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4th Dimension Is Upon Us!

By Drunvalo Melchizedek

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time is to help Earth's people to make a smooth transition through the upcoming Shift of the Ages. He feels the most important work "is to remind us about our MerKaBa, the powerful etheric fields that exist around each of our bodies, which have been in a dormant state since the fall of Atlantis," which occurred approximately 13,000 years ago.

Drunvalo and his facilitators teach the acceleration of perfect health, well-being and spiritual transformation through the activation of the MerKaBa, resulting in deeper contact with the Higher Self and giving "unparalleled protection" as Earth goes through its changes, as well as strengthening all aspects of one's life. The MerKaBa is activated through an ancient way of breathing and meditation originally taught in the Egyptian Mystery School. Drunvalo's long-awaited first book, "The Flower of Life," is soon to be released in late Spring of 1997. For information about the Flower of Life teachings see their website at: To find out more about the pollution clearing project or tools email:

LE: Do you feel that our society is going to crumble fast ... or can the coming 4th dimensional shift be smooth?

Drunvalo: I feel everything is a dream. It's all light. And it is what we think it is, whether we're conscious of it or unconscious of it. If we come together in our hearts enough, we can change that dream and lessen the violence and pain that could happen during the transition. If we were completely together as a planet in love, this transition would be one of great beauty. It would be the most beautiful thing one could ever imagine.

We're about to implement a cleansing program for the world ... if the secret government will allow us, and they're saying they will.

LE: They are? Are you in communication with them?

Drunvalo: They're doing pretty good, but they're going through a lot of changes.

LE: Tell us about your cleansing program.

Drunvalo: Well, the program is remarkable. We have figured out how to erase all the pollution off the heal the planet back to the way it was 1,000 years ago, and we can do it in less than a year.

LE: That's fantastic!

Drunvalo: Hopefully, people, when they watch their planet go back into cleanliness, will respond by not wishing to continue doing what they've been doing to recreate it all over again. We can keep it clean. We have learned how. In a little while I'll discuss this more.

LE: Okay. Can you share some details about the upcoming 4th dimensional shift we're headed for?

Drunvalo: What's happening now is souls are moving all around the universe into the geographical area most attuned to where they're at vibrationally. So, when they make the transition it will be more comfortable for them, and it will be more understandable.

LE: When the shift happens, will there still be a third-dimensional world for those people who still want to live in 3-D? What is your perception of this?

Drunvalo: My angels (Drunvalo's Higher Self) are saying that this planet, if it continues the way it's going, if it doesn't change, is not going to be habitable. There's something happening in the third dimension that's forcing light to move up (in dimension). The Earth has many dimensional levels. There are many worlds here. There is not just one.

LE: So, you're perceiving that when the shift happens the third dimension, as we know it, will be no more.

Drunvalo: Well, it really doesn't make a lot of difference if it is or isn't. What's going to happen is that consciousness is going to be forced into moving into higher levels. Who is doing this? It's God. God is forcing us to make a change for whatever the reason. The shift is coming from outside the (solar) system, and that's God, from our point of view.

LE: Will everybody wind up in the same place in the fourth dimension initially?

Drunvalo: You may end up in different overtones of the fourth dimension, but only for a while. Eventually, everybody will move into the twelfth overtone, and from there we will make another huge leap of consciousness. From that point, according to the Ascended Masters, we will move very fast, and we'll never be the same again.

LE: Past the fifth dimension?

Drunvalo: We'll move into the fifth, which is formlessness. There is no form in the fifth dimension. Although the fourth has form, it's almost nonexistent there also.

LE: Do you have any time frame when this will occur?

Drunvalo: Anybody who really wants to know can go inside themselves and find out. I don't think it's a good idea to give a time frame...although I believe it's coming very soon. It's dangerous to give a time, especially for some people. It would be similar to telling someone the exact day they were going to die. Your whole life from them on would not be lived the same way. So, if you know the day you're going to make the dimensional transition it puts your mind into the future rather than the here and now, which is the only place you can change. So, I don't like to give predictions of when things will happen.

LE: How can a couple...a man and wife or friends...stay together during these dimensional transitions?

