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Collapsing The Virtual Reality - Pt 3 - Explaining The Paths By Which The Truth Shall Set Us Free

Dr. Joseph Chiappalonem

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My Motto - Take It Or Leave It


It was Shakespeare's King Lear who described this world as being a Stage of Fools, alluding to the Human condition as a Journey of Delusion and Deceit. But not all cry on entering this plane, as I have explained at length elsewhere.  For some, it is a Happy Hunting Ground! And in Scene One of the play, Cordelia tells us: "Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides: Who cover faults, at last shame them derides."
I am here to tell you that the time for this shameful exposure has arrived.
And again, later in the play, Edmund says in Act V, Scene III:  "The wheel is come full circle: I am here."
Alas, I now have come to call it the Final Tragedy of an Evil Failure. It is time to take off the masks and expose who is who and what is what. Verily is it the time for Justice, not deceit or dishonesty and derision.
It was Frederick Nietzsche who wrote, tongue-in-cheek, about men and women being "Human, all too Human", alluding to the fast approaching time of the Superhuman, a concept continued in the writings of Shri Aurobindo.  Nietzsche clearly explained also the construct of the Virtual Reality (the false Paradigm), which I am telling you now is in the process of being dismantled. Realize that construction of the Virtual Reality began immediately upon takeover of this dimension by Evil and its precipitation into a physical universe. It is not just a concept of the last century or two.
And so now it is my turn to say this is the Endtime, the time to stop excuses for supposed human frailties, weaknesses and erroneous human-sponsored Evil acts as suggested by the quote "Human, all too human". It is time to stop making excuses for Evil. It is time to see the real cause of all pain, suffering and misery.
In an accelerating manner, it appears that more and more people on the planet, judging from their self-destructive and abusive behaviour towards others, are inhuman. Verily it can be said that a Demonic Essence is overpowering the Earth.
In previous writings I said this would occur as the Light Energy would withdraw more and more from the plane to allow the physical dimension's total collapse. This may appear drastic to anyone who has not considered what is going on to any extent. These processes of Clearing of the Planet and the Destruction of all Evil are also beyond the comprehension of evil ones for reasons I will enumerate later.
The Essay on Terminal Madness that I wrote some years ago says it all. There is no doubting the fact that minds are fragmenting and people in all walks of life are displaying signs of gross and overt insanity. Doctors around the world are jokingly saying everyone should be on anti-depressants. But the joke is becoming a truism day by day.
To those of us who truly strive to live in peace and harmony, and to respect and love one another, the savagery we see that is increasing daily simply makes no sense until we recognize the ontology of beings who are exploitative, bellicose, and uncaring.  Indeed there are some who seem to enjoy the suffering and exploitation of others, the abuse of the weak, of the defenseless, of children and of animals. They seem to think they have a right to destroy whatever is in their paths in their efforts to achieve satisfaction of their cravings and lusts. Alas, the War For Terror, to terrorize the Earth and everyone on it, and to gain its wealth, as has occurred after the well-orchestrated 9/11 attacks, is the classical example of our time.
In this essay, what interests us is the exposure of the nature of the consciousnesses in the players of this tragedy at the human level. There are other levels, of course, such as the Etheric Level, the Astral, the Hellish, the Spiritual, etc.
We all appear to be the same apart from difference of Race, Skin colour, Religion, Sexuality, etc. But these are just labels of the physical bodies that we use on this level. These bodies were created after a long series of experiments by more advanced individuals whom some call the Annunaki, and also Archons. They had stolen plans for creation of bodies. The nonsense genes, which are said to make up about 90% of our genes, are precursors of simpler life forms on the way to experimentally make the bodies we have as humans today. Thus, we are in part bacteria, insect, fish, reptile, animal and then human. In fact, in neurology we talk about the reptilian segments of our brain.
Any consciousness wanting to manifest on this physical level must do so via a physical body. Thus, if the Highest Consciousness of the Divine Hierarchy wanted to manifest on this level, it would have to send a portion of Its Consciousness into a physical body. Likewise, if It wanted to manifest in the Animal Kingdom, then It would need to send Its Consciousness into an animal's body. Think of the analogy of wearing a Space suit in outer space, or a deep sea diving suit for being on the floor of the ocean. In other words, in order to manifest adequately on the physical level, a consciousness needs to occupy a physical manifestation, that is, a physical body.
