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Meredith Murphy ~ We’re In The VOID. Do You Feel It?

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Expect Wonderful | June 28 2012

Meredith writes ~ I’m writing a new energy update, but wanted just to pop in today and connect.

We’re in the VOID. Do you feel it?

It’s that empty space where it feels like nothing is happening when we thought everything was going to start moving and shaking.

Persevere and enjoy. This is a natural part of clearing and changing, and especially after the deep shifts many of us have felt happening since the March Equinox, the Eclipse Cycle, the Venus Transit, the Uranus-Pluto Square and the Solstice, now we’re in a deep period of integration and emergence. Life is going again to birth. Now is a time to allow these deep changes to penetrate and perpetuate a new way of being. To enjoy this still point and just be, trusting that all that we’ve released and shifted will come forth in a new configuration of our experience. It’s a time to breathe deeply and fill our energy field through appreciation of the simple things in life while we allow our bodies to do their amazing work of assimilating all this newness into form.

I love this picture which is filled with golden light. I’ve seen this light in many readings lately as the light body attunes to higher frequencies and can carry these in a more sustained way. Beautiful.

We’re mid-way through this amazing year and some enormous alignments are integrating. Smile at yourself. Rest easy. Enjoy this stillness while deep layers of being come into a new coherence.

Blessings and light,