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The Light Circle Ezine 08-11-07

"Isis "Lady of the Light""

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I ask not that you believe the messages sent forth, only that you read them with an open mind. For I am not concerned with what you believe -- only with what you see. I wish to also remind you that channeled messages received from ANYONE can become distorted as they pass through the various dimensions to be received by the receiver. ALWAYS go within for clarification. You and you alone are your best teacher and you need no other; follow your own inner guidance.

If something you read here, or on my web sites, does not ring true to you then by all means disregard it and go on to what does. For one persons truth is not always anothers. What is given today can very well change tomorrow -- in fact in the next instant -- as ALL THINGS are in constant change. Every four-quadrillionth of a second the entire universe appears and disappears -- changing. Please use your discrimination in reading this and all material intended for spiritual growth, as truth is a personal thing, and each journey towards truth, unique. Please keep in mind when reading this newsletter that each writer is writing from his or her own point of view, experiences, and level of understanding. If your Guidance tells you that an article is not of value to you, just ignore it. It may be an eye-opener for someone else!

"Messages sometimes arrive on our doorstep when least expected. We can ignore them, dispute them or listen to them. Life is a series of choices. Our job is to make the right choices at the right times."


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Today's Angel Message

St. Catherine's Message

The Quest of Discovering Atlantis

Creation vs. Evolution


Today's Angel Message


The Tapestry of Our Lives

A Message from Kerry and Her Angels

August 9, 2007


Many times we may hear or use the phrase, "Let it go!" Can we really let anything go? Where does it go?

Perhaps we could rephrase this statement by saying "change your focus" or "choose to view it in a different light" which would make more sense because, if an experience is ours then it cannot "not" be a part of us. All of our experiences combined are the individual threads that make up the beautiful and complex tapestry of our lives. Each expression and experience is woven into a pattern that makes our tapestry what it is. No two tapestries are the same.

In our lives we have situations that are emotionally disturbing to the essence of our being. As much as we would like to "let it go" or pretend these experiences never happened, they are a part of us. Even if we are able to suppress the memory of a painful event, in time it will surface in one expression or another. It never really goes away because it is a part of our life experience and a piece of who we are that makes our tapestry what it is.

To be able to heal the wounds from our past we need to be honest about what we experienced and come to a place of acceptance. To resist or deny the reality of an experience may be why we continue to focus on it and relive the pain. To "let it go" would be to suppress or pretend the experience never happened. An untruth that will surface.

What will heal these wounds from our past is to accept our experiences regardless of the nature of the experience. We can come to a place where we can say "it is what it is" or it "was what it was." We never really forget, nor can we erase the experience, we can only neutralize the polarity that holds the pain and persistent memory of the experience within our essence.

We can temporarily place a "cushion of comfort" around the experience but we can never delete it from our past. In our "self talk" when we are looking at our past, we can say, "I didn't deserve to be treated this way!" We can also forgive by affirming the truth in the statement, "Forgive them for they know not what they do," but the truth is the experience is ours and therefore it will be woven into our beautiful tapestry regardless of our attempts to "let it go." It is a part of who we are! Do not dismiss it, embrace it!

We can, however, change our focus or choose to view our life's experiences in a different light with a higher truth or understanding. We can bring love and light to the memory of any painful experience and decide to move forward in our acceptance, which will in turn, bring us peace.

When we have peace we no longer need to re-visit or focus on the past. To do so will only keep us in the moment. In order to truly move on we have to make peace with all of our life's experiences in accepting them for what they are and making a choice to see the silver lining through the cloud. Even if we are not able to clearly see the silver lining, acceptance, alone, can be enough to release the haunting pain from the experience.

When we can come to the place where we can honestly say we are grateful for the experience, can see how we are a better from having had this experience and what we may have learned from it, we are setting ourselves free from the polarity. Acceptance begets peace.

In our third dimensional expression we have the combination of positive and negative experiences which allows us to make a choice to honor love and light, or not. Without this duality of expression we would not have this opportunity to view and choose. In this time, when we are rising into the 4th and 5th dimensional frequency, our individual tapestry displays every possible color and pattern of experience of our previous dimensional expression. The imprint of all our experiences are displayed beautifully in the tapestry of our lives.

