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More Of What Spiritual Warriors / Lightworkers Are Experiencing

From: Joy Kamrin,

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===================== 1.Creating Heaven on Earth From Salome Sananda's Living Spirit eLetter

Jesus said, The Kingdom of Heaven is within. Heaven is a state of consciousness, not a physical place that can be located in time or space. Heaven is within your consciousness. Heaven is within our consciousness. Heaven is the state of consciousness which embodies the spiritual realm. It is a level of awareness which requires us to release our individual experience and move into our identity as spiritual beings. This is the new reality which is now being created on the physical plane. It is the infusion of the spiritual (heaven) into the physical (earth). This change is now happening energetically and is being experienced both individually and planetarily.

The infusion of the spiritual plane into the physical plane is what is known as the ascension. The planet earth has moved from the 3rd dimension (physical) to the 4th dimension (spiritual). This energetic shift is resulting in many changes. To those who are not sensitive to such things, the physical world will appear chaotic. These people will not understand or perceive this new level of consciousness of which I speak because they are not yet able to embody it. For those who do sense these changes, perhaps you have not been able to put words to what you are feeling, but there is deep within you, a knowing that something is changing and you are changing right along with it. These changes affect every part of your being. The following is a list of a few of the more common experiences of the ascension for those who are energetically sensitive:

Digestive difficulties and appetite changes

Bloating and weight gain

Joint stiffness and pain (especially in the knees and neck)

Headache/sinus pain and congestion

Hormonal fluctuations

A feeling of detachment from those you love

Wanting to spend more time alone

Lack of personal motivation

A hollow or empty feeling

Inability to concentrate and/or forgetfulness

A growing sense of peace, even in the midst of chaos

The integration of a new level of consciousness takes time. There are many changes happening on all levels. Be patient with yourself. Be patient with those around you. The physical body has to adapt, the human psyche has to adapt, the brain and nervous system have to adapt. The denser energies have to be purged, on an individual and planetary basis. Divine Grace is at work in and through each and every aspect of creation as we move into more light and awareness of God's Presence within ourselves. If you understand what these changes are and why they are occurring, there will be less resistance. It helps to know that many people are experiencing the same thing. We are all One body. The body of God is ascending and each aspect of the body of God is being altered to reflect this change.

New Perceptions

When our consciousness rests solely on the physical plane, we perceive only through the physical senses. Our experience of the world is confined to what we can see, taste, hear, smell and touch. Our experience of the physical world also includes the mental plane of existence. For those who are still existing solely on the physical plane of existence, there is a reliance on the mind to navigate the world. Reason, logic and practicality rule one's life and every experience is labeled, categorized and filed within the mind's definition of reality.

When we expand into the spiritual realm, we begin to perceive beyond the physical. We begin to navigate the world through the feeling body. We begin to use intuition to experience ourselves and the world. This means that when we speak to someone, we become aware of the different levels in which we are engaging them. As we relinquish our individual goals and desires (ego) we become increasingly aware of our spiritual selves (soul/higher self) and we begin to experience the world through that perceptual filter. We are still aware of the physical domain, and see clearly those who are still confined there, but we also perceive the higher truth of what is being experienced around us. As our consciousness expands, we directly experience an inner knowing that what we are seeing externally in the physical realm is not the Truth of the spiritual realm. It is no longer our truth. The integration of the spiritual reality into the physical plane will come about as we live by our inner truth and allow heaven to unfold through our consciousness onto the physical reality.

The Search for Love

The search for love is the quest for balance and wholeness. Throughout many lifetimes we have sought to find love externally. We have sought to experience completion through the physical experience. Each lifetime has been spent in the pursuit of happiness and love. Because our perceptual abilities within the physical realm have been limited, these lifetimes have been filled with hardship, pain, suffering and the external _expression of our desperation. The planet has known endless wars and hostilities because our desperate external search for love and wholeness has not proven fruitful. It is as if there has been an invisible ceiling keeping humanity from perceiving what lies beyond the physical realm and this ceiling has kept us from perceiving the spiritual aspect of our own being. We have been cut off from our soul, and therefore, have felt s eparate from God.

