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Might Makes Right Enslavement

Beatrice Irby Smith

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HT ENSLAVEMENT of ones fellow man. Too many men and women want to get rich and live in imitation of their 'royals and princes of the church who all eat from plates of gold.'

Fallible humans are so afflicted with inferiority complexes by the Madison- Avenue-dominated media that they keep their noses to the grindstone in pursuit of making money so that they can live in monstrosity-sized houses in imitation of Windsor Castle and the Vatican because they ENVY those stone edifices that are glaring symbols of MIGHT-MAKES-RIGHT ENSLAVEMENT. These inferiority-engorged simpletons fail to understand that those royals and princes of the church do not keep their noses to any grindstone. They are to the manner born. They are entitled. They are SLAVE DRIVERS.

How can anyone in his right mind want to imitate a slave driver?

How can any SANE man or woman BELIEVE that he or she is ROYAL?

I have just this week moved into a kitchen/room that is 14'X14' with a separate and private toilet with raised shower compartment. It is my CASTLE. it has access to a marvelous yard and organic garden plot. I shall raise onions, garlic, chives and parsley. I will try broccoli and sweet potatoes if I can get cuttings or seeds for those.

As a species, we humans should SIMPLIFY and protect our FREEDOM from AVARICE AND GREED.

Beatrice Irby Smith