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Rocky Montana / 8-28-2010

As you can see from the article entitled 'TRUTH OF "RULES" ' (below) the Creator or Source of all things and all souls has sent His finest teachers and prophets to all the tribes of this earth, to teach simple truths for human conduct and for understanding of our divinity.  One truth in point is what the Western world calls the "Golden Rule".  This simple truth was given so that man could learn to live in peace and harmony one with his fellow man and use it to guide his own thoughts, words and actions in benefit of the whole over self.  People of truth have always had this common, divine Law to live by and the opportunity to consciously decide to unite under it as One human family, within the One, or not to.  This is man's common heritage.  With the rewriting and misinterpretation of most of the holy books throughout the world by those who would and continue to control us, we have asked for, and have been given, again, the divine laws regarding proper human conduct.  This Truth (the Word) is freely available to everyone who seeks it on the fourwinds website.  It is Phoenix Journal #27, entitled PHOENIX OPERATOR/OWNER MANUAL'.  In it are listing and explanation of the 18 Laws of God and The Creation, the seven deadly sins, how to recognize the Anti-Christ within and messages from Aton, Sananda and Hatonn.  There is no wiggle room for misinterpretation of the laws in this book.  Nor is there any longer need for argument of one religion over another.  The only question is, will we choose to continue on in further falseness and other ways of man or will we recognize our divine heritage and finally begin to live in grace within the true Laws of our Source and the Creation?  Lady Nada tells us:   

"I wish to remind you that the ultimate goal is to return to the Source.  You must keep your eyes on the goal.  If you can do so, you will realize that all your choices will be compatible with the attainment of that goal.  You will be led by the Source within to make the choices amenable for your spiritual growth and renewal."

Resource: 'Choices by Lady Nada' through Hazel, August 19, 2010


4/9/92 #2    HATONN


What of the Laws?  Let us consider the "similarities" of the different Masters for it is interesting to you, perhaps, to discover the many versions of that basic natural Law of all rational human conduct, that Law referred to in the Western world as the "Golden Rule".

Major religions of the world teach this "rule" so let us look at it closely as to its various presentations.

Christianity:  All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do you even so to them; for this is the Law and the prophets.      [R.M.: and said another way, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."]

Judaism:  What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowmen.  This is the entire Law: all the rest is commentary.  See, no "eye for eye" or "tooth for tooth" written for and by MAN. Simply put" What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowmen.

Brahmanism:  This is the sum of duty: Do naught unto other which would cause you pain if done to you.

Buddhism:  Hurt not others in ways you would find hurtful.

Confucianism:  Surely it is the maxim of loving-kindness: Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you.

Taoism:  Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss.

Zoroastrianism:  The nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself.

Islam:  No one of you is a believer until he desires his brother that which he desires for himself. 


Considering the fact that this Law has been known and understood by some for thousands of years, in the name of common sense why is this natural Law not being taught as such in every school and every grade, in every cult, church and temple--in every country of the world?

Why did I not include the aboriginal belief in the above listings?  Because I listed "religions" of the world in major categories.  The aboriginal presentation of the ancient wisdomkeepers had no "religion"--they WERE BROUGHT FORTH IN TRUTH BEFORE THE "RELIGIONS" WERE SET FORTH BY MAN.  Ponder it for it may mean a great deal in your journey into Truth.

Phoenix Journal #49, p. 13-15

Article sent by  Rocky Montana