I have discussed accommodation of Higher Consciousness in physical bodies in my earlier books.
Humanity is not homogenous. What I mean by that is this: Although the bodies are similar, apart from the labels I mentioned above, the consciousness within can have enormous variations, and that is the subject of this short essay. Certainly the physical bodies have been developed over a long period of time with similar DNA strands, and sex chromosomes, and are basically of the one construction. But what resides in those bodies is as diverse as you could imagine.  Below is a more detailed explanation.
Ontologically, there are 3 basic groups of consciousnesses in human bodies:
Group A: Theomorphic Consciousnesses.  
These now are an extremely small percentage. As I explained in an essay in 1999, most of the Theomorphic consciousnesses have already been evacuated. Those that remain are a small group of Divine Warriors and their assistants finalizing the evacuation of the salvageable "Robots" in the Human Class (4) and the other classes ­ the Mineral (Class 1), Vegetable (Class 2) and Animal classes of Consciousness (Class 3).
Of course, I was subjected to a great deal of mockery from the ignorant fools when I published the essay stating the majority of Theomorphs had been evacuated in 1999.  Such derision is the price one pays for casting pearls before swine on this level.
As I explained then, it was not necessarily a physical evacuation. It was evacuation of the CONSCIOUSNESS. In most individuals, everything proceeded as normal. The spiritual component was evacuated, and the body was left on automatic pilot to cope as best it could. Only those very close to the individual would suspect something was wrong, as the person would not be quite him or herself. The changes in abilities and personality would be minor, and as I said, only those close to the individual who knew him or her well would notice any change.
In other cases, the individuals died off by a number of means. Or else the body was taken over by a different consciousness, which in this case would always be a robotic or demonic consciousness. Again those close to the individual would have noted a personality change to minor or major degrees. This is the mechanism of Body Snatching which I will write about in more detail later.
A few were physically evacuated by spacecraft. They simply disappeared.  This is not as strange as it may sound to those who are unaware of the fact that millions disappear from the face of the Earth every year. Many are kidnapped for various reasons by evil aliens, some for food, some for experimentation, some females to be incubators, some for cloning, some for body parts, etc. In this case it was for rescue out of this mire.
The significance of this is that from that date in 1999, the phase of an accelerated deterioration of Earth began because almost one billion True Beings were no longer on Earth to be exploited of their Divine Energy by the robots and demons left on the plane. This energy is crucial for them. They cannot survive without it. And thus, shortly after, steps like the 911 attacks were executed in order to begin the WAR to TERRORIZE by which the demons could get both riches they lusted over and energy from the remaining humans through gross emotional exploitation. I realize that 911 was in the planning for many years before its execution, but so were the plans of Rescue Mission.
On reading my essay of Theomorphic rescue in 1999, some said to me, "You are still here, so you can't be a Theomorph!" They simply ignored what I had said. Realize that some 5000 Theomorphs around the globe are assisting me to finalize evacuation of viable robots and other classes.
Group B: ROBOTS.
Approximately 70% of human bodies on Earth today are inhabited by Robotic, Evil-created consciousnesses. As the title implies, these are artificial consciousnesses, created by the Evil Mind. But they have a component of Theomorphic energy within them that has allowed a small but significant number of them to respond to the True Divine Light, and they are the ones to be rescued at this Endtime. These consciousnesses were created by the Evil Mind with a mixture of Divine Light and its modified Evil Essence before the Divine stopped sending in Creative Energy into the dimension. It stopped sending in this energy once it was realized that such attempts to correct the Celestial Error by flooding it with Pure Divine Energy were futile.  Thereafter, with no new Divine energy to use, the Evil Mind created the Demonic Class, the third major group present in physical bodies, from undiluted evil energy.
The robotic and Demonic consciousnesses were disseminated throughout all the classes of consciousness as were the Theomorphic ones within the Physical Dimension. Thus, robotic creations have a component made of the True Light within them and they have had the opportunity to sense the Light, and step into the Light. They can conceive Purer Dimensions, and have a sense of Justice and Honesty. But, as I said, the percentage of them who have turned to the Light is small. This small percentage will be rescued and will continue evolution elsewhere in due course.  This message of Rescue is basically for them.
Group C: DEMONS.
