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Exploration Of The Third Way: The God And Darwin Deception Of Mankind

Sorcha Faal:

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“I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword”

Jesus, Book of MatthewChapter10 Verse 34

“I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true...this is a damnable doctrine.”

Charles Robert Darwin (1809 - 1882)

Sorcha Faal:  $35.49 (US) Worldwide Shipping & Handling: $4.50 (US)

In this critical treatise on the state of humanity as it enters what, without a doubt, will be its most crucial years of this age, the Sorcha Faal lays out for the courageous reader the two most prevalent deceptions she states “literally infects” the minds of anyone attempting to find the truth of who they are, and why they are here on Earth in the first place…Religion and Science…and that keeps them from their most natural form of being she calls…The Third Way.

Join the Sorcha Faal in this epic adventure wherein she details how both Religion and Science were deliberately created as psychological traps for anyone daring enough to explore the reasons behind their existence, and once fallen into are nearly impossible to escape from.


Learn the real reasons behind the explosion of drug and alcohol abuse that now sees over half of all human beings in our World addicted to either legal or illegal substances, both provided to a rapidly growing insane human race by the very powers that oversee it.

Discover the greatest fear these overseers have, that you will someday awaken to the deceptions of both Religion and Science and fall upon the path of The Third Way you were always meant to be on in the first place. 

Find Out for yourself the truth of how truly powerful you really are, how as a human being the only limitations you have are those you have been forced to place on yourself.

Awaken yourself to the many signs used by these overseers; one of which you are now confronted with on a daily basis through your mass media by celebrities, religious leaders and politicians alike that it has now permeated virtually every movie and television show on Earth, and which you WILL NOT be able to find depicted by media whatsoever prior to 1995. 


Recognize that every single answer to every single question you could ever ask is already inside you and that both Religion and Science have been deliberately created to keep you from doing this.

Do Not Forget that the battle lines in the conflict you now find yourself in have already been drawn, you ARE marked as an enemy by the ruthless rulers of this World, and you ARE marked for destruction.   

Your Only Hope for survival is in gaining the knowledge of what is real and what is false in this World, and which the Sorcha Faal now invites you to join her in examining so that you will not only be prepared for what is to come, you will also be able to survive.

And as the Sorcha Faal points out in her treatise, “Like Dorothy had failed to see that the Ruby Slippers she wore were her truest power, so do people of today ‘see without seeing’ mankind’s oldest symbol of power, the Caduceus; which though worn by men and women of healing the world over, they still fail to understand that the double-helix intertwined serpents upon the ‘Cross of Wings’ contains the complete instructions for their rebirth.”      

To go into any battle against a determined enemy unarmed is beyond foolish, it is suicide.  And the arms you will need to survive this war are Knowledge and Truth, and which this latest book by the Sorcha Faal is intended to be another weapon at your disposal.  You are strongly encouraged to avail yourself of it now.