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Look Beyond What You See

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tween the inner and the outer,

between the manifested and the unmanifested.

As you come together as one, recognize this unity of the continuum of all

existence, the continuum of consciousness, the unity of all that exists. It

is only again in the outer perceptions where definitions begin to take form

and begin to be accepted as a reality, as the only reality, or as a limited

reality, that there then appears to be a division between that which is seen

and that which is unseen, that which is manifested, that which is


It is always a good exercise in perception to ponder for a moment that which

is being observed and then to look behind the meaning, behind the scene,

behind the form and substance, and contemplate on the pattern of the

creative impulse that has resulted in that which is being observed.

Do not be bound by that which has been cultural, educational, or emotional

habits conditioned by society. Know that there is always the formless

behind the form. There is always the movement that then simply results in

that which is being observed and which is being for a moment identified with

or defined. Look always to the Source. Look always to that which is the

complete, infinite picture of the flow of creative energy. The individual

out-picturing or points of manifestation are only doorways to a greater


When you look at a painting, when you look at a tree, when you look into the

eyes of another soul that is embodied for a moment in the earthly

experience, see beyond that which you see and know the truth of how all is

connected, how there is always a pathway through that which is being

observed to that which is the formless, the infinite statement of the

continuum of the consciousness of creation.

This is particularly important and of a necessity in the process of

awakening to be aware of this reality, this greater reality when in the

company of another embodied soul. As you look around you in a crowd of

souls embodied on this planet, you see a wide variety of form, of

appearance, of out-picturing of how each soul sees itself within the created


But look beyond that which is being presented and see the continuum of the

Consciousness of Creation simply being made manifest in its multiple and

infinite variety of forms and points of awareness. As you do so, you will

become aware of the enormity of the unity of all creation. Actually, it's

infinite. Did you not know that?

So as you are in the company of an embodied soul, go beyond, look within,

look beyond, see beyond that which is the outer shell and know the truth of

the Love and Light of the creative impulse that is the cause, that is the

Source, and that is really the sustaining energy that brings all creation

into form and substance.

Ponder the meaning of the continuum of existence, the continuum of

consciousness, the continuum of creative energy always being present, always

being connected to the Source as well as to that which is the result. There

is no separation; there is no difference. It is all a matter of perception

and, as has been given many times, it is a matter of consciousness. As you,

as an embodied soul, shed the veil that separates and that tries to define

and tries to manipulate the perceptions in the outer realm, as this veil is

shed, you merge with who you already are. You merge consciously with who

you already are for you are the Consciousness of Creation in motion.

It is through the consciousness of the soul that creation takes place. It

is through the Consciousness of Creation that all form and substance, and

all points along the continuum of existence in the omni-dimensional realm of

existence, is sustained and is perpetuated infinitely, founded upon, based

upon, reflecting the Love and Light of the creative impulse that is the

Source of all.

Know this simple truth. Be this simple truth. Let go of all that would

impede or impair the vision of seeing this simply truth. Merge with and be

consciously aware of the oneness you are as the Consciousness of Creation in


~ Author Unknown but appreciated
