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Rocky Montana

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From: Rocky Montana
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 1:12 PM


(A Call to action to ALL American citizens who want to create a better future for our Community, our Nation, and our World)


Rocky Montana


Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda has said, "The Spirit of man can perform miracles through the knowledge of the Truth, for when you pray to your Spirit, whatever you request will be given to you, if it truly is a desire, for believe with knowledge, and you will receive."

Patrick Bellringer has petitioned for a "call for prayer",  He states: "The few Lightbearers and Truthbringers have struggled on against great odds.  They have held the line, but they need more help, our help to win.  They need our positive energy, our prayer power to win."  I mirror his petition and suggest that we-the-people come together to use our little-used, "God-given power" to produce the "POWER OF COLLECTIVE THOUGHT" , a group-mind of sorts, to manifest a specific positive outcome or to stop a specific negative outcome from manifesting, for the benefit of America and all Americans.

You and most enlightened people are aware of their own "POWER OF THOUGHT".  Many refer to this as the "prayer" or simply as "an intense and sustained mental effort".   Many of us have experienced that when we focus on bringing something positive into our lives in an intense and sustained effort, we can make it manifest.  Conversely, we have also experienced that when we worry about something, or fear a particular outcome intensely, we can make that manifest as well.  So, knowing that this"power of thought" is real, we can use this knowledge in a group effort to produce a great "POWER OF COLLECTIVE THOUGHT" (group prayer) toward manifesting something positive for our Community, for our Nation, and for our World.  We simply have not experienced much of a success with this phenomenon thus far because we haven't really attempted to use it in a focused and sustained united effort.

I can think of no more important, specific concern (RIGHT NOW) than stopping the passage of the Socialistic, freedom-usurping, money-usurping Government Health Care bill. It will not reform Health Care in this country, it will damage our national Sovereignty and individual rights, and it will drain our bank accounts for years before it is even enacted. IT IS TANTAMOUNT TO STEALING FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! We-the-people have made our disapproval of this bill well known to Congress and the Administration and yet the Democrats in both Houses are hell-bent on passing this bill. GOD DOES NOT WANT HIS PEOPLE TO LIVE UNDER THE TYRANNY OF THIS OR ANY OTHER SOCIALISTIC LAWS! IT IS TIME HIS PEOPLE COME TOGETHER IN PRAYER TO DEFEAT THIS DIABOLICAL BILL!  If you feel the same way then this is your opportunity.

The Democratic Senators unilaterally passed their version of the Health Care bill on Christmas Eve 60-39 against the will of the majority of the American people and the all Republican Senators.  This is a sad day for individual freedom in America and the U.S. Constitution.  However, all is not lost, both the House and the Senate bills must be merged and voted again by both Houses of Congress.  

Here is the suggestion:

Let us use our God-given power to produce the "POWER OF COLLECTIVE THOUGHT" (group prayer) to defeat the "THE COMBINED HEALTH-CARE BILL".  We have perhaps 2-4 weeks to make this happen, that is, potentially, a lot of thought power. 
Let us come together for 15 minute periods of intense and sustained mental effort (prayer) from today until the final vote is taken. I have begun my prayer periods at 9 AM and continued at 12 Noon, 3 PM, 6 PM, and 9 PM in my own time zone. (I use these times because they are easy to remember.) Each participant can use their own time zones where they live and choose one or more prayer periods as they wish.
Start your prayer period by asking for the assistance of the Lighted forces of God in defeating the Senate Health-Care bill.  Use a mantra (a repeated phrase) such as: "THE HEALTH-CARE BILL HAS BEEN DEFEATED "!   Visualize this desired outcome on the front page of all newspapers.

Should the combined bill pass both the Senate and the House vote, it will go to President Obama for signing.  DON'T GIVE UP!  Change your mantra to fit the situation, such as, " PRESIDENT OBAMA VETOED THE SENATE HEALTH-CARE BILL" and visualize that outcome.

We have two chances to stop this bill.  LET'S COME TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY AND CREATE "A MIRACLE ON EAST CAPITOL STREET"!  Time is fleeting so please consider joining in this effort starting today!  Fax this to your friends and associates and thank you for your participation.

P.S.  We-the-people can precipitate another worthwhile goal for America and American citizens during the same frame as we are precipitating the above result by perhaps assigning different days for different precipitations.  Does anyone have a worthy suggestion? 


*   *   *



Remez Sasson's writing below is an enlightening article on the power of mind and thoughts:

Mind Power - The Power of Thoughts


By Remez Sasson

Mind power is the second strongest power next to the spirit. The thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Your predominant thoughts influence your behavior and attitude and control your actions and reactions. As your thoughts are, so is your life.

You have to be careful of what you think. Thoughts are like a video cassette that is played in the VCR of the mind. What you play is what you see and experience. What you think is what you live. To make changes in your life it is necessary to eject the old video cassette and insert a new one that you like.

The power of thoughts is creative. It is possible to train and strengthen it. With it you can cause your thoughts to manifest on the material plane and you can influence other people's minds.

If you give seeds water and fertilizers they grow into healthy and strong plants. Thoughts, like seeds, have a natural tendency to grow and manifest on the material level if they are fed with attention and interest.

Your thoughts pass to your subconscious mind, which in turn influences your actions in accordance with these thoughts. Your thoughts also pass to other minds, and consequently people who are in a position to help, give you their help, sometimes without even knowing why. The power of your mind is part of the creative power of the Universe, which means that your thoughts work together with the mighty Universal mind.

Using effectively the power of thoughts can be termed "practical daydreaming".

Visualize a perfect scene of whatever you want to accomplish.

Repeat them often, with faith and attention, and the subconscious will accept them as real experiences. It does not differentiate between real and imaginary experiences, and accepts them both as real.

Actions, situations and objects that you visualize frequently eventually manifest on the material plane in a natural way. It is as if new software has been installed in the mind, and which affects the outer world. This manifestation does not happen overnight. It needs time, and depends on how ambitious and sincere you are, and how much time and attention you put into this action.

This process can be used for changing, improving or developing any kind of habit, ability or skill, and it is useful for gaining money, possessions and promotion, for building a business, improving health and relationships, changing circumstances and for practically almost everything.

Pay attention to the thoughts you think. Learn to let into your mind only the thoughts that bring good, happy and positive results.

[End quoting]