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9D Nibiruan Council Update

By Devin/Jelaila

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as it should be. The clearing and the pressure that creates it are part of the ascension process. We are well aware of this as planetary ascensions are our realm of expertise. To help you better understand your current state, we have created a list of the most prolific symptoms along with things you can do to help you cope through the weeks and months ahead.

Symptoms of Clearing

Feelings of anxiety for which there is no explanation; nothing out of the ordinary that could be creating them. Felt most strongly early in the morning shortly after awakening. Agitation and edginess for no apparent reason; unprovoked outburst of anger. Episodes of depression that may last a day or a week or more. Cycles of increased hungers followed by days in which you have little or no appetite; increase or relapse into addictive behavior. Fluctuations in body weight , Erratic sleep patterns and/or vivid dreams in which you find yourself attempting to work through the same issue over and over. Spaciness that cannot be relieved with normal grounding techniques; feeling that you exist in two dimensions or realities at once.

Coping Techniques

As we mentioned, we have many eons of experience in ascending planets and therefore have learned a few things about coping with the changes necessary for that to occur. Being that each planetary ascension is unique, and keeping in mind that yours is a physical vehicle unique in the entire universe due to its fully developed mental, etheric, and emotional bodies, we have created the following.

Feelings of anxiety for which there is no explanation; nothing out of the ordinary that could be creating them. Felt most strongly early in the morning shortly after awakening.

The anxiety that you feel stems from your Inner Child. It is his/her way of alerting you to a violation that has occurred but that you have ignored. Keep in mind, (we’ll be saying that often) that you made the choice to ascend either consciously or unconsciously. Consequently you will experience many opportunities disguised as conflicts of varying degrees. These conflicts are intended to trigger up emotions that have been stuffed in your physical/emotional bodies so that they may be released. Our suggestion is to go within and speak with your Inner Child. Ask him/her what he/she is feeling and what act and person it is associated with. You will usually experience the answer as feelings connected to a memory of some event. An example would be that your partner made light of your feelings at a dinner party with friends. This was a violation of your right to have your feelings and not to have them judged. It is also a violation of trust.

Agitation and edginess for no apparent reason; unprovoked outburst of anger.

The outbursts of anger also stem from the Inner Child and is the Child expressing what would normally be repressed. This occurs when the Child realizes that there is already too much anger stuffed and needs to begin releasing the top layers in order to maintain some sense of balance. We recommend creating an anger corner in your home, a sacred place were all family members can express their anger without fear of repercussion. This is especially helpful for Indigo children since this race is here in part to learn how to express lower chakra energies such as anger in an appropriate manner.

Episodes of depression that may last a day or a week or more.

Periods of depression again stem from the Inner Child. In this case, it is the Child’s attempt to numb or emotionally desensitize in order to cope with unresolved pain. Making agreements to express fear and pain with safe people (people who will listen, validate your right to have your feelings and not attempt to fix you or make it better) will go a long way. Moreover, finding the value in the pain will eliminate the depression almost instantly.

Cycles of increased hungers followed by days in which you have little or no appetite; increase or relapse into addictive behavior

As you move into an event to clear suppressed emotions, you may feel the desire to graze, so to speak. This is the Inner Child’s way of storing energy that he/she feels will be needed to work though the stress that stems from intense clearing work. One that note, if you have resisted clearing, you may find yourself relapsing into a former addiction. It is not the best time to try and kick that addiction through behavior modification. Instead, work to clear the belief, which is at the root of the addiction and your desire for the addiction, will disappear.

Once the emotions or pattern have been released or if appropriate, changed, the need for food will diminish. This will naturally result in a fluctuation in physical mass or weight.

Erratic sleep patterns and/or vivid dreams in which you find yourself attempting to work through the same issue over and over.

Much of the work required to access stuffed emotions and old traumas occurs during sleep. As a result, you may find that you have vivid dreams. Many times these are memories from your current and past lives, being dredged up by your soul’s request to be worked through and cleared. If not cleared in the first dream, you will find them reoccurring and will continue to do so until the issue is complete.

It is quite common for the Inner Child to resist this process and his/her resistance will result in an inability to sleep often accompanied by anxiety, restlessness and/or agitation.

Spaciness that cannot be relieved with normal grounding techniques; feeling that you exist in two dimensions or realities at once.

At a particular point in the clearing process and as a result of accessing past lives during sleep, you may find that you remain connected to the timelines in which the event(s) occurred. These could be past or future based on your linear time reference. Actually, since all timelines exist now, you are simply tapping into and working through events of your “other selves.” Know that this feeling will pass and you will be able to ground back into your current timeline once you have cleared the pain.

As you can see, most of the coping techniques involve your Inner Child. This is due to the fact that your Inner Child plays a very important role in your ascension. We highly recommend that if you have not taken this aspect of yourself seriously enough to build a partnership with him/her, that you begin doing so now.

In closing, we honor all the effort that you have put into your ascension. We know, having personally gone through several ourselves, how challenging it can be. Take heart and know that Earth is well on her way and though it will be tough going for a while, the end result will be the world that you desire.

In service,

Devin of the Galactic Federation’s 9D Nibiruan Council

channeled through Jelaila Starr