It is our passport, so to speak that identifies us, shows and tells where we have been and what we have experienced, come to understand and accomplished. We have no need to apologize or regret any expression or experience. When we accept our experiences, learn from them and choose to "think differently" we are adding a brighter color to the essence of our tapestry.

All tapestries are perfectly woven and divine. They are the culmination of our experiences and the beauty in the expression of who we are. What would your tapestry look like if it did not have all of these colors including the various shades of light and dark? Just think, if you were able to "delete" any part or change the threads, you would have a completely different tapestry that would not reflect the beauty in the real you!

You cannot go back and cut out any experience woven into your tapestry or pull out the threads that you do not like. Accept all the threads you have accumulated, express gratitude and become the weaver. It is in our "acceptance" of these less than desirable experiences that we are able to experience true inner peace and rise above them. "Where there is no resistance, there is no harm." There is that quote again! In accepting, we are not resisting or denying. In accepting, we are able to heal the wounds. In our acceptance, we will have peace.

The day will come when all of our tapestries will be displayed in the "one light" and we will see how they are all connected and an integral part of the whole. Together our beautiful tapestries will display all the colors and reveal the mystery of God. Not any one part is missing nor is any thread that is woven less than perfect when viewed together in this oneness. All tapestries will perfectly fit together to display the prettiest picture you ever did see! More beautiful than you could ever imagine!

Within this love and light nothing can or will be hidden and all experiences are to be blessed. Prepare to bring your tapestry into the realm where it can be placed together as One, to be viewed by all! We can all rejoice in our unique contribution that is part of the whole. All of the colors in the threads are equally radiant and no one color is greater or lessor than another when woven into the Universal "Tapestry of Our Lives."

In Love and Light,

A Message from Kerry and her Angels

With the many messages I am receiving and writing about I wish to state sometimes it is hard for me to accept all that I receive. Before I post these messages I pray and ask to speak only truth. And many times there is some editing before I receive the OK to post.

The messages are channeled from my "Higher/God Self" via my Angelic Messengers, yet they are translated by a human being who may or may not understand and comprehend all that is being received. I/we do our best, however I/we ask that you continue to discern all that comes through.

In a life devoted to seeking the truth and as an ordained minister, Kerry has come to understand her relationship to God and the Universe. Through her difficult and sometimes painful life experiences she has come to view them as personal lessons from which we learn and grow.

Now she has written her first book, "Timly Acceptance, the God Within," and presents her "truth" in a delightful and enlightening way. This is a book for any and all who are seeking a "bigger picture" and a closer relationship with God. * *

* *


St. Catherine's Message

Recorded on August 7th 2007


There are so many things going on today that from one moment to the next, no one knows what is going to happen next. But the truth is that there is a Grand Plan amidst this madness for this planet Earth. All of you must look at the positive instead of the negative because there are four years, especially after the beginning of 2008, in which there will be turmoil after turmoil and mishaps that one would not expect.

But remember, one thing- the Creator is trying to do is to tear down and discontinue the wrong role models for the children of the Earth. I have spoken to you years ago about this problem. The children, (especially in America but in other parts of the world, they follow America's lead) have been turning to movie stars, sports figures and others who become famous because of pedophilia, murders and destruction, and look at them as role models for our children of the future. This can no longer be. These role models live a life of drugs, money, and power over the young. All of these things a child should say no to.

Therefore, the whole role model system is being broken down so that the parents will have to go back and be role models for their own children. That is why each person needs to look at themselves and say. "Am I being a good role model to my children, to my family and community?" If you cannot say yes to this question, then take action and change your ways. If you are an alcoholic or drug addict, your children will follow your path. Take that responsibility now.

The President of America is in turmoil. Even though he is the leader he was appointed to be, he is not the leader. The leaders of America are all those people out there with their own opinions. Have you noticed that none of them have a solution? The solution is not in a book. It is in the hearts of the people. Whatever everyone sends out each day, will be received back by this country. If only hatred and anger is sent out, this country can be destroyed. Every deed should be thought out. When sending out words, whether by a minister, talk show host, etc, ask yourself, if you are Christian, what would Jesus do? If a Jew, what would God do? If a Buddhist, what would Buddha do and everyone will stop and think before acting. Do not let someone else think for you. You know right from wrong and yet the propaganda is hate and anger to all who do not believe the same as you.