As the human consciousness moves into the spiritual realm, there will be expansion at the cellular level. This expansion will result in increased avenues of perception. Previously dormant areas in the brain will become activated and everything in the physical realm will be transformed as a result. As our perceptions awaken to what lies within us, beyond the physical realm, we will have access to the wisdom of the soul. We will directly experience our oneness and the Truth of Godâ?Ts Presence within the body of man. This realization will change everything.

The Kingdom of Heaven

What we are witnessing of the world is a fossil. The old ways are dying out. Denser energies are being purged. A new age is now underway. It is the Kingdom of heaven emerging on earth. For those who are resonate with the information presented here, this is a call to recognize what is happening and embrace it in a real and tangible way. This is not esoteric information. This it not new age mumbo jumbo. This is what has been promised and spoken of in every religion and civilization down through history. The time is now, and we are here to implement these changes. As they become integrated through our consciousness, each one of us serves as a stabilization point for the heavenly consciousness to be expressed on earth. The more who are able to embody this level of consciousness, the easier it will be for others to also perceive it within themselves.

Yes, there will be physical discomforts. Yes, there will be emotional pain and mental confusion. These are a natural part of the process of transformation which is well underway. You are being called to service however, and when you embrace that service, you will find these discomforts easing. The more you embody your spiritual self and release the individual concerns of your life, the easier the process will be and more will be revealed to you.. You must keep surrendering these personal concerns as they arise. You must allow the Divine plan to unfold. Do not worry about your personal needs, you will be provided for. Do not worry that you will not accomplish your personal goals, all goals are His to choose. (â?oSeek first the Kingdom of God in all His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you.â??) Do not worry over the welfare of others, release them to God. It is not for you to personally take on the healing of the planet. God has that covered. All you need to do is surrender your entire being for His purpose and allow Grace to unfold. Be a willing participant, be a witness to the miraculous, be a vessel for the Divine to flow. Do now ask how. Do not ask when. Do not ask why. Just be available for it to happen. And happen it will!

The following suggestions will help you integrate and stabilize this new level of vibration and fully integrate the spiritual body.


Eat lightly. Eat a vegetarian diet and drink plenty of water. Sleep as much as you need to. Exercise lightly each day, do not over exert. Practice stretching (Yoga) each day to help the energy flow easier. Practice deep breathing exercises each morning for 3-5 minutes.Â


Meditate and spend time in nature each day. Talk to God (pray) each and every time you feel the need to reinforce your faith in the spiritual realm. Ask to be shown what you do not understand. Ask to be taught what you want to know. Ask and it shall be given. Help and guidance is always at hand, but you must ask!

Slow down. Let go and let God. Release your personal responsibility in the world and allow Spirit to flow through you. Continue to do whatever arises in your life, continue to function in the world, just let go of it.

Keep the larger picture in mind and donâ?Tt take anything personally.

Realize that everything that you experience is a reflection of your own consciousness, and the same is true for everyone else. Practical Stay present in each moment. God is only experienced in the present.

Follow your heart in all matters and let the (external) chips fall where they may. (There must be external changes, these reflect the new reality which is emerging. Spirit will strive to bring balance where there has been imbalance.)

God is joy. Do not do what you do not want to do (yes, really!). To do so is to go against your soul. If you do not want to do something, chances are it is not in balance for you or the other person. When we are pure, all action flows out of love. If it does not, it is not pure action.

Trust yourself! Doubt is the enemy of love.

Accept yourself just as you are right now. These suggestions are to be taken out of inner resonance with what is in the flow of Grace as it is arising within you. Coming into that flow takes courage to give up all that is illusional and all that perpetuates external attachment. Through self-acceptance, balance naturally flows and these suggestions become self-evident and automatic.

Lastly, and above all, remember that all states are transient. Every experience will pass away, everything that arises on the physical plane will pass away. This is the nature of physical matter. Your body is physical matter, but your consciousness is eternal, infinite, being. Do not attach yourself to the transient, physical realm. This is the core of suffering. Remember the eternal, remember the Truth and LIVE THAT TRUTH to the best of your ability. If you do this, heaven will become manifest in your world.


In Love and Light