Drunvalo: Remember that your partner has within him/her, literally, Christ consciousness. Look into the other person's eyes and look past the personality until you find that special place in the person...where you see the Christ consciousness. If you both see the Christ consciousness in each other, then that bond is so strong that it overcomes everything. I think it is one of the most powerful things that there is. You're not looking at the other person as only a human, but you're understanding and seeing their divine side.

That was done in Lemuria. They got to the place in their meditations where they saw the Christ within each other. When they made love and had a baby, they saw that the baby was God. In the actual...really doing that...really making it alive, they became immortal. That form of Tantra leads to immortality. You don't have to have a baby. It's only knowing that God lives with the other person...that God actually lives in everyone. Live that belief and you can go through anything. I'd like to continue something I started talking about earlier.

LE: Please do.

Drunvalo: My angels asked me to look at what was going on in Sirius B. That's where the dolphin and whale planet exists. The dolphins and the whales were into external technology until recently. That's documented by what happened with the Dogon tribe, where they came from space and landed in spaceships and where they created water and got into it. If you are unaware of this, read Robert Temple's book, "The Sirius Mystery."

LE: Okay.

Drunvalo: It is written in a cave in Africa that the dolphins and whales had spaceships until at least 700 years ago. My angels told me that about 200 years ago the dolphins and whales began a process where they were letting go of external technology, and they managed to completely get themselves out of it and internalize everything. So, they don't need anything any more. Everything is completely internalized. On their planet, around Sirius B, there are humanoid types who are still connected to technology like we are. And they have created a right-brain psychotronic technology. It has no moving parts. It looks like sculpture. they can do anything with it. It's a technology that, once it's used, it transforms the user so that the user realizes they can do whatever they just learned within themselves. Very rapidly the humanoids are becoming Cetacean. The technology itself is actually getting them out of technology.

Drunvalo: As I started to talk about earlier, we are about to implement something like this here on Earth. We've gotten permission now, and we did a lot to make certain that we have permission from every level (of spirit). I'm referring to our beginning to clean up the planet. We have a simple technology. It runs on only 20 milliwatts of power, which is almost nothing. It needs only a tiny 12-volt battery, but with this little device we recently finished cleaning up the entire city of Denver. Denver was the most polluted city in the United States. It's now one of the cleanest. You can go there and see a bug on the's so clean! Two years ago a group of scientists from a corporation called Key Research, Inc. set up a tiny machine that created a tube-torus 35 miles in diameter. All they did was play the wave-form of a rain cloud into the air. What is does is it cleans out all the pollutants in the sky. It brings rain. It raises the water table. It also dropped the crime rate by 31%. It's very complex and I can't get into all of it now. there's much more to it. It has to do with the geopathic lines that run through Denver. There are six of them. They had to be mapped.

LE: Are your plans to send people to different cities with this technology?

Drunvalo: We're going to train people to do this and clean up different areas. We're talking with Egypt about cleaning up Giza and Cairo, both of which are very dirty. We believe that, if it as implemented in the right area, almost overnight (it actually takes less than 90 days to do the major part of it), all the skies of the world would be clean. Then, we can go to the oceans and clean all the oceans. Next, we can go into the ozone and heal the ozone. Then we can go into the Earth and actually transmute the poison toxins and the uranium and everything into helpful Earthly elements and restore the Earth to the way it was before. We know how to do this.

LE: Did your angels give you the information to build this device?

Drunvalo: No. This was one of the people I used to work with who built it. He took the information of sacred geometry and put it into little tiny coils.

LE: We understand that you have spent quite a bit of time in the fourth dimension. Can you please describe this more?

Drunvalo: It isn't anything at all like the third dimension. Every dimensional level is completely different. Every time we take a step it's different...

LE: water and land?

Drunvalo: It's even more different than that. Everything...the whole way that spirit relates is different. In 4-D you do have bodies, but you can fly. You don't need food. There are many differences. The colors are completely different. The way that you interact is not as an individual but as a unit, like a cell within a body. So, everything that you're doing is being done in sychronicity with other life. Although, some of the lower realms of the fourth dimension are not healthy. They are rather distorted, like this one is, where you've got a lot of weird thoughtforms. But the higher realms are very evolved. The seventh, eighth and ninth overtones are where your angelic realms are. The tenth, eleventh and twelfth, right next to them, is where the higher levels of human consciousness are. Other levels of consciousness move through there also, not just humans.