Approximately 30% of humans have at least one Demonic entity inhabiting their body! Many more can exist in each body. These are the destructive miscreants who unfortunately form the Reptilian Races, the Vulturites, the Illuminati, the Archons, etc. They are the Masters of the Virtual Reality. There are hierarchies and subgroups for them and they are the ones who lie and cheat, and have made the lives of honest people a living hell. As I said, they exist by exploiting the energy of others. Their number is increasing daily on this level, as they come from many other levels to feast on the spoils of the wars by which they ravage dimensions. Besides, many of their levels are being cleared and they are precipitating onto this one. Thus, if you have formed the impression that this level is being swamped by demons, you are correct. They are doomed, as are the robotic consciousnesses that are deemed "non-viable", and any Theomorphs who have sold out to Evil.
As I forecast, all of these consciousness are being exposed as never before. They have nowhere to hide. For now they are unopposed in their manifestation of malevolence. They are speedily rushing along a path of self-destruction. And being unrestrained, they are manifesting their Evil far more openly than ever before so that we can now see just who is who! Dishonesty is rampant. Where once they tried to hide their evilness, now the evil ones are proud to lie and cheat openly. Some people even declare that they are "Evil and come from Hell!" That is a sign of the END.
Everyone needs to realize why this mess cannot be allowed to continue!
Demons will not accept that they are being terminated.
·         Demons have no comprehension of a Finality of this Earth, of this Dimension, and the fact that they are being made to account.
·         Demons have no awareness outside of their Evil Empire.
·         Demons cannot conceive of a better world. That is why they are most vehement and vociferous against me and my information.
·         Demonic consciousnesses have being created within this dimension by the polluted energy of the Error, and they cannot think outside of this paradigm, even though they can conceive of multiple physical dimensions. All Theomorphic consciousnesses instead, have been created outside of the physical dimension, and they know a better,  dimension exists, namely, the Divine Dimension..
·         But talk of a Divine Realm is meaningless to them, as is the idea of Accountability ­ for now.
·         These Beings of Darkness, and more specifically Demons, cannot see the True Light.  They are blind to it.
·         They cannot understand Truth or Honesty.
·         That is why they proudly but illogically shout, even when they are caught red-handed in criminal matters "I have done nothing wrong!" How often have we seen them on the media saying exactly that?
My message is also for the Demonic among us, for they need to know their game is up, that they will need to account and be judged as to their worthiness. They have had innumerable chances to turn to the Light, which means to become honest, peaceful and loving. Alas, not one demon has done so.  As many have witnessed repeatedly, Demons react with anger to my words, but it is FEAR that fills their hearts.
Some people want to believe that there is no Final Judgement by a Superior Being at all. They claim that we all assess our own worth in the Final analysis. That is plane evil nonsense. Could you really trust the hypocritical, lying demons to give an accurate assessment of their spiritual worth? Of course you could not!
As I have explained in my books, there is a Hierarchy of Consciousness in all the classes of consciousness, both Divine and Evil. There are seven Classes. Not all consciousnesses in human bodies are Class 4 (human class) consciousnesses. So here is a detailed list of some of the consciousnesses that can reside in physical human bodies:
Previously I had written that there are many classes of consciousness in human bodies and that they are physically indistinguishable to the untrained observer. You will note that the makority in the different classes are NOT Sons and Daughters of the True God.
These classes are as follows:
I           Ancients: These were Theomorphic Class 5 beings present in the vicinity of this dimension when it was still ethereal, and before the takeover by Evil.  They were to organize and supervise the evolution of the lower Theomorphic classes in the dimension.
II         Ancients of Ancients:  This was the Evolutionary second generation of the above. Many of these were hopelessly lost in the Virtual Reality and became desperate to go Home.
III        Theomorphic Earthling Class 4 beings:  As I said, most of these were rescued in 1999 and only a few remain on the planet.
IV        Class 4 Aliens: These are Beings from other planets that had been kidnapped and placed on Earth. These beings who have been kidnapped from other planets can be both Theomorphic or of Evil origin. Many of these are now spontaneously awakening to the fact that they are not earthlings and are expression an intense desire to go "Home", They know they do not belong here.  
Indigo and Star Children, so-called, roughly fall into this group. They are, in fact, advanced robots and demons from other more developed planets and star systems, forced to come here as their home planets are destroyed. Their lack of empathy is pathognomonic, inspite of what the delusional and celebratory New Agers say about them.
