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The Real Meaning of Thanksgiving

Michael James Anthony

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Here are the actual historical records from William Bradford's journal, Of Plymouth Plantation, that may give you a clue as to the real meaning of Thanksgiving.  The original system of "communal living" and of the "commune store," with no private property, established by Bradford for the colony, nearly led to their self-extermination; and, at the time, in fact, the colonists themselves "deemd it a kind of slaverie." 
The conversion from communism to the free market or "free enterprise" system and to land ownership were the reasons for the survival (they had lived through "the starving time") and for the prosperity of the colonists, and, for the celebration of that successful conversion and for their subsequent prosperity.
So read my attachment and learn, and celebrate freedom from slaverie, yes, while keeping in mind the theme of Huxley's Brave New World, which is not the "Big Brother" system of Orwell's 1984, but the warped, corrupt, depraved social concept of "voluntary slavery."  It is similar to and may also be referred to as "ryot tenure:"
A system of land Tenure, where the government takes the place of landowners and collects the rent by means of tax gatherers.. The farming is done by poor peasants, (ryots) who find the capital, so far as there is any, and also do the work. After Slavery, it is accounted the worst of all systems. because the government can fix the rent at what it pleases, and it is difficult to distinguish between rent and taxes. --Black's Law Dictionary

Nowadays the Government has gone beyond this to replacing the ryots, the poor peasant farmers, with factory farms. Let's be thankful for the current reactionary movement of organic and sustainable farming and remain hopeful that we can stop the FDA from prohibiting the people from digging holes and planting plants!

So let the light of the Truth dispel all historical and cultural myths and be thankful for your faith in yourself, and for your full belly, whilst thinking of those who are experiencing their own "starving time" these days, and give them a hand up, not a handout.








Peace, and  . . .
I remain, yours,


Pro Libertate Patriae,

"For the Liberty of My Country"


Michael James Anthony

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Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 5:41 PM
Subject: Fw: The Real Meaning of Thanksgiving