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D. Woodall

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Dimension? A new age of enlightenment? It's about getting in touch with who you really are and why you are here. Are you a body with a mind or are you a mind with a body? We are actually old, well traveled souls, stuck in a physical body to gain valuable experiences through the process we call life. Each day we are given a certain amount of energy to see what we do with it through our free will. We can choose to do negative or unproductive things with it or we can use it in more positive ways, such as helping others.

The spiritual awakening started around 1952 has been increasing in strength and numbers since then. It is a global event affecting all members of the human race. We are feeling the energy forces of light as we head into and through the photon belt. Every 26,000 years our planet makes this journey and it is designed as a wake up call to civilizations to either get our act together or face cataclysmic destruction. The Myans as well as other ancients, knew and understood this cycle very well, creating a very accurate calendar based on it.

If you will but look at our Earthly situation for a moment and give it some truthful thought, you have to admit we humans are not very civilized at all. We are destroying the very planet we depend on for our survival. We seem to spend more time at war than we do in peace. On one hand we have the greedy, materialistic, self centered, egotistical bunch of impatient, ungrateful, spoiled brats. On the other hand, the poor, starving and suffering lost souls of forgotten places on the planet.

There is hope though. As we learn to turn inward for answers to our problems, we can find peace, love and a greater understanding of how we are all connected and a part of our universe. This greater understanding can spread to our families, our communities and even to other nations. It can bring on a change of the mass consciousness of our planet and bring us new realities, for today's thoughts are tomorrow's realities.

With today's access to knowledge anyone wishing to seek the truth and avail themselves of self help, has multitudes of sources available. How can we tell what is truth for us? When truth is found, it resonates in the heart. It will be as "knowing" to the individual. It may even revive past memories. Something as simple as searching for "spiritual awakening", "planetary accenssion", or "higher consciousness" should give you a wealth of leads to follow. Remember sayings such as "when the student is ready, the master will appear" or "seek and you shall find", and knock and it shall opened unto you? There's no reason to feel left out. Get in on the "awakening" and seize the power and potential you came into this life with. Everything you need is within your grasp.

Whether you call them guides, Masters, spirits, Angels, Lord or God, there is help waiting for your call. Because this is a free will creation, they can not interfere without your asking. Ask for assistance, and see how your life changes. Use your energy to do good in the world and toward others who just like you, are here for a learning experience. Give thanks for what you have and never focus on what you do not have or do not want in your life. Remember there is always someone who has even less. Learn that wealth, real wealth, is not based on money or materialistic items that wither away like dust, but on those experiences that you will take with you when you leave this planet. Live to love and find the joy in serving others, for it will be the key to our survival as a civilization.

In love and peace,


Brandon, Fl.