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Rose Oropallo

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You ask me how can I live like this. I ask you "how can you not?" You are leaning hard into the Lord and I am partaking in activism.

I feel (KNOW) that what is being inflicted upon is so EVIL and so SINISTER that I cannot remain SILENT. It is not just about me, my spirituality, my relationship with GOD. I do believe that the bible was ENTIRELY tampered with as ALL the holy books were. I believe all of us were manipulated through them. ONE HUGE PREMISE, that our INACTION is encouraged through the holy books and we are kept IN CONTROL by "it is wriiten."THAT IS CRAP!

We are sitting on our hands praying while these idiots are doing this to US with the "it is written mentality." I believe this is WRONG, I am sorry. I believe GOD would want us to stand up, fight back, get in THEIR FACE, on TV, RADIO, EMAIL, GATHER and fight this NEW (OLD) WORLD ORDER steam rolling us over. I do not believe in ARMAGEDDON. I believe it was written in such a way that all hard core bible believers have the expectation (which THEY have the technology to mimic, deceive, and duplicate) the EXACT SCENARIO that is in the bible. It is SATAN'S PLAN, NOT GODS PLAN. I am firm in this belief.

My belief in a loving and powerful GOD is firm. I do NOT believe in any WRATH, DISCIPLINE, JUDGEMENT in the sense of our country, and feel this is all a way for the Illuminati to CONTROL US....which THEY HAVE BEEN doing for centuries. You have been LIED TO and DECEIVED. The deception is not TO COME, it has BEEN HERE FOR DECADES and its time to WAKE UP.

I have been put on this earth to do EXACTLY what I AM DOING. I am NO LONGER DECEIVED and feel all strict bible believers ARE. No offense please.  I have done SO MUCH research that few have undertaken. I have found SO many contradictions in the bible that few will admit. Jesus, called IMMANUEL, MICHAEL, etc etc etc. I have a pastor who believes the bible as his sole reference and if it is or isn't in the bible, it has or has not happened or WILL HAPPEN.

I believe it is SHEER COMPLACENCY and IGNORANCE, again no offense. I am a free will creature that thinks independently of a bible or anything else I see or hear. It saddens me the DAMAGE the bible has done in its encouraging complacency of those who believe it to be the solemn and sole reference about what is to come. It is a travesty in my eyes.

We are apathetic (results of fluoride) and complacent and deceived. We DESERVE EVERYTHING that the NEW(OLD) WORLD ORDER dishes OUT and have had all the tools to stop it and DID NOTHING in the name of 'it is written." Its CRAP.

Satan is REAL, GOD is REAL and MUCH of the bible is BULLSHIT. I have the history from Constantinople, The Council of Nicea, the OLD HOLY BOOKS taken OUT of the bible before it got to YOU and have even READ some of them. The SECOND POPE (the VATICAN-SATAN itself) took the TRUTH OUT TO CONTROL YOU.

If you KNEW what the VATICAN has DONE, you would throw the bible into the fire. The TEN commandments are REAL, the RULES in which man should operate are REAL and what FEW observe. THEY ARE IN ALL THE HOLY BOOKS, however, the other portions are also there. I can read any verse and chapter now and pick out real and bull and sift threw it like a pro. I can tell you ALL the SACRIFICE TALK is ancient from when the ANNUNAKI walked earth. Its crap. I am well educated now, and know where it was hijacked.

Christians worship on the WRONG DAY, (sun worship day) The Sabbath WAS Saturday-named after SATAN. Christmas, Easter etc ALL A FARCE to SPIT in the face of the true GOD. The deception is so DEEP you need a nuclear bomb to be rid of it all. I cannot go into any more of this now but you have NO idea.

I send you emails to wake up the general populace, because I DO BELIEVE IT STOPPABLE and that WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS EVIL WITH GODS HELP. Be our POWER AND MIGHT is suppressed by "it is written." I do not believe in Armageddon that is written but DO BELIEVE in the one that IS COMING BY OUR COMPLACENCY. That the EVIL ONES are going to copy ARMAGEDDON to the tea, so YOU ALL THINK what is written is what is SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN. More deception. I am sorry but I know SO MUCH now that I too have given up on mankind to stop this madness. I then, REGROUP, RETOOL, call a couple LIKE MINDS that I AM TELLING YOU ARE IN THE KNOW, get my composure back and start to fight again.

I am on this earth to fight back, am AWAKE, totally and its getting HARDER to watch the madness and deception you are all under and sleep at night.

SO SORRY if I have offended you. It is not my intent. You are a good person and your faith unmovable. That, I feel will be our ultimate destruction.

It is MY PURPOSE to wake the deceived from their slumber, fight back, not believe everything shoved down their throat since birth, to begin to question. How can you look up in the sky at the chem trails and not fight. That is my question? GOD is SO DISAPPOINTED IN OUR INACTION, that I cannot even express it.The EVIL ones need to be EXPOSED, hung for treason, the planes stopped, the ELITE brought down on their knees, the money system of FRAUD exposed, the NON GO VT agency's such as the IRS, NSA, FBI, Interpol etc exposed, the lies and the senseless wars STOPPED and exposed, the twin towers investigation re opened and expose SATAN for who they are...the catholic church BLOWN UP along with the VATICAN, the DRUG TRADE closed, S510 stopped, mandatory VACCINES stopped-bio weapons exposed etc. Pray,,,,,,YES,,,,,,,ACT ,,,,,,,,YES. Pray alone is a cop out and NOT GODS PLAN. That is why he made us FREE WILL CREATURES. If we loose humanity it will be OUR APATHY and INACTION and NOT GODS WILL.

I believe there is NO FEAR, NO DEATH. THAT GOD IS PURE LOVE. All wrath, judgement, it is written is NOTHING BUT CONTROL OF YOU. Make NO mistake. By taking the final chapter of the holy books as gospel, we create negative expectation and FEAR which is like oxygen to the EVIL ones. By their creating a world of FEAR, guilt, fault, terror, horror, films, mag, papers and ARMAGEDDON, they are getting what THEY WANT, not what WE WANT or DESERVE. They have YOUR number and EVERY other Christian who walks the earth that hasn't figured this out. It will be our demise. me. Until people get OFF their KNEES and start carrying a megaphone and clubs, will GOD SMILE on us.



XOXOXOX I love ya.


Nov. 6, 2010