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Message From God "Why The Hurricanes?"

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of government in the world are not caring about the environment, about global warming, about the rain forests being chopped down, about the oil being taken out of the earth to the extent that there won’t be enough for all of you?

Put it all together, My children, and know that the heads of these governments where all of you live are primarily concerned about their gain, their wealth, their money, their prospering and the prospering of the people who are around them - no matter what is happening to the earth - no matter how much is being taken away – ripped away – from Mother Earth, and how that is shifting the weather and what is going on – hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes. Look, My children, at what has happened to the weather during the last 12 months throughout this planet and the frequency of natural disasters.

Think about that. Think about the erosion of the earth’s gifts that have been given to you that have been misused by uncaring individuals for their gain. And, you know what? You are losing your protection against these kinds of natural occurrences. So, you ask if God is causing the weather changes? You think God is causing these disasters? No, My children. Neglectful, uncaring individuals in power have been the ones that have helped to cause what is happening. Look to the right sources – not to God – for what is occurring.

You cannot keep on polluting, depleting and ripping away what causes the weather to be stable on planet earth and think that nothing will happen. This is not about God’s control. This is about each and every one of you and your control. For, it is in your hands that you select the individuals that run the nations of the world who have not come to the table and stopped the pollution and pillage of the planet. And, God tells you today – it must stop. It is time to care about the planet, for things will become out of control to the point where the devastation is so great that it will be difficult even to exist on the planet. I do not wish this for any of you. It is time to make wise choices. And, don’t think your voice doesn’t count or your voice can’t be heard.”
