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Let Go, Release, And Relax

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nner point of reference that there is an impression offered. Call it a voice, call it a nudge, call it intuition, but it is an impression that comes from within that is all the guidance that is ever needed in order to fulfill one's destiny, in order to complete the cycle of awakening and remembering, and in order to truly be living moment-by-moment in a unified consciousness with the impulse of creation.

The movement of energy is one that is related to the willingness of the tools of creation to release and let go - that is the mind, the emotions, and the physical. We speak of this aspect of the evolution of awareness from many perspectives, from many avenues of exploration, but it is all the same. For when the mind, the emotions, and the physical appetites want to control and demand subservience from the creative flow of energy, then the doorway to the inner realm is somewhat closed.

But when there is a release and a letting go, when there is an acceptance that there is indeed an eternal statement of creation always in motion and that the externalized components of the created environment are simply the result of that flow of creative energy, then the doorway opens. There is a willingness to listen, a willingness to let the tools become subservient, to let the flow of creative energy to truly be the master that it is. For there is only one Master and that is the eternal statement of the impulse of creation that is the complete and full statement of all the attributes of creation. It is the movement of love, the radiation of light, the expression of life. That trinity of creation is the one and only Master of all creation.

So we say once again, be aware of this process. Acknowledge that all that you are thinking, all that you are feeling, all that you have been programmed to respond to is simply a pattern of the created environment, but it is not the eternal statement of truth that lies within and behind that which is created.

Let go, release, relax. Put the mind into neutral. Let the emotions be a channel of expression for that which is offered from the depths of consciousness. Let the emotions express the attributes of the soul. You see, as this is allowed, as this is the conscious intent, then the doorway opens and the true and real statement of creation becomes a conscious moment-by-moment reality. You are the Consciousness of Creation in motion. ~ Author Unknown but appreciated ~