There are six bridges across the country that are in dire need of watching, observing and as you do this and if the authorities do this, they will not end up being disasters. Everyone needs to observe in this country and no matter who you are, setting up some watch teams would be fruitful. There are those who wish to destroy the bridges and landmarks, not only in this country but in others. I am not suggesting Marshall Law; however each of you as citizens need to keep your eyes open. Stop, look and listen and all of you can save many lives.

In England, the Prime Minister needs to double his body guards because a great hatred for this man is building as we speak, not because of who he is but what he stands for. His life is constantly in danger.

Since 1985, every month, Elizabeth Baron has channeled St. Catherine of Siena to enable her to offer her insight regarding national and worldly issues - all for the good of the world. St. Catherine's Monthly Messages have become world famous and tracked by government officials from around the world to include the U.S. Military, U.S. Government & educational institutions.

Who is St. Catherine? St. Catherine of Siena (1347 - 1380) was one of the most brilliant theological minds of her day. She persuaded the Pope to go back to Rome from Avignon, in 1377, and when she died she was endeavoring to heal the Great Western Schism. St. Catherine's letters, and a treatise called "a dialogue" are considered among the most brilliant writings in the history of the Catholic Church. St. Catherine started having mystical experiences when she was only 6, seeing guardian angels as clearly as the people they protected. * *


The Quest of Discovering Atlantis


The secrets of Atlantis are hidden all around us on the earth and within the energy of souls. Each person on the earth has a memory of their time in Atlantis or where they were when they observed Atlantis both at the beginning of its evolution and at the destruction of the land. The secrets can be discovered in many ways and yet as humans we are none the wiser of what really happened on the plane and within the civilisation. The most puzzling thing is that most of us have an interest in the Atlantean period of earth more than any other period. This I believe is fascinating as each soul on the earth is brought up with a different background and with different views, we are all unique and yet we can have the same interest in Atlantis. It is not a fact that most people are interested in Atlantis but those who have awoken their being to the enlightenment of the creator usually hold at least a general enquiry into the subject. The positive fact that I must put across to you is that the wisdom and memories of Atlantis are hidden in crystal, animals and human souls across the earth. It is just a shame that only a few people understand this as by understanding the memories that we each hold of Atlantis we could use the positive situations that they experienced as an example of how to best live our own life and we can use the negative situations to steer us away from making the similar mistakes. After all when we do discover the wisdom and memories of Atlantis won't we discover the ideal spiritual and loving way for a soul of the creator to live on the earth in a physical body? Isn't that what we each strive for, life on a harmonious and peaceful planet? During its life time Atlantis was an example of how to live a life of spiritual perfection and how it could all go wrong. Atlantis was an experiment by the great supervisors on the inner plane, they wanted to see how souls of the universe would and could live in a physical body on a physical planet. To say that it was an experiment is to imply that it was an idea and that only a few believed in the possibilities or the outcome that could occur, but they did believe that man could ascend from the earth due to spiritual growth. They believed in the light of each person's soul as many spiritual teachers like myself believe in the light beings that currently walk the earth. Atlantis was an example to us all of how greed, negative egos and a lust for control can spiral into destruction. To you on the earth at this troublesome time Atlantis could be your guide book to living and changing the view point of humanity but when you don't understand the guide book how can you follow it?

