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You've heard of the Ron Paul money bombs and probably have heard of the Alex Jones info bombs. Now, the thought bomb comes into play.

The good news is, individuals all around the world, that have spiritual discernment, already sense that things are going to change for the better. Besides that, people all over the world are waking up and taking action and resisting the scams and frauds of the New World Order, as they become more aware and realize that they themselves really have the most power and are the strongest force.

On the other hand, the corrupt politicians and the hocus-pocus brotherhood of evil occultists that make up the New World Order are frightened by other people waking up and resisting them. They are afraid because they have committed so many crimes against humanity and sins against mankind, in the past, and have an enormous amount of negative energy (bad karma) working against them. So what they do is manipulate and cheat, as they try to overcome that negative energy, by using fraud and their created conspiracies to fool people into believing in contrived realities and to get them caught up in evil schemes and dreams. That's why we see negative manifestations such as, indentured debt slaves being created, a surveillance state being erected, the phony war against terror being staged, manufactured fake news being disseminated through a controlled press, and politicians that continually lie and trash the constitution, etc., etc. All those things are scams and frauds of one kind or another. All those things are negative energy concocted up by a group of madmen, psychopaths, and evil occultists, to trick, deceive, manipulate and enslave unsuspecting good people that don't know any better. The evil occultists attempt to scientifically control and manipulate society, as they lust for power.

Thankfully, there are already intelligent people working to create a world in which her people have freedom, liberty, prosperity, peace, knowledge, wisdom and good-honest-benevolent governments. As more people join in the world will change for the better more quickly. Here's one of the reasons why:

When a thought bomb that exists on the mental plane of existence gets filled up it bursts, (like an over filled balloon will pop) at some point in time, it then materializes on the physical plane of existence. As you never know exactly when that thought bomb will explode, it's the best reason why you should never, ever, give up believing that the forces of good will overcome the forces of evil, no matter what you see happening on the physical plane. Because when that thought bomb does finally burst, and it will, it will come like a thief in the night and come crashing down on the heads of those entities (negative forces) that chose evil.

If your so inclined, please join the revolution and contribute several minutes a day to feeding the thought bomb, not by seeing the world as how the evil magicians want you to see it, but by seeing the world as the best your mind can imagine it to be, as you realize that the choice is really yours.

In summary: creating a good thought bomb as described here, is working with the positive forces that flow in nature. The thought bomb is in harmony with the universe, God, and nature.

All I'm saying is, there seems to be a missing piece of the puzzle in successfully dealing with and overcoming the negative forces that are causing the upheavals and the real problems that are happening in the world today and there are more ways to peacefully resist and win this battle than most people admit or realize. And as the war of good vs. evil rages on all planes of existence, (the physical-the mental-the spiritual) the evil forces (negative energy) must be confronted and dealt with, on all planes of existence.

Personally, I think the thought bomb should be in the toolbox of every freedom lover, patriot and those wanting to create good, worldwide.

These methods and ideas are not just ramblings of a madman or something I dreamed up, but are based on ancient teachings and principles as any one familiar with the subject knows. I'm just bringing it to the attention of other people that have not come across the information before.

June 3, 2011