V         The counterfeit evil-created robotic and demonic beings of Evil's  Class 4.
VI        Class 5 beings: These are Spiritual beings called Walk-ins. They can be good (Angelic, Devic), or Evil (Demonic). They are the Pixies, devas, leprechauns, fairies of which many have become aware throughout history. Before the Evil Takeover, there was liberal exchange between the Classes of Consciousness.  This communication was cut off by Evil in order to control and reduce awareness. But now, as the Virtual Reality collapses, theinter-dimensional barriers will crumble and communication will once again be established. That is why ghosts and apparitions are being seen more and more frequently and easily, and why it is becoming easier and easier to communicate with astral and etheric levels.
VII      Fallen Class 5 Theomorphic beings:  If a consciousness loses a great deal of energy, a point is reached where it can no longer sustain the body of expression in that class, and is forced to drop to the class below. This also works for Class 4 consciousnesses in human bodies. If such consciousnesses lose sufficient energy, they may not be able to sustain a human body after death and will be forced to re-incarnate in an animal body. As I have explained elsewhere, many human consciousnesses are in the physical bodies of our pets! Many Class 5 angels and devas have fallen due to evil drainage and are in human bodies. Often they have spontaneous recall of their greater World, and their anguish of their loss and their homesickness are great. Maladjusted ones can seek escapisms and self-destructive behaviour. And all this is due to the influence of Evil and its destructive drainage of energy from Theomorphs..
VIII     Special Creations of the Supreme Command for this Endtime. In this lifetime, since commencing this work in 1984, I have been involved with the creation of some of these beings. As an example, Lea, Cara and Phoebe, have been created specifically to help me in the Clearing of this Planet in its Endtime. They are working in Higher Levels.
IX        Evil incomplete beings (called Soulless Beings). These are a specialized class of demonic consciousness that can be likened to drones in our earthly wars. They are vicious and malicious to the extreme. There have no compassion. They have no comprehension of Truth, Goodness, Justice, Love, Harmony or Peace.  These are also in places of High Command in the Evil ranks. You will not have to think hard to find examples all over the world. They bomb and murder indiscriminately. They are killing machines when allowed their heads. They have no places whatsoever in the future.
X         Consciousnesses who are Rescuers: These are also called Avatars in ancient texts. Rama, Krishna, Shiva, , Zoroaster, Jesus,  Marcus Aurelius, Manichaeus, Mohammed, Merlin, King Arthur, Nostradamus, Christopher Columbus, Galileo, William Shakespeare, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Nietzsche, Hitler, Edgar Cayce, Shri Aurobindo, (the real) Sai Baba, (the real) Haidekan Babaji, and many, many others are of this category. They have presented as world teachers, as explorers, artisans, musicians, poets, philosophers, etc., but also as simply people who brought down energy (and knowledge) to stabilize the plane. Sometimes they acted as double agents and secret agents in this War of Essences. Of course, this Class of Consciousness is here on the planet at this Endtime.
This detail should put paid to the evil fools who want to argue that Humanity is homogenous and that we are all "One". They say this, forcefully of course, in an attempt to hide the Truth and their own evil nature, so that they can continue pilfering the energy of those not evil that they have trapped.  But, their reign is over. The Evil Empire and its Virtual Reality are all but finished.
With this knowledge, realize that your little dog or cat many well be one of your deceased relatives. Your next door neighbour may well be a pixie or an angel or a demon; your spouse may well be a demon! Judging by the divorce rate, there is a high percentage chance of this being the case.
How will you know this is true?  The barriers will start to break down. In fact, the breakdown has already started. We will all reacquire our psychic abilities and see who is who. This is one aspect of the Personal Battle we will all experience in order to awaken to our Truth within. As well as seeing who all the others are, we will ourselves see who we are spiritually. And the demons finally will have the full realization of exactly that, namely, that they are evil creatures who cannot live in love and honesty and peace, even if they hypocritically pretend to do so for a while, and thus will have no place in the True God's Realm.
·         As you can imagine, failed Robots and Demons will have no Truth within them to which they can awaken.
·         Everything on this level, all the Programming, Pollution and Indoctrination, set up by the Evil Empire, has been to try and prevent us from wakening to these truths.