If I was to give you the exact land mark where you could find Atlantis would you believe me? But if I was to say that Atlantis is within all of you would you trust me? I hope that you are leaning towards the latter as it is the truth. You don't need a map or a guide book because each of you hold a puzzle piece to the wisdom of Atlantis, it exists within your energy and can be accessed, I assure you that it would be quicker than going on a treasure hunt for the land of Atlantis. Each of you has a bright shining light within your physical being and each of you has a connection to the creator, for you are the creator. When you allow your soul to evolve or remember the inner power, inner light and wisdom that your true self holds then you will be able to connect with your memories of past lives on the earth. Some of you will find this easy while others may struggle due to their soul's unwillingness to reveal its memories. It may be that the person has not advanced enough to understand the memories or that the memories would intervene with life lessons, this must be accepted by this kind of person. Each of you have the ability to meditate and to connect with your soul, talk to the light within your being and ask it if it will reveal its wisdom and memories to you, it will when you are ready. You may receive images, a description or a feeling of your time in Atlantis. By discovering your memories you are dusting off your puzzle piece of Atlantis, if everyone did this then we would each come closer to understand the answers to life. This may take patience but it is a great mystery for you to uncover and you will find that you learn many new things about your current and past lives. For those of you who are interested you will be able to discover whether you did live on the plane of Atlantis or whether you were a spectator on another planet but I must say that most people on the earth now have experienced Atlantis at least once, it is why you have come back to the earth at this time in its evolution.

The existence of humanity on the earth is falling from the hands of the light, their vibration weakening; the path that earth is currently walking is similar to Atlantis. Some people are awakening to the light and are evolving while others are engrossed in technology and its possibilities. If each person understood Atlantis then we would all realise that now is the time to take control of our own beings, to strive to not be governed by others but masters of our entire being allowing our soul a chance to speak truthfully to us and through us. Each person will be able to take action making a change in the world when they are connected to their truth. Change is needed now, action is needed, humanity must stand up to those we try to suffocate us with chemical, pollutions of all kinds and negative energy. People are trying to dampen the light and life force energy of the earth and yet many do not see it. If we take our power back from those who govern us we will find our own true path for our soul and for the earth. Many humans operate by the influences that radiates from the outside world leaving them empty within, they forget that a divine spark exists within their being that is waiting to assist them. This is a sad case as many feel empty and alone as they are unable to connect with their own loving energy due to the dampening and controlling influences of the world that distract them from their inner truth. This also occurred in Atlantis, I do not wish to continue my comparisons of this current existence of earth and the period of Atlantis but I believe as a person who understands the secrets of Atlantis and the situations of the earth that I must warn you.

The point that I wish to make to you is that the need to discover Atlantis isn't a need to find the land and understand the Atlanteans way of life; it is a need to connect with the divine soul within your being. Within your physical body is your own golden Atlantis, your soul is your own haven and heaven, it is your peaceful days and your spiritual life. When you connect with your soul you begin to live a spiritual life of an Atlantean on the earth. Isn't that your true desire, to be connected with and emanating the truth and love of the greater soul within your body? It is a conscious or subconscious desire that each person holds. Many people want to go back to the time in Atlantis when life was filled with peace, harmony and love; they believe that finding Atlantis will allow them to live that life. Discovering the wisdom of Atlantis may help you to grow spiritually but it is connecting with your soul and inner light that will allow the golden life that you desire for your reality

to emerge.

Love exists within each person, its just that we are all to afraid to show or radiate our inner love, many fear being hurt, judged and experiencing pain but love is the essence of life, it is our healing energy and our enlightenment, when we radiate love it always affects our surroundings in a positive way. A leap of faith is needed to be made by all, have the faith and courage to radiate your inner love, if you do not try how will you begin to recreate Atlantis on the earth; a heaven of peace and love? Atlantis is no longer an island but is a frame of mind, discover the light within your being and you will find the dream of Atlantis that you desire.

I mention that the secrets of Atlantis can still be understood but they are hidden throughout the world. Wisdom is hidden within temples and pyramids, within crystals, dolphins and animals, angels, ascended masters and the creator, these beings have held their secrets for life times but now they are beginning to be reveled to the light workers on the earth. This is not so that they can gain fame and eternal glory but so that they can assist mankind in ascending to new levels of awareness. The truth will not be discovered until the earth raises its consciousness; by that time will we need the guide book of Atlantis that many desire? Atlantis was a path of discovery for many, this path continues in this life time, this period of earth when change is occurring and many are expecting terrible and wonderful situations to occur on the earth is a fascinating time where the light can truly be anchored into the earth.

