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Free Will is Free! (Updated Sept. 8, 2010

J. Speer Williams

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Have the will of a lion, and ye shall be free, even in a slave state.

No one has all the answers. I merely have points of view - view points, I invite you to consider.

Since the beginnings of philosophical thought, the validity, or even the existence, of free will has been questioned. Some have said self determinism doesn't exist, that our choices, decisions, and actions are determined by the material universe, and by those would-be gods of determinism, leaving us no free will at all for the rest of us.

Metaphysical libertarians disagree, believing in a God who encourages free will, as a method of spiritual progress, and as a path to ever increasing free will powers: The more free will we exercise, the more free will we'll have.

We all have the potential to exercise freewill, in spite of governments that try to steal our free will, through a variety of guises: national security, majority rule, consumer protection, the will of the people, are all Trojan Horses to deprive us of our free will.

Free will is an inalienable right, borne from an individual's realizations about life, that comes from within, irrespective of group think, the hive mind, the herd mentality, polls, or governmental mandates, regulations, policies, or laws. In a free society, there must be no infringement upon the god-given rights of free beings to exercise their free will. Denying beings their free will because of how they may exercise that free will is the stratagem long employed by tyrants, and too often supported and defended by the voices and actions of the unthinking, unreasoning masses.

There can be legitimate penalties imposed upon those whose exercise of their free will hurts others, but there can be no prohibitions against free will itself, in a free society.

Through the exercise of free will, we learn of light and darkness, of truth/lies, of positive/negative, and of right from wrong. In this sense, individual free will is God’s will; and, those who would try to thwart God’s will by limiting our free will are attempting to supplant their Creator, a preposterous impossibility, utterly devoid of wisdom, or even common sense.

When governments turn god-given rights into privileges, granted by the state, they are attempting to disempower man, and eventually turn him into a slave, something only possible with the consent of the majority of people, usually a people who prefer security over freedom.

Those who make freedom their secondary concern, and security their first, will soon have neither security or freedom. True security can only come from free beings wisely exercising their free will; and, anything short of that is a tyranny.

Mandating vaccines, requiring full body scans, making us buy expensive health insurance, imposing increased taxes, bombing and invading foreign countries, torturing human beings, all whether we agree or not are all proofs of a tyranny, a tyranny intent on destroying all free will and free beings alike.

The intentions of the state are manifest; and as one's pulse is a reflection of one's heart, the free will of free beings will plainly demonstrate their intent to remain free, even while being labeled as terrorists by the spinmeisters of the controlled, corporate media.

Peaceful Revolution, Civil Disobedience, Lawful Disobedience, and Lawful Rebellion are the actions of free beings, exercising their free will. If a healthy lion did not rebel against man killing him, or taking him prisoner, he would not be a lion. A free man exercises his free will or he is not a free being.

Ultimately, slavery and freedom are both personal decisions of our free will. Never believe you are a slave; a prisoner, perhaps, but never a slave.

Have the will of a lion, and ye shall be free, even in a prison or a slave state.

J. Speer-Williams



----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Williams
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: Free Will is Free:the Only Price is Increased Consciousness
Below is my response to a reader who took exception to my article entitled, Free-Will is Free.
Dear Bruce,
Some people misconstrue free-will expression, thinking it means to be unbound by physical laws. Material existence is God's training ground for our spiritual evolution, along the paths of increased consciousness. Increasing the rigors of our schooling in physicality are the dark factions of the Illuminati, who possess less potential for free-will development than we do. 
Those dark forces therefore rely on advanced technology in efforts to fool us into limiting our own exercises of free-will, with the low vibrations of war, ignorance, fear, hate, revenge, stress, and sickness. 
Most TV, many movies, fast-cardboard-genetically modified foods, aspartame, fluorides, vaccines, prescription/street drugs, chemtrails, promiscuity, perverted sex, religious intolerances, and all negative emotions are use to decrease our consciousnesses and prevent our exercise of free-will. 
These Machiavellian deceptions are often called "National Security" or "Democracy" or "Consumer Protection" or the "will of the people". The implementation of the welfare state is simply a ruse to limit our exercise of free-will.
The so-called illuminated ones loudly and continuously assert that "central planning " is must, in order to avoid chaos, as we can ill afford to have everyone "doing their own thing," which seems logical to those who do not understand the nature of spiritual development. They – the dark ones – covertly create wars, "natural" catastrophes, diseases, and economic hardships, to which they claim can only be resolved with world-wide central planning – all at the expense of our individual spiritual growth, the expansion of our consciousness and free-will capabilities.
Our matriculation into this "school of hard knocks" is, however, by divine design. It is here that we, as aspects of God, increase our consciousness and therefore fulfill our capacities for free-will expression and become ever larger sparks of God. Our Creator has never meant for us to be slaves of his or slaves of anyone else, but instead to eventually become his companions in his Kingdom of Glory. God allows the free-will expression of the dark ones, so we may learn, grow, and become conscious enough to reside with him. Increased consciousness is our "ticket to ride," and free-will expression the "glory train."
The gradient scale of free-will evolvement probably begins with one's free thoughts of agreement or disagreement with aspects of life and the socio-political-economic realities therein; but theoretically, the exercise of free-will has no absolute upper-end.
One thing, however, is self-evident among advanced metaphysicians: beings with a positive orientation will not allow their increasing free-will powers to evolve beyond their levels of responsibility to all forms of life, thus eliminating the chaos of various free-wills at war with each other. Quite to the contrary, as such beings grow richer and advance spiritually by understanding and appreciating the viewpoints of others, always recognizing the greatest good for all.
Be ye no longer deceived and coerced into believing you are without the potential for free-will, for with enough knowledge ye may regain the full use of your former free-will, and thereby gain ever more. The more you evolve spiritually with self awareness and consciousness, the greater will become your free-will, until at last the dark ones will have no more negative effects on you.
With Love, Light, and Peace, Jack
On Sep 6, 2010, at 8:17 PM, BRUCE wrote:

He called it free will, and as such I disagree -- we are all bound by laws, and to take his argument to the ultimate degree, we would act on every single whim we have -- and this would be pure chaos.
However, what he DESCRIBED sounded more like free THOUGHT -- and in that, I agree with him.  Advertisors, moral majority, government -- none of that can take away our right to think for ourselves.
I would add (not in the predestination/free will sense) that as we call Jesus LORD of our lives, it is incumbent upon us to obey His will -- and to say that His will is that we have free will is to deny His Lordship.  I'm reading "The Gospel According to Jesus" and the whole first chapter is dedicated to the fact that we are SLAVES of Christ!!

God is Love  SDG