·         ALL Religions have been created by demons using splinters of Truth as bait, to trap us and to dictate to us what Truth is. Of course the package sold to us is meant, in reality, to blind us to the whole Truth. All the Avatars, including Jesus, Manichaeus, etc., gave us spiritual guidance in order to awaken us, to liberate us from Untruth, and to set us on our Path to Truth. Not one came to bind us into the falsehoods of constraining religions.
·         Beings of Light have the Truth within. Religions step in and attempt to cut us off from that Truth within us.
·         Now you see how evil Religions are. They do not lead us to "God" at all. They lead us to blindness and perdition. They cut us off from our inner pathway to the real "God".
·         That is why we have the "Jesus package" marketed as the real thing and pushed so forcefully upon us. It is a trap to our true awareness. I will write about that in due course.
Do not rush out and commence diagnosing who is who and what is what. A little knowledge is dangerous. There are many players on this Stage of Fools. Some High Beings will present themselves as Simpletons. Some demons will put on false auras and make you think they are "God" incarnate.
Your first steps in your Awakening Process towards this Truth, in your Personal battle, are to identify the factors of Programming, Pollution and Indoctrination in your life, as I have described in detail in my books, and to cleanse and purify as much as possible by avoiding those factors.
And you must learn to PROTECT efficiently.
Then you must make a valiant attempt to connect to your Higher Consciousness within, to your Truth within,
·         It will guide you as to who is who from the energy response you will feel. 
·         If you are sincere, honest, peaceful and loving you cannot go wrong.
·         But do not be exploited, especially by your emotions and those of others.
·         Do not be blackmailed by anyone, including family members.
·         Look beyond the façade of individuals. Do not judge by physical appearances.
·         Scholastic achievements also count for naught. 
·         You must go by the energy of all beings.
·         But in order to be accurate, you must be sufficiently purified so that you can perceive accurately.
Abilities of any kind, especially psychic, do not necessarily equate with Divine spirituality. Many Demons can be, and usually are, good psychics. Don't let them make a meal of you.
Overusing the lower (so-called) logical mind in these matters will only confuse you. The Lower Mind has been created by Evil for Evil, and to reject the real Truth.
You must use your higher faculties, if you have any. One needs to contact the Higher Mind to attain and accept the Truth. A little bell will ring in your head for you to make the appropriate realizations when it is time. These realizations will then guide you towards your goals in the Endtime. There will be inner understandings, and if you follow them they will lead you to where you have to be in order to minimize the trauma and suffering thrown your way.  
These realizations may cause swift separations in your life. They may well be necessary for your spiritual survival. Realize the consciousness within your spouse, friends, family members, parents, etc., can change instantly and without notice. You must be prepared for such eventualities. 
Even at an early stage one can decipher enough to formulate an idea of the identity of the consciousness in a particular body. The most important factor is the energy emanating from the being. But other things such as facial features, body morphology, manner of expression, changing appearances of the eyes, tone of the voice, and expressions of the tongue can all give an idea of what is in that particular body. 
Note that any being that is intent on pursuing Power, and/or Money, and/or Sex is either a classical demon or a very heavily programmed robot. To get to that stage, a Theomorph would definitely be a failed one. Thus, anyone you know driven by lust for money, or for sex or for power is a demon for sure. Lust has been the undoing of many.  Giving in to Lust, one of the deadly sins, facilitates the process by which True Beings are expelled from the bodies. Those bodies are then demonically possessed.
DEMONIC POSSESSION is a reality. With the use of recreational drugs, the incidents of this are astronomical. Do NOT use any such drugs unless you want to become demonic. And, there is no guarantee that only one demon will enter such a user. Often multiple demons share the body. What a mess this world is becoming, hey!
We will need patience and strength to endure the terrible physical changes that will occur in this Endtime. But, with the right focus, we shall all cope. Remember, nothing of value will be lost. This destruction must happen to liberate the Goodness trapped in this wicked dimension. Focus on the Goodness to come, not on the misery we are leaving behind.
Shakespeare, once again, in Othello's Duke of Venice, voiced it most aptly, "When remedies are past, the griefs are ended, By seeing the worst, which late on hopes depended. To mourn a mischief that is past and gone Is the next way to draw new mischief on. What cannot be preserved when fortune takes Patience her injury a mockery makes. The robb'd that smiles steals something from the thief; He robs himself that spends a bootless grief.
"For wisdom is the principle thing. 
Therefore get wisdom,
And with all thy getting, Get understanding."