Let me summarize my words for you, change is needed on the earth, people must awaken to the light and their divine inner sparks. Your soul holds the answers to the questions that fly through your mind, sit peacefully and connect with your inner soul, radiate your light and speak with your soul, I reassure you that your soul will always answer you if you allow it to. Regain your power now and master your being by allowing yourself to grow spiritually. As for Atlantis whether you believe that it is a myth or a memory it doesn't really matter. The truth exists within your soul and it is up to you whether you want to discover it.

My kindest regards and unconditional love.


Joshua David Stone


Creation vs. Evolution

by Owen Waters


Life is hard. Species can die. In fact, the human race would have died long ago if it weren't for the fact that our bodies are designed to adapt to a constantly changing environment.

Evolution could be called adaptation, because the ability to adapt is the one feature that keeps all life upon Earth alive and functioning. In the laboratory, it has been noted that a frog can be heated in a beaker of water to a degree that would normally be fatal, but it remains alive because it has had the time to adapt to the increasing temperature. Had the frog been y exposed to water of such high temperature, it would

have been unable to survive.

Charles Darwin, the pioneer of evolution theory, was a trained minister of religion as well as a naturalist. He thought long and hard about releasing his findings about the natural evolution of the species because he was keenly aware of the materialistic element in society which would use this information against religion. He was right, of course.

Others used his work to claim that there was no need for divine selection when natural selection occurs automatically. They have since gone on to claim that all life could have risen from prehistoric sludge completely by accident. What they don't even begin to explain, however, is the existence of consciousness in all of this.

Consciousness is necessary for natural selection and adaptation to occur. If you move from a hot climate to a cold climate, you will adapt to the new environment, but first you had to have the consciousness to decide upon the move.

What is consciousness? It is certainly more than a few electrical signals bouncing around inside a brain. Computers can mimic some limited aspects of the brain such as human logic, but they are not self-aware. There isn't a computer in the world that can think for itself. Computers just follow sets of preset rules, and they do so as quickly as possible.

Beneath all forms of consciousness is awareness. A sense of being is fundamental to all life because all life is constructed from consciousness. Even a solid object like a rock is composed of original thought and original feeling set into motion. All of life is contained within the consciousness of the original Creator, including the prehistoric sludge from which the first biological cells were formed.

Materialistic science today is in a cul-de-sac. There is no way forward for branches of science which fail to include consciousness in their theories. Consciousness is the most fundamental aspect of life. You can't have a universe without it.

Human beings were originally designed and then evolved within the framework of a conscious universe, one created and developed by the original Creator. It took billions of years for planets to form and biological life to emerge and evolve, but remember this: Time is a creation of the Creator.

The Creator does not have to wait billions of years to see a biological process emerge. Everything happens in the now, just in different parts of the tapestry of time, which the Creator sees as a whole.

The whole design, inception, development and evolution of the universe is happening right now, within that overview, as seen by the original Creator. A little tweak here and there along the timeline can produce a perfect rendition of any form of biological life. Life is too interesting to create in one big bang and then just watch it unfold, as if on auto-pilot. Life is a work in progress, a true work of art, and the Creator has the ability to make adjustments at any point along the timelines.

Science today searches for answers, but what it really needs is a valid search path. Life did not begin by accident. It began by design. Those branches of science which include the presence of consciousness will find the answers that they seek when they include the existence of original consciousness and intelligent design in their search.

*If you enjoyed today's article, please forward it to a friend. For more articles, visit: * * Good news! "The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness" is now available in hardcover or via immediate digital e-book form as an instant downloadat: *

About the Author:

Owen Waters is an international spiritual teacher who has presented his insights into the New Reality to hundreds of thousands of seekers. In 1963, while growing up in a mystical part of Britain, he encountered his first spiritual awakening. The surprise of this mystical experience was such that his life became focused upon a continuous search for spiritual answers.

Almost forty years of study and research followed, along with the development of his inner vision. By the year 2002, like many of the spiritual teachers who are coming forward for The Shift, his realizations began to unfold rapidly. Today, as Editor and cofounder of Infinite Being LLC, he helps people find inspiration, love and creativity through heart-powered consciousness. *


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Your moderator and sister in the Light,


"Lady of the Light"


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