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The Power Of Insanity

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Insanity is the new normal.
Insanity allows it's practitioners the power to control those around them to the utmost degree. Have you ever tried to argue with an insane person? Have you ever tried to reason with an insane person?

The insane have no clue about their condition, they operate in world of their own creation. They see and hear on a different plane of existence than those of us who are seeking truth.

I'm not sure if insanity is a chosen condition, an organic condition, or a spiritual condition. What I do know is this: Anyone who denies the truth before their eyes is insane!
I know people who have chosen insanity as way to cope with things they are to fearful to face. They have denied the possibility that by seeking a power higher than themselves, they can overcome their fears. Fear causes insanity by the same mechanism that darkness quenches light! They are wandering in the darkness of their fear, they touch the walls of their prison and do not recognise the doors and windows that they are touching, they refuse to acknowledge the familiar and by doing so they have eliminated any chance of escape from their darkness.
Those with an organic or physical deficiency in their brains are probably the easiest to help because they are not in denial like the other two categories are. They are able to find the doors and windows to reality if they are given guidance.
A spiritually deficient insanity shares aspects of both chosen and organic insanity.

Those with no belief in a Higher Power are no doubt as insane as the previous two. Truth is so blatantly obvious if a person even feebly attempts to find it, that there is no doubt that this type of insanity has chosen aspects to it. There is the possibility though, that the spiritual deficit is because that individual has never been exposed to to Truth or Spirit! There are those who have been isolated either by choice or circumstance! These individual may or may not be shown the doors and windows of Truth. If they have the desire to be enlightened and are exposed to Truth by caring individuals, there is a 100% rate of cure for these!

No matter the base cause of insanity, the result for those inflicted is power and control over others. They can not be persuaded by any means and they push their perspective and agenda on the weak, lazy and timid members of society with all boldness and tenacity. The insane can, with ultimate confidence and authority, control the lives of those around them.
I know and have known the insane. When I became aware of their condition, I was able to realize that I could not win a battle with them. I would not be able to persuade them of the error of their thought process.  Because of my circumstance at particular times, I was unable to just walk away from them. I had to placate their insane assumptions and actions in order to ensure my own survival!

I am not saying that I accepted their insanity, but only that I played along in order to be able to continue on with whatever goal I was pursuing.

Today, ALL government, ALL mainstream media, and ALL zio-pharisaic Jews are using insanity to control the rest of humanity. They have been granted this power by the force of darkness and the father of lies that has existed from the beginning of time!
We cannot win this battle with those who have chosen the power of insanity. However, Truth does immunize us from it!
What we can do, is to win the war! We can win it by seeking first the Power of Truth and Love in our own lives. By seeking a perfect and spiritual relationship with the Creator God! With Love we offer our Brothers Truth and Enlightenment that they may be cured of their insanity.
And yes, we are our Brothers keeper!

It is our responsibility as humans to extend a helping hand to those who have fallen.

We cannot force them to accept that hand though. The Truth must be accepted through free will.

Truth will NOT be forced! Truth will not ride in the back seat of life!
Truth cures insanity! Spread it around!
In Peace and Love,