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...Pray, Please Pray for the Life of Our Mother

Jack Williams

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most football teams will punt, and

hope for the best.

When you're trailing with seconds

left to play, most quarterbacks will

throw a "Hail Mary" and pray for

divine intervention.

With perhaps the greatest catastrophe

in recorded history facing us in the

Gulf of Mexico, we all-Christians or

not- religious or not- need to pray

for the diving intercession of the Holy

Mother- Mary, to save us and all

other life forms from what appears to

be the final and irreversible end of

life on the planet Earth.

I've read that one quart of motor oil

makes 250,000 gallons of ocean

water toxic to all marine and wildlife.

And, with a million, or more, gallons

of crude oil, a week, gushing from the

volcanic eruption in the Gulf, how

long will it be before all of our

oceans are dead?

We need clean, healthy oceans to maintain

the proper oxygen levels in our

atmosphere, in order to sustain life

throughout our world.

Whether or not the dark operatives of the

International Monetary/Banking Cartel

brought about this wholly unprecedented

cataclysm, either through ignorance or by

design, for their own cryptic, dark, and

pathological reasons, is not now of utmost


Mankind can somehow survive with the

tyranny, pestilence, poverty, wars and

tortures imposed on us by our central

governments, but we cannot survive with a

dead Mother Earth.

What is important now is we all pray to

our God.

Brothers and sisters, pray, please pray for

the life of our Mother.

J. Speer-Williams