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The Ripple Effect

By Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D.

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Physics teaches us that when a wave traveling in an opposite direction, impacts another wave of equal height, the ripple effect is neutralized. If we want to neutralize the ripple effect of September 11, we need to start a wave of equal power in the opposite direction. Perhaps we have already done that. In response to the events of 9/11/01, Americans have increased their generosity, strengthened their patriotism, and reaffirmed their essential unity. They have generated a wave of compassion that could possibly neutralize the negative effect of the turbulence we have all experienced. Have you added your behavior to such a wave? Or have you added to the strength and height of the wave of hatred and violence?

For hundreds of years, spiritual leaders and masters of the mind have used the characteristics of water as a metaphor for beneficial behavior. People who are experts in the martial arts, seek to achieve a constant mental state they call, "mind like water." In addition to the ripple effect metaphorically used above, what are some other characteristics of water you might want to develop?

When still, water accurately reflects the surrounding reality. Still water mirrors perfectly whatever is around it. When water is turbulent, its ability to accurately reflect is distorted. Perhaps we need to still our minds to perceive more clearly and accurately reflect on our current situation. On our own way of being in the world. Let your mind and heart be quieted by not making judgments and assumptions. Avoid fearful speculation.

Water never runs faster or slower than what the circumstances surrounding it require. It seeks its own level without effort or applied force. It flows. When your mind flows without force, you always find your own center, your own level. Your life becomes flowing and never moves faster or slower than your circumstances really require. Does your actual, daily experience require you to be terrorized?

Water is persistent and implacable. If it does not absorb what it surrounds, it wears it away, ultimately destroying the hardest of surfaces. Without hurry, with almost infinite patience, water persists in changing everything it contacts. It transforms the rough and hard into smooth and soft. With an implacable mind, you can transform your life even when confronted with extremely hard circumstances.

Water always receives whatever is thrown into it. It surrounds with itself whatever it receives. It never anticipates, or prepares. When your mind functions like water, you absorb whatever life throws your way. No matter what happens, you cope. If you are alive, you have already handled what life has thrown your way. You have taken everything in and surrounded it with who you are. If you hadn't, you would be dead. If you are still alive, you are more absorbent and stronger than you might think.

Water is without motive. It has no agenda or "cause" of its own. It has no plans for its future. It is not invested in having its own way. It has no "way" of its own. It doesn't have to "prove" anything to anyone. It "fits" itself into its environment. Without changing its nature, it flows around, over, under or through any obstacles in its path. One might say that water "trusts" itself and the world. After all, water is absolutely necessary for life. Trust your own life and its power. Live without modifying your essential nature.

Water may change its form from solid to liquid to vapor. It never changes its essence. Water is, in its essence, always the same, always complete within itself, always true to its own nature. No matter what you confront in life, always be true to yourself. Sure, you may change the way you express who you are. But never allow the actions of others to change who you really are...your essence. Always be yourself and express your true nature in all your relationships. I believe our "true nature" is: love and compassion, curiosity and acceptance, adaptability and growth.

Finally, water moves in ripples and waves. Live in such a state of mind and heart, that you add to the waves of love and compassion. You will neutralize any other waves of fear and hatred. You will live in a state of mind like water.
