actually, it's the reality that is already here for our taking and enjoying! To be clear, Esu didn't say that we must be poor, but he did say in this quote that we must take what we need and bless others with the additional or excess wealth we receive. That is the point of this message. As we are blessed financially and otherwise, we must take those blessings and turn them back out into the world and onto others. In blessing others, giving JOYOUSLY and living in freedom, we will multiply our abundance according to universal law! Instead of hoarding and storing our treasures, we are called to assist others with that which is in excess of what we need. It follows, then, that one of the requirements in receiving prosperity funds after the announcement of NESARA is that a certain portion be given away. As others are blessed the blessings will undoubtedly be returned to us. Namaste!

Light, Love and Life!

Roscoe Boyd II

Harmony in our Diversity! We are One.

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