LE: You've stated before that we can change our body forms in 4-D. Sounds like we won't get bored.

Drunvalo: It's a thousand times more interesting than here. Every breath is like an eternity; it's so special. We have lost our connection to God here and we don't remember what it's like to have God in and around us, moving through us, and to be intimately connected with God, so that, whatever you're thinking and whatever you're feeling is directly created. You could go into the fourth dimension and actually recreate the third dimension. That is a child-like thing from their (the beings in 4-D) point of view. We are considered babies there. So, as a baby we will create a more-or-less third-dimensional world, but it won't last long because you quickly realize that whatever you're thinking starts happening, and the whole idea that we are separate becomes meaningless very quickly.

LE: What is our next step in evolution?

Drunvalo: I can't really say except that we will move into formlessness. We won't have bodies, and we won't have too much of a localized expression. We will be much more expanded, but the understanding of "expanded" will keep growing. Every time we go into another dimension, the understanding gets higher and higher. It keeps growing.

LE: Once we get into 4-D, how long will it take of Earth time before we get to the twelfth overtone and take off beyond that? Can you estimate this? Drunvalo: It's all potential. It's all light. It's a thought in the mind of God. What happens will be that our memory of our previous Earth 3-D will be like it happened a long time ago. You could go into the fourth dimension for hundreds of thousands of years and come back to Earth and only a few seconds have gone by,. It's very different in 4-D. We are now slowly beginning to interface with the fourth dimension. A lot of people think we're already there. We're not. But 4-D's effects are beginning to effect time. Time is speeding up. Things are beginning to go really fast.

LE: In your perception, is this dimensional movement beyond our solar system, the galaxy or does it include the whole universe?

Drunvalo: We now believe it affects all life everywhere.

LE: There's a concern right now by a lot of people about our economy. Can you comment on this in the context of what we're discussing?

Drunvalo: We're heading into a time when everything can fall apart. This could happen. The Mormons are told to prepare for what could be as long as two years without going to a store. I think that if things start crashing that we're going to have very little time left before the transition. It could be only a few months. And it may be that we'll get through this (transition) without any warning at all. We're (Drunvalo's group) doing things right now to help make the transition even easier. The longer we can stay in 3-D on Earth right now, the better it will be; it gives us more time to make things easier. So far the secret government is not stopping us.

LE: Can you talk about that? How aware is the secret government of your activities?

Drunvalo: They are absolutely aware. Some of them are assisting us in any way they can. However, the biggest problem now is the military. There are certain people in the military who are out of control. They're in so much fear. What's happening is that this understanding (of the upcoming dimensional shift) now has filtered down into lower levels of government. For a long time it was only held in the secret government, and the privileged governmental heads were allowed to know. Now, many of the governmental heads know.

LE: So, some of the secret government people are working in harmony and cooperation with you instead of against you?

Drunvalo: Well, it's complex. In 1985 or 1986 the secret government realized there was no sense in going back to Mars (editor's note: see book, "Alternative Three" for information pertaining to Earth bases built on the moon and Mars by the secret government some years ago). They allowed the Berlin Wall to fall and then Russia, and they allowed information to begin to come out at a lot of levels because they began to understand that everything was all One. They didn't like this realization. It wasn't their nature, and they had done everything they could all of their lives to stop it, and now they realized they were part of something they never wanted to be a part of... which is what happened in Atlantis when they were there. They didn't want to be a part of the feminine pathway. So, a portion of them broke off and really tested the system.

(In September of 1995) they were going to blow up eight atomic bombs at Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific. (Editor's research: AP news article dated 9/5/95 from Papeete, Tahiti, stated: "The blast took place at 12:30 p.m. - 5:30 a.m. EDT - in a tunnel bored 1800 feet below Mururoa...The blast equally less than 20,000 tons of TNT...the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima was equal to about 15,000 tons of TNT...Chirac announced the planned tests in June, saying they were necessary so that France could create computer simulations that would make further tests unnecessary.

'These programs are indispensable so that we can be in a position to guarantee the viability and the certainty of our nuclear arms in the long term,' said a statement by the Defense Ministry.") Were you aware of this?

LE: No.

Drunvalo: They blew up six of them. It was through the French, but it wasn't the French doing it. There were several governments involved. The secret government wanted to blow up the axis of the Christ consciousness grid, which passes right through the center of the Earth. At the same time -- the day before the bomb blew up and the day after -- all traffic was blocked into the Great Pyramid. They were setting their instruments there at the Solar Cross in Egypt to see what damage they had done. They wanted to see how strong the consciousness of the Earth's people was. On the fifth bomb, actually, the Earth began to awaken. She had been unconscious and asleep. On the sixth bomb, in January of this year, the Earth awoke. She is now conscious. Now that she is awake, although she hasn't yet, she will begin to make changes that no one can stop.

LE: Did they damage the Christ grid?

Drunvalo: No. On the sixth bomb they had their intelligence people inside the pyramids watching to see what would happen. At that moment a man appeared out of nowhere in the middle of them. He was one of the Ascended Masters. He didn't say a word. He opened up an etheric book and let them read from it. After that they changed their minds and have canceled the other two bombings, although this has never been announced to the world.

But, they still have one thing going on, and that is HAARP (Editor: Little known, Pentagon-sponsored radio-physics project, called the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, designed, according to "Popular Science" magazine, "to transform areas of the upper atmosphere into the equivalent of huge lenses, mirrors and antennas.") LE: Yes. In Alaska. Is it as bad as is reported in "Popular Science" magazine? Drunvalo: It's worse. It's a weapon thousands of times stronger than an atomic bomb. It makes the atomic bomb look like a firecracker. They can go into a country, like England, and destroy the entire country in a matter of seconds, once it is perfected.

LE: They produce different types of radio waves.

Drunvalo: Through the HAARP antennas they can transmit billions of watts of energy into the atmosphere. They actually boil the ionosphere and turn it into an antenna, like a mirror, from where they can reflect down. They send up ELF waves but it comes down in long waves, and they can send huge amounts of energy wherever they want. They can do huge destruction. They can change weather patterns, and can control human moods, mental thoughts and feelings through this. And this is going on-line in the spring of 1997. The first atomic bomb was blown up (and they never talked about this at the time) without knowing if the whole world would blow up when the bomb was detonated. And they blew it up anyway. This is documented in history. The government wanted to win the war so badly they were willing to take the chance. In the spring of 1997b when HAARP goes full tilt nobody knows what's going to happen! They could actually destroy the whole ionosphere! they don't know, but they're willing to take the chance.

LE: You're saying that some of the levels of the secret government want you to be successful, not the groups that have broken away from the main group.

Drunvalo: Yes, they realize that we're the only ones (that they know of) who hold an answer for them that they can see, and they want us to be successful. It's the higher levels of the military who are scared to death.

The reason they are afraid is that they are there with their time machines standing at the edge of the Great Void. They can go into the past and the future through the understandings of the Montauk experiments and through their remote viewing (two different systems). And now, as they're looking into the Great Void they're being told they have to go in there. This is very real for them. They have located the Great Void and have sent people in there and they have never come back out. They're scared to death.

LE: They know that, somehow, you've got the answers to the Great Void?

Drunvalo: Yes. Some of the higher levels of the secret government know. It's the lower levels we're having problems with right now. So, if it's necessary, we will walk into their machines and go into the Great Void (editor's note; protected by a MerKaBa) and come out, so they can see that it's okay...that life just doesn't disappear, and so they can have hope because we want everybody to be unharmed by this, even the military. We'll prove to them that it's okay. Whatever it takes.

LE: Do groups work together with their MerKaBas?

Drunvalo: Yes. If you know the advanced work, two or more people can link their (energy) fields. A tri-phase MerKaBa, which is what we call it, is not a little thing. It is 1.6 million miles across. It entirely encloses the planet. If their love is great enough two people in a tri-phase MerKaBa could completely change the world. It depends on how much you can accept and how much they believe God is present!

Reprinted with permission from Leading Edge Newspaper, Box 1359